Failed to Provoke

This morning Zach had breakfast at the dining table with Aslan's family. No conversation came out of their mouths, everyone was busy finishing the food on their plates.

"Zach, before you marry my daughter, I ask you to help at Aslan's company starting today," said Mr.

"Dad, isn't it too fast." Without hesitation Castarica expressed her objection.

"Cast, you already know that Dad always makes decisions that he thinks are right, we just trust him," said Xena while stroking her daughter's hair with gentle movements.

"It's up to Mom and Dad." After speaking, Castarica immediately got up from the chair and left the dining table.

"I don't mind helping Mr. Xander," Zach said.

"You will work as a janitor! Don't ask why, you'll find out for yourself," said Mr. Xander with a straight face. "You need to observe the movements of everyone in the company," continued Mr.

"Yes sir." Zach thought that he would help Mr. Xander to take care of the Aslan family business, but the opposite happened. Mr. Xander asks Zach to be a janitor, but Zach doesn't refuse.

Aslan Group Company

Alan lazily walked around the company, every now and then he opened the file in his hand, read the contents there and tried to understand it, even though it was very difficult for him to do so, all this time Alan had never stepped in to take care of the Gray family business, it was fitting that he had difficulty adapting to it. all the files he brought.

Alan's steps suddenly stopped after he saw a figure that was so familiar in his memory.

"Isn't that a loser, it turns out he's a janitor at Aslan's company," said Alan with a sly grin.

Alan stepped closer to Zach who was still busy cleaning the floor. Zach didn't realize Alan was there until the water in the container spilled and wet part of the company's floor.

"Oh my God! I didn't see it," said Alan, trying to provoke Zach into getting angry with him.

Zach looked at Alan with a straight face, then took the water container and went back to cleaning the floor. Zach kept his emotions in his heart, he didn't want to cause trouble in this company.

Alan clenched his jaw in anger because he felt ignored. He didn't accept it and bothered Zach again.

"Loser, do you know, now that Hazel is officially my wife, I really like spending time with her in bed," said Alan, trying to make Zach jealous.

"You really deserve a slut like her." After saying that condescending sentence, Zach just walked away after cleaning almost the entire floor.

"Who are you calling a whore! Damn it. She's my wife." Alan was about to follow Zach but he slipped and fell to the floor, making the back of his trousers wet.

Several female workers who saw Alan fall laughed while holding their stomachs. Alan was angry and immediately left the company with a bright red face, holding back embarrassment and mixed emotions.


"Have you done what I told you, Joe?"


"Immediately transfer the money to my account!"

"I'll do it right away. But this amount is too big, I'm afraid Mr. Xander will find out if we embezzle some of the company's money."

"Shut up and do what I have told you. Remember that without my help you will not become a financial manager in this company."

The two men spoke in whispers but Zach, who was in the same elevator as them, could still hear them, although not very clearly.

This is the reason why Mr. Xander asked Zach to be a janitor at the Aslan Group company.

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