The Beginnings of an Assassin

[You have competed the Sudden Quest!]

[You have gained 500 experience points.]

[You have leveled up!]

[You are now level 11!]

[You have gained Obsidian Daggers D]

These are the notifications that the System displayed. One after the other, the text came up. After the last one appeared, something strange happened. A weapon materialized right in front of Asther. Having a brilliant glow which immediately dimmed down until Asther is left with the weapon’s base color.

The System’s [Analysis] function immediately worked on the weapon. Allowing Asther to see the specifics that comes with it.

[Weapon Name: Obsidian Daggers]

[Rank: D]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Information: A weapon crafted from the scales of a cave centipede. This weapon is known for its durability and its sharpness in cutting.]

[Information: Infusing the wielder’s mana on the weapon will allow the blade to extend in length temporarily. The extended blade is just as sharp as the original blade.]

“You look useful.” He raised the weapon in the air, observing it through the dim light provided by the exit of the cave. Asther was about to turn his attention to what was just mentioned but, before he could, another System window popped up.

[You have gained the passive skill Weak Spot]

“Passive skill? What is that all about?”

[These are skills that you gain by performing certain tasks master.]

Asther thought back on the things that he did when he woke up. The only thing noteworthy is the fact that he fought against the giant centipedes. He then remembered how he tried to look at where and when to strike. How he rode the final centipede and forced it to follow his will.

However, just thinking about it won’t give him the answers that he needs. That’s why he turned to the System for answers.

“What do they do exactly?”

[Would you like me to display the information master?]

“Yes. That’d be helpful.”



[Skill Name: Weak Spot]

[Rank: F-]

[Skill Type: Passive]

[Mana Consumption: None]

[Information: Allows the wielder of the skill to find the weak spots of an enemy. The skill will only apply during combat. Landing a hit on the weak spot will generate a guaranteed critical hit.]

[Information: A weak spot will only appear once five minutes have passed in a fight. This timer gets reduced depending on the skill’s rank.]

[Information: The number of weak spots that can be found is relevant to the skill’s rank. More efficient weak spots will come out at higher ranks of the skill.]

[Current number of weak spots that can be found – 2]

“Passive huh.”

Asther isn’t completely new to the world of gaming. As an assassin, there are times when he had virtual training. Using holograms in games in order to increase his skill level safely. There are also missions where he became a game developer or even a real gamer at that. This is why he understands most of the concepts that the System displayed.

Passive means that it does need his command for it to work. It is a skill that is never turned off. As for the rank, it’s basically the efficiency level of the skill. The higher the level of the passive, the better it would be for him.

“How did I gain this passive exactly?”

[You acquired it when you tried to find the gap in the defenses of the centipedes master.]

“Just as I thought.” Asther crossed his arms. “Is there a specific list of the passives and the methods on acquiring them then?”

[Unfortunately there isn’t any data like that master.]

“So how did you show me the information about Weak Spot?” Asther asked further.

[Data on the passive skill will only appear once it is acquired master.]

“I see. So it’s that type of System.”

One of the many reasons why Asther is such a capable assassin is because of his vast knowledge. In life, those who have more knowledge and know how to properly apply them are the ones on top. Asther has applied this principle in his life and has never taken it away, even in that new life of his.

“In this world, am I the only one who can gain a passive skill this way?”

[Yes master. The regular citizens only start acquiring their passives once their job class has been chosen.]

“So there’s also a job class. I figured as much.” Asther closed his eyes and thought of the things that still needed clarification. He wants to know about the job classes as well. However, his body was already complaining at that point. It’s sore all over and his stomach grumbled from time to time.

He needs to eat and stay healthy. That’s one of the basics that Asther knows that he needs. Hence the teen decided to stick to one last question and a few follow ups that could come with it.

“How many passive skills can I possess? Is there a limit to it?”

[At the moment you can only wield 5 passive skills master. The number of passive skills you can acquire is directly corelated to half of your current level.]

“Right. That should be enough for now.” Asther stood up. But as he turned his head towards the cave’s exit, the System window appeared once again.

[There’s one more thing master.]

“What is it?” As soon as Asther asked this, the System’s displayed changed.

[Congratulations! You have reached the level requirement to choose an Active Skill!]

[Pick one of the following:]

[Skill Name: Merger]

[Rank: A+]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumption: 500 for every skill that’s used as a catalyst.]

[Information: Allows the caster to combine two or more spells. The spell that comes out from this process will share the qualities of the two that has been combined. Skills that are too uncomplimentary will fail in merging.]

[Information: Current merging limit is twice per month.]

[Skill Name: Hell’s Fire]

[Rank: A+]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumption: 500]

[Information: Upon casting, a great spiral of flames will appear at the desired location.]

[Information: Activation radius limit is fifty meters. Casting the skill any further than this will result in the skill not activating. Half of the mana will be refunded for every unsuccessful casting.]

[Skill Name: Null]

[Rank: A+]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumption: 500]

[Information: The next spell that would be used on the caster will not have any effect. This spell is limited to only one use a day.]

“A utility spell. An offensive spell. A defensive spell. Not bad for the variety.” Asther crossed his arms and closed his arms – thinking of the skills that are available for him.

In his head, the assassin thought that it’s too early for him to make a pick. He has no idea about a lot of variables yet. Although he has all the memories of the previous body owner, this will not suffice for him to make a considerably good choice. After all, the original Asther is barely fifteen years old and has never left his village. Not even once.

“System, can I choose the skill at a later time?”

[Certainly master. You can choose your desired skill anytime.]

“Good. I’ll hold it off for now then.”

[Understood master.]

“Now, all that’s left is to return to the village.”

Even before he could take another step, another System window appeared in front of him. Asther is known for his calm demeanor but, the way the System kept popping up out of nowhere is beginning to test his patience.

He took a deep breath. Asther knows that there’s no point getting irritated with a System. That’s why he decided to simply read the new information it displayed so that he can continue on with what he was about to do.

[Main Quest: Assassinate the Hero]

[Reward: One wish]

[Sub Quest: Kill the Hero’s’ Subordinates]

Asther clicked on the sub quest that’s provided for him. As soon as he did, the number of quests expanded. Multiple names went on display and, as he skimmed through all of them, they have one thing in common. That is, all of them has a label of [Hero’s Ally] under their names.

He didn’t bother scanning through the other information provided for this. Asther decided that he can leave this for later. All that’s important is that he knows that there are ten allies of this hero. And among these is a name that’s familiar to Asther from the memory given by his new body.

[Vesmond Leonhart]

This is the original Asther’s father. The same man who abandoned the boy and his mother. The same man who allowed these two to suffer and, also, the same man whom the reaper now has as his target.

“Would you look at that. You’re really in great luck kid. Your old man is part of my quest.”

There’s no reply to this of course. The real Asther is already dead and the reaper is simply taking this teen’s body and persona as his own. But, for some reason, he could feel that this person is delighted. He can feel that the real Asther is excited about what is to come.

“It’s gonna take some time, but I assure you that I’ll get the job done.” Asther closed all the System windows. “I’m the Reaper after all.”

Asther moved out of the cave right away. He didn’t need to raise his guard because he’s sure that there aren’t any monsters other than those he encountered in the pit. And if there are any, then the bullies who brought him there won’t have even been able to reach the place. He knows that they would’ve been killed if other monsters lurked at the surface level of the area.

Hence Asther is able to leave without any worry. The sun is still up and shinning brightly. From the heat that it brought and from the direction of the shadows, he could surmise that it’s already afternoon. But as to how much time actually passed by, he has no idea on this matter.

“I’m probably cause quite a ruckus once I return there.” Asther looked at his clothes. There is some blood on it. His own for that matter.

“I’ll need a good alibi.” As he said this, he heard a rustling on the bush. Making him turn his attention to it as a small rabbit came out.

Asther’s lips curved to a smile. “Perfect. This will do.”

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