Killers and an Assassin

Asther got up early in the morning. Long before the sun could come out, the teen is already geared up for the day ahead. There are things that require preparation by him after all. That’s why he needs to get up early.

He took his new daggers, his flint and steel and, also a piece of rope which he also stole from Baron’s room. After this he opened the System. Making sure of things before he continued with his plans.

“Show me the information about the centipedes.”

[Yes Master]

Since Asther has leveled up, he can now see some of the information that has been blocked from him because of the level gap he had with the centipedes when he fought these.

[Information: Although they don’t use it for combat, the bodies of the centipedes are actually filled with venomous liquids. These are lethal once injected to any person. Killing them in a matter of seconds.]

“Perfect.” Asther said after reading through the whole thing. “That’s exactly the kind of thing that I need to see.”


“Yes? What is it?”

[Lord Vold is asking how you knew about the poison.]

“Vold huh.”

The information given by the System at that moment told Asther one thing, that the god of war is keeping an eye on him. As to how long this has gone on, he has no clue. But now he is sure that he has Vold’s attention. Although, he isn’t sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

“Those centipedes are creatures that live in the depths of that cave. Usually, creatures like that also need a defensive mechanism in order to survive. Of course they already have their outer shells but, I also figured that the bodies they possess might also be poisonous as well. That would be a last line of defense in case their enemies try to eat one of their own.”

[Lord Vold laughed at your explanation. He said that there’s no reason for you to be so honest and that you could’ve just lied about it to make it more interesting.]

“What good would that be to me?” Asther replied. “I’m not here to entertain him right. I’m here to finish the quest he gave me.”

[Lord Vold said that you are as cold as ever.]

“If he doesn’t enjoy the show, then he should just change channels. I still have work to do, I don’t have time serving as a pierrot as well.” The System didn’t respon to this anymore. It simply shut down.

“Honestly, what happened to not interfering with this world?” Asther sighed, leaving his house to prepare for the day ahead. For his specific quest for that morning – the assassination of Baron and his Lackeys.

The three proceeded with their plan. They went to the forest and headed straight for the area where Asther does his hunting. They know where this area is quite well. After all, Asther never leaves the spot. Not because it’s rich with wild animals and other things to harvest, nor is it because he is naturally fond of the location. No. The reason why Asther doesn’t leave this place is because, this is the only spot he’s allowed to hunt.

Since the villagers view him as a curse, they don’t want him going throughout all the land. They think that he would attract calamity and chaos when he comes. In any and every form that this might possibly come. Whether it be a horde of monsters or a sudden infection, or even the dying of crops. The citizens simply cannot take their chances, that’s why Asther is given that said space. The same spot where Baron and his lackeys drew near.

“Don’t we need a plan for this Baron?” James asked.

“Plan? What would we need a plan for?” Baron answered.

“Well, he escaped death last time so…” Chad added which made Baron turn around to face his two allies. His brows furrowing due to annoyance yet again.

“He was just lucky. Alright?” Baron insisted. “That fluke won’t happen again. Not on my watch.”

“If you say so.”

Baron already has everything figured out. As soon as they see Asther, he’d charge straight for the teen. He won’t even give Asther the chance to think of what to do. As soon as he gets close enough to his target, Baron plans to bash the head of the teen. Stunning him and proceeding to beating him up.

“We were too sensitive last time. We didn’t want to get blood stains on our hands. That’s why we threw him off a cliff and he survived.” Baron explained. “But that mistake won’t happen again. We’ll beat him up. We’ll beat him up so hard that he’ll start begging for his life. And right as that f*cker is at death’s doors, I’m gonna strangle him myself. I’ll make sure that he breaths his last with my hands ringed around his neck.”

James and Chad listened to Baron’s words and, they instantly knew that Baron isn’t joking. They know that this man is capable of the things he is saying. They know that Baron would actually do it. That he’d kill Asther in the way that he described. And that they would be accomplices to this murder…and this scared them.

Although James and Chad have always assisted Baron in torturing Asther, there has always been a limit to what they can do. They can beat Asther up but, never to a point where they’d break his bones. These two simply act tough but in reality, they doubt if they can even kill a wild animal if push came to shove. That’s why they are also a bit thankful that they aren’t the ones who need to finish Asther. That Baron would be the one to do this and that, their leader would do it quickly. They just wish that when it comes, they’d be permitted not to look because, they know that the image would haunt them in their sleep.

All these fears and worries of theirs remained unexpressed. They followed Baron’s command as they always did. Until, they finally reached Asther’s location.

“There he is.” Baron immediately saw where Asther is and pointed his finger towards the teen so his lackeys can see as well.

Asther sat behind a tall tree. His back faced the three and, there’s not much light so they can’t confirm much. But the three can’t mistake the clothes that they saw. It’s the same ragged and old clothes that Asther always uses. Something which his mother sew together for him.

“That bastard, he’s really resting this early in the morning? He’s slacking off from his job.” Baron said.

It’s ironic to hear this from him since he himself does not need to work. As for his lackeys, their being friends with him gave them the perk of not having to work as well. While they are his friends, they also, in a way, served as his bodyguards. That’s why the other people of the village did not question this.

What they don’t understand is that Baron does not need any protection. He is the predator who always preys on the weak. It’s not the other way around. And at that moment, he’s applying this same principle again. Doing so with Asther as he began to creep forward.

“Make as little noise as possible. We don’t want him hearing us.” Baron commanded as his two lackeys nodded.

Little by little, the three got closer to their target. James and Chad had their hearts racing faster at that moment. They can’t understand why this is so. Baron’s heart raced as well but, this is for a different reason altogether. The teen is simply delighted at the thought that he would be able to kill Asther a second time. And, for some reason, thinking that Asther’s neck would be strangled in his hands gave him a kind of pleasure that he can’t explain.

These three had their heads on different thoughts. The only thing these had in common is that Asther is the focus of their heads. They all focused on the target who still looked like he’s sleeping behind a tree. Their gazes never left Asther for a single second and, because of this, they fell for his trap.

The ground below them suddenly broke apart. They couldn’t process what was happening, all they know is that, in the blink of an eye, they found themselves ten feet under the earth.

“What the hell is this!” Baron shouted as he and his lackeys got back to their feet.

“You really fell for it didn’t you?” There’s no mistaking the voice they heard from on top of the pit that they’ve fallen. It’s Asther.

“You! Get us out of here if you still want to live!” Baron ordered.

“Don’t you think that’s ironic after you attempted to kill me yourselves?”

“What did you say?” Baron got more and more infuriated. “Don’t you know who I am? I’m the next village chief! I am the ruler of this land!”

Asther finally showed himself at that point. He stood right on top of the pit, with a static expression on his face. This teen then sat and continued to look down on the three. Getting on Baron’s nerves more and more.

“Don’t talk to me like that! We aren’t equals!” As Baron said this, he saw Asther taking out something. A piece of cloth and, as Asther opened this, the teen took out what seemed to be a wooden needle.

“That’s actually something we can agree on Baron.” Asther said as he stared at the needle. “We aren’t equals.”

“I’m gonna murder you! I swear I’m gonna – ouch.” A needle pricked through Baron’s skin. James and Chad received the same treatment. Both of them getting hit by a needle on their neck as well.

“What the hell was that? You think those little love taps can kill us?” Baron said.


As soon as Asther said this, Baron felt a sharp pain on his chest. In the blink of an eye, this pain spread all across his body. Making him drop to the ground. James and Chad soon followed after him. Then, his vision began to dim out.

Baron didn’t understand what was happening at that moment. This isn’t what he had envisioned on his head when he plotted killing Asther that day. It was almost like he was trapped in a nightmare made by Asther. It was like he was being cursed.

Baron’s mind continued racing through various thoughts. The same thing that happens to anyone who is close to death’s doors. And…before he knew it…his whole world blacked out.

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