Wedding On Paper

Zach ate on the side of the road, occasionally glancing at the vehicles passing by on the road. Zach ate his food with a happy heart, at least he didn't feel hungry like when he was a scavenger at that time.

"Hazel, you're lucky to know that he was only an adopted child before becoming his wife," said a beautiful woman from inside her luxury car.

The car window was open so Zach could see who was in there. It was Hazel and also her friend.

"Of course I am very lucky because I avoided bad luck. Now that I am married to Alan, that is good karma for me," Hazel said from inside the car loudly so that Zach could hear her words.

Zach ignored what the two women said, he continued to put a spoon full of food into his mouth until the food was finished.

"Let's get out of this place, why look at losers eating, it makes me sick!" Hazel said arrogantly.

"You're right, food sold on the roadside seems less hygienic. But if those who eat the food are losers then it won't be a problem, it's disgusting." After satisfying his insults, the luxury car started to move away from Zach.

Zach stared flatly at the car, his hand which was holding the mineral water bottle gripped tightly as if to vent his emotions on the inanimate object.

Mr. Xander's study.

Zach had just told Mr. Xander what he had heard in the company elevator.


"Is that why you made me a janitor at the company?" Zach asked.

"Yes, you're right. I didn't expect that you would find out sooner than I thought," said Mr.

"I already suspected that Mr.

"I heard from my person that Alan Gray came to the company and he was bothering you," said Mr.

"Yes, that's true. But I won't reply, I will let the Gray family be above the clouds for a while, when the time comes I will destroy them just like what they did to me." Zach spoke with a tight jaw, showing the emotions he deliberately kept there.

After finishing talking with Mr.

"You want?" Cast asked innocently when he saw Zach continuing to stare at his plate.

Zach answered with a shake of his head before saying. "Aren't you afraid of getting fat eating spaghetti at this time of night?" Zach asked.

Zach still remembered very clearly that Hazel always watched her diet, when the image of that cunning woman filled his mind, Zach was reminded of the insults that the Dawson family had given him, making the resentment in Zach's heart burn even more.

"No matter how much I eat, I will never get fat." Cast answered indifferently.

"Mr. Xander said our wedding will take place in the next few days." Zach spoke looking at Cast, this woman was beautiful, much more beautiful than Hazel but most importantly she was kind.

"It's up to you when it will take place, for me this is just a wedding on paper, I married you because I wanted to make my parents happy and you married me because I wanted revenge, so there will be nothing special about this wedding," said Cast casually then climbed the stairs. this house without waiting for a response from Zach.

"You're right Cast, we both benefit from this marriage." Zach spoke while looking at Cast's back with unknown thoughts.

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