Three Idiots

What exactly happened to Asther that night? Well, the explanation is simple. The sniper went to the house of Baron. Using the memory of the body’s previous owner, Asther is able to find this without any difficulty.

Baron is the son of the village chief. As far as the rules go, this also means that Baron is the next in line for the position of Chief. In this world, leadership is passed down from father to son. If there is no male representative from the main family, then the one who’d rule next would be taken from those of closest bloodline to this family.

This is part of the reason why Baron is so bold with everything he does. The reason as to why he is not scared of the possibility of Asther reporting him to the authorities. It’s because this sorry excuse for a human has a high position in the village. But it’s not like this is the larger reason to why Asther can’t report.

No matter what he does, society will never take Asther’s side. After all, he’s a curse. A bastard son from a holy lineage. His very existence is seen as an abnormality, like he isn’t supposed to exist in the first place. That’s why Baron can be so bold so as to attempt the murder of this teen. But, all of that will change with the coming of the reaper.

The new Asther moved through the shadows of the house. If there’s one thing he’s sure of, it’s that nobody is competing for the position of chieftain. Nobody wants to take this away from the main family and from Baron. Because of this, there’s no need for security around the house – making it easier for Asther to infiltrate it.

The house is a two-story building. Asther is sure that whatever he’s looking for, he will find it on the second floor of the house. Hence he proceeded to searching for a way to get to it quickly. Luckily, there are two stacked up crates at the side of the house. Above it is a window that’s left open. The crates aren’t high enough to reach the windows but, it’s enough for Asther to use to his advantage.

“That’s not good. You’ll get yourselves robbed if you place an obvious ladder like that.” Asther grinned as he stepped back a bit.

Without hesitation, the teen ran towards this, moving from the first level of the crate to the second. As soon as he reached the top, he leapt up and made two more steps on the wall itself. This allowed him to reach the window of the house, grabbing on to it and pulling himself up as he immediately passed through.

He made a quick scan of the room and, a smile formed on his lips. “Would you look at that.”

Even by relying simply on the light provided by the moon, Asther can see a lot of the room’s details clearly. Specifically, he saw the boots that Baron liked to use. The jacket that he prides himself on and wears whenever there is an occasion and, most importantly, the hunting knife gifted to him by his father.

“There you are.”

This is the reason for Asther’s evening visit to the teen’s home. He is there to steal the knife and he did. The professional assassin found no trouble taking it without making any noise. And as soon as he finished with what he needed to do, he jumped through the window and disappeared in the night.

The rest that happened are things you are already aware of. The teen went back to his home where the three bullies are. Before he showed himself to them, he made sure to fill Baron’s knife with blood that came from the rabbit’s severed organ which he brought along. Then, he gave the bullies a bit of a jumpscare by suddenly appearing behind them.

This is how he set up the perfect stage. But, what is the purpose of doing all this exactly? The answer to that is something that will unfold soon enough. Right as the sun rose again and a new day began for the village.

“What are we gonna do Baron?”

“What do you think James? We’re gonna kill him a second time of course.”

Baron and his goons met up as soon as they had their breakfasts. The three bullies are actually from well known families within the village. That is part of the reason why they are spoiled, because their parents kept on giving them all that they wanted. To the point that it became excessive.

Whatever these three desired, they made sure that they get it. And at that moment, what they want is nothing more than to get rid of the curse named Asther.

“But what if he comes back again from the dead? What would we do then?” James asked.

“Are you an idiot? He didn’t come back from the dead.” Baron replied. “I don’t know what kind of luck he used but, he probably had a safe landing of some sort.”

“But the pit is filled by nothing but hard rocks.” Chad commented.

“Don’t you think I know that Chad?” Baron furrowed his eyebrows. “He’s obviously a weed, that’s why it’s hard to kill him. He’s being a resilient pest.”

Baron then remembered how Asther approached him that night. How the teen suddenly tapped his shoulder. Something that Asther has never done before. And to make things even more shocking, this same teen even stared at his eyes and talked to him casually – like they are on the same level. All these things put together pissed Baron off. To the point that he just wanted to execute Asther at the center of the village in broad daylight.

“That sorry excuse for a human must’ve gotten some balls after surviving the fall. He must think he’s some kind of hot shot now.” Baron punched the wooden wall at his side. His fist buried into it, breaking the plank as the teen retracted his fist right away. Not showing any signs of getting hurt nor getting wounded.

“We’re gonna head for the forest. If he’s not afraid of us, then he’d come back to his usual hunting spot looking for wild animals.”

“But what if he sets up traps for us?”

“Come on guys. Have you ever seen that person doing anything competent in his life?” Baron asked. “Even if he sets up a trap, we’d be able to see it from a mile away. That much I can guarantee to you. Now, what do you say?”

His two lackeys stared at each other. They both looked for the confidence Baron is displaying from the other’s eyes. And, although there’s only a faint amount of it that they saw, they nevertheless took this as the determination they sought.

“Alright Baron.” Chad said.

“Lead the way.” James added.

“Good.” Baron stood up from his chair. “Let’s go kill that f*cker.”

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