Revenge Of Adopted Children

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Revenge Of Adopted Children

By: Khairin Zee OngoingBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 96

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Zach's perfect life was destroyed in one night. When his parents said that, Zach was just a child they adopted from an orphanage. The power that his parents promised to give to Zach, was instead given to his younger brother, Alan, who is the biological child of his parents. It turns out they only used Zach as a tool to make it easier for their biological son to occupy the throne without having to make any effort. Finally, Zach was thrown out of the big house without a penny. Will Zach be able to rise up and take revenge for that insult?

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12 chapters
The day the Gray family had been waiting for finally arrived. Where tonight the Gray family will announce to the public who is the main heir in their family.Sparkling lights and luxurious decorations filled the Gray family's house, lots of invited guests were present and especially people in the business world, artists and the media also enlivened the atmosphere this evening."Alan are you ready?" Akila asked while gently touching her son's shoulder."Alan is very ready, Alan has been waiting for this moment for years," said Alan, answering without hesitation.On the other hand.Everyone stared at the beautiful woman who had just walked into this room, her clothes were bright red and open as if to show how beautiful her body was. She is Hazel Dawson, the daughter of one of the most successful business people in this country. Although her wealth cannot be compared to the Gray family, that family is quite influential too."Honey, you finally came," Zach said after Hazel stopped in fron
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Hide Incisions
All the invited guests had left, leaving traces of shame and humiliation in Zach's heart. The night that was supposed to be the greatest achievement in his life has now turned into a tragic night.Zach stood in front of Darius, Alan and Akila with an intimidating look. The three people stared at Zach arrogantly, condescendingly as if they wanted to immediately get rid of Zach from before their eyes."Why are you still in this house? Don't you already know that you are just an adopted child," said Alan while looking at Zach with a gaze that wanted to destroy him.Alan can now be free to act as he pleases with Zach after all the facts are revealed. From the look in Alan's eyes there was only hatred and Zach knew that.Zach couldn't help himself, the man stepped quickly towards Alan and almost threw a fist at that annoying face, but the next second his hand movement stopped when he realized that Akila was now standing in front of Alan, trying to protect his biological child."Zach, don't
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The Beginning of a Revenge
A man was lying unconscious on the side of the road, red stains were visible on his face and bruises were visible on parts of his body that were not covered by cloth.The man regained consciousness after the raindrops hit his body. Zach sat down while enduring the cold air that was getting more and more bone-chilling. The expensive suit he was wearing went somewhere and now he only wore a shabby shirt with trousers.The Gray family's guards beat him until he was unconscious, then left him on the side of the road like trash."God help me to repay the injustice they gave me," said Zach as he lifted his face towards the sky, letting the raindrops wet his dry lips.Zach didn't have a cell phone or money and all he could do now was walk along the seemingly quiet street. Certainly no one would pass through this road because it was quite far from residential areas, but Zach couldn't possibly stop, letting himself die without having time to avenge his hurt.Not long after, the sound of a car
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Hazel's Original Attitude
Zach plans to ask his friend for help and coincidentally Oskar's house, his good friend, is not far from Dawson's residence, it only takes about 30 minutes to walk and Zach will arrive at Oskar's house.Currently, Zach was standing in front of the gate of his best friend's house. By chance, Zach saw Oskar's car about to leave the gate of this house. After the gate opened, Zach walked over to Oskar's car and knocked on the car window."Why did you come here Zach?" Oskar asked Zach in a voice that sounded unfriendly."Oscar, without me needing to tell you, you definitely know my situation now, can you help me," asked Zach with a pleading look."I will definitely help," Oskar replied casually."Thank you Oskar, I know you're a good friend," answered Zach with a sigh of relief.But the relief in Zach's heart began to disappear the next second when he saw Oskar open his wallet and take some money out of it."You take this money and leave my house immediately," said Oskar as he threw the mo
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Meet again
The hot sun was starting to burn his skin, but that didn't stop Zach from continuing to look for used items from trash cans, looking for anything he could sell. He didn't feel the sweat that continued to wet his body in order to get lots of used goods which he would later sell to make ends meet.None of Zach's friends want to help or deal with him. They all walked away when they found out Zach was only adopted.Zach has tried to apply for work at every company, but no one wants to accept him, all the companies say they no longer need additional people. Even though it is clearly written on the company gate that they need additional employees. Until finally Zach found out the reason why all the companies he visited didn't want to accept him to work, none other than because of pressure from the Gray family. His former adoptive family threatened to harass every company that accepted Zach to work.“Isn't that Zacharia, the former adopted son of the Gray family?” asked a beautiful woman to
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The Agreement Behind Marriage
"Where am I now?" Zach asked a middle-aged woman who he believed was a waiter."You are at the Aslan family residence. Mr. The waiter answered politely."The Aslan family," said Zach, repeating what the servant in front of him had said."Yes, sir," answered the servant politely."Can I meet Mr. Xander now," answered Zach as he sat up slowly and was helped by the servant.Some time later."You risked your life to save my daughter," Mr."I'm just trying to repay your daughter for giving me a lift the other day," Zach said honestly. "How is his condition now?" Zach asked back with a curious frown."The wound isn't that serious. Indirectly you gave him a second life," said Mr."I'm happy to hear that," said Zach with a sigh of relief."How is your condition now?" asked Mr. Xander as he took a cup of coffee."My condition is much better, as you can see," Zach answered politely.Zach's body is still full of wounds, but they will heal over time, but the wounds in Zach's heart will never less
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Failed to Provoke
This morning Zach had breakfast at the dining table with Aslan's family. No conversation came out of their mouths, everyone was busy finishing the food on their plates."Zach, before you marry my daughter, I ask you to help at Aslan's company starting today," said Mr."Dad, isn't it too fast." Without hesitation Castarica expressed her objection."Cast, you already know that Dad always makes decisions that he thinks are right, we just trust him," said Xena while stroking her daughter's hair with gentle movements."It's up to Mom and Dad." After speaking, Castarica immediately got up from the chair and left the dining table."I don't mind helping Mr. Xander," Zach said."You will work as a janitor! Don't ask why, you'll find out for yourself," said Mr. Xander with a straight face. "You need to observe the movements of everyone in the company," continued Mr."Yes sir." Zach thought that he would help Mr. Xander to take care of the Aslan family business, but the opposite happened. Mr. Xa
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Wedding On Paper
Zach ate on the side of the road, occasionally glancing at the vehicles passing by on the road. Zach ate his food with a happy heart, at least he didn't feel hungry like when he was a scavenger at that time."Hazel, you're lucky to know that he was only an adopted child before becoming his wife," said a beautiful woman from inside her luxury car.The car window was open so Zach could see who was in there. It was Hazel and also her friend."Of course I am very lucky because I avoided bad luck. Now that I am married to Alan, that is good karma for me," Hazel said from inside the car loudly so that Zach could hear her words.Zach ignored what the two women said, he continued to put a spoon full of food into his mouth until the food was finished."Let's get out of this place, why look at losers eating, it makes me sick!" Hazel said arrogantly."You're right, food sold on the roadside seems less hygienic. But if those who eat the food are losers then it won't be a problem, it's disgusting.
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Secret Son-in-Law.
"Father, Cast agrees to the wedding which will be held soon, but Cast wants the groom to be kept secret and the wedding will only be attended by a few close relatives." Zach stopped walking after listening to Castarica's words with Mr."Are you embarrassed because you married an adopted child? No child wants to be born without the love of both parents, and Zachariah is no different," said Mr. Xander, trying to advise his daughter."It's not that problem, but Castarica just..." before Castarica had time to finish her words, Zach's voice slipped into the conversation between the two of them."I don't mind this," Zach said with an unreadable look in his eyes.***Zach and Castarica officially became husband and wife. As Castarica said before, only close relatives were present at the wedding.There was no wedding dress or expensive suit for the groom, Zach and Castarica wore modest clothes, for the two of them the most important thing was to legally be husband and wife."Zach, please look
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Back to Looking for Problems
"Mr Zach, at the front of this room there are Mr Alan Gray and Miss Hazel Gray, they want to meet you," said Sara, who is Mr Xander's assistant at the company.Mr. Xander assigned Sara to help Zach while he was at the office."Tell them that I don't have time, tell them to come another time," said Zach without taking his eyes off the files on the table."Yes sir." After speaking, Sara immediately left this room.An hour later.Someone suddenly opened the door to this room without knocking first, making Zach startled for a moment before finally turning his face flat again."I didn't expect Uncle Xander to trust you so easily, he even let you take care of this company the day after your wedding to Castarica." Lois spoke with a tight jaw, as if she couldn't accept it because the chair of the Aslan company belonged to Zach, while Lois and her father had been eyeing this position for a long time.Zach was silent, not wanting to respond to Lois' words which he thought were unimportant.“Why
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