The Greatest Sniper Reincarnates in a Fantasy World
The Greatest Sniper Reincarnates in a Fantasy World
Author: Campoccino
Grim Reaper's Death


That’s the name granted to the strongest sniper in the world Asther Wolfhorn. There is not a single assassin who doesn’t know his name. The man who, at the age of twelve, assassinated a whole group of terrorists all by himself. The man who, at the age of fifteen, took out a whole mafia gang that numbered in a thousand. The man who, at the age of twenty, is responsible for destroying a large underground criminal organization without even being noticed – not until he finished his work.

His accuracy is so on point that he can even make a clear short in the middle of a thunderstorm. It doesn’t matter if you hide under a bunker. It doesn’t matter if you fly a hundred thousand feet above the ground. It doesn’t matter if you hide in an island that’s far away from any good sniping point, this man…Death…he will find you.


He has killed dictators. Slain terrorists. Destroyed organizations. He is a nightmare that nobody wishes to confront. Not once has he been caught and not once has he missed his shot. That is how proficient the man is. Earning him the nickname “Death”. For when death comes for you, there is no way to escape.

It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter how many connections you have. It doesn’t matter how powerful you are. Rai will always find a way to reap your soul. Immortalizing him as the image of death. Yet, ironically, the man is just another mortal.

He lived his whole life assassinating people. But at the age of seventy, the man weakened. His mind is still as cunning, but his body is far from its glory days. The movements he makes are far from being the same speed and, the same can be said for his stamina and his speed.

Weakened, a lot of assassins started aiming for his life. All because they wanted to claim the fame that comes from killing Death itself.

Day in and day out, Rai would find a gun aimed at his head and a knife pointed at his back. No matter how good he is, there is a limit to how much his body would cooperate with him. And thus, execution day finally came. 

“The great and powerful Asther. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.” A man with red hair walked out of the shadows. This man is Blaze, one of the many who are tied at the place of second-best assassin.

This man has hunted him for a whole year. Throughout the course of the months, Asther would always find himself in a predicament. With traps being laid out for him. In all forms and variations possible. Mines. Poison. Decoys. Toxic gas. Venomous animals and insects. These have all been utilized for the sole purpose of taking down Death.

That day was no different. Asther actually had no time to sleep. He was on the run for a solid twenty-four hours straight. All because his enemies have begun closing in on him. However, he is able to prolong his capture to this extent. Even killing off some of the goons and assassins that went after him.

Yet there is a limit to how much he can do. The old man has a gunshot wound on the side of his waist. He has a deep cut on his left leg and a stab on the other. Asther gasped for air; a result of having to be constantly on the run and not having enough sleep. He felt cold and warm at the same time. Making his head feel fuzzy and his eyesight a bit blurry. But he tried his best to not show any weakness. Because if there’s anything that he knows, it’s that he wouldn’t be able to escape even if he begged.

“If you’re gonna end me, do it quick.” Asther told Blaze.

“Oh come on now. Do you know how long we waited for this moment to come? Pinning you down isn’t an easy task you know.” Blaze said in a victorious tone.

He isn’t the only assassin who came that night. There are a total of nine other high profile assassins nearby. These aren’t the same ones who hunted Rai within the day. No. These are the ones who worked as the minds of the operation – all of them positioned in such a way that Asther has no means of escape.

“You really planned this through didn’t you?” The reaper commented.

“Well, it’s the reaper that we’re talking about here. I don’t want to take any chances.”

Guns are pointed at the old reaper. He could feel the bloodlust and the killing intent which came from the assassins. Hinting him that there’s no way out. This is truly his last stage and, knowing this, the reaper began to laugh.

The tone of Asther's voice wasn’t hysterical. Nor did he bellow in laughter. No. It’s a normal and a controlled laughter. And it is precisely because of this calm ridiculing of Rai that the assassins felt unsettled.

“What’s so funny old man?” Blaze asked but Asther simply continued laughing. This irritated the second strongest assassin. Making him pull the trigger of his gun, grazing the cheek of the old man who finally stopped.

“I asked you a question.”

Asther smirked. “Do you really think that threatening me would yield you any results?”

Blaze made another shot, this time hitting the knee of the old man. “I suppose that is true but, if you think we’re gonna give you a painless death, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“That’s not gonna happen.”

“Not gonna happen?” This time, it’s Blaze’s turn to laugh. “Do you even understand the situation you’re in old man? Or is that senile brain of yours not working properly anymore?”

“My brain is working perfectly fine kid. In fact, it’s already come up with a way to end my life with a bit more flare.”

“Cut the crap old man, there’s no trick you can pull anymore. You’re badly injured as you are now and your prized rifle has been taken care of. In fact, you don’t even have a weapon you can use right now.”

Blaze could already feel the triumph. He could smell the fame that would come after killing the best assassin in history. His confidence at that moment could not be matched…the exact reason why Asther's sudden smirk unnerved him.


One word. This is all that the old man said. Yet with just this, Blaze felt a cold chill run down his spine. It isn’t only him who felt this. All the assassins that have joined him in that quest all felt the same sensation. Death.

Asther opened his hands and, something dropped from it right away. The sound of small metals hitting each other resounded in the silence. The old man watched as the look on Blaze’s face quickly turned to fear. And in his final moment, the reaper said:

“You’re all coming with me.”

The small metals are safety pins of grenades and, even before anyone could move, a huge explosion filled the area.

That night, all of the renowned assassins of the world are killed, including Death himself - Asther Wolfhorn.

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