The Agreement Behind Marriage

"Where am I now?" Zach asked a middle-aged woman who he believed was a waiter.

"You are at the Aslan family residence. Mr. The waiter answered politely.

"The Aslan family," said Zach, repeating what the servant in front of him had said.

"Yes, sir," answered the servant politely.

"Can I meet Mr. Xander now," answered Zach as he sat up slowly and was helped by the servant.

Some time later.

"You risked your life to save my daughter," Mr.

"I'm just trying to repay your daughter for giving me a lift the other day," Zach said honestly. "How is his condition now?" Zach asked back with a curious frown.

"The wound isn't that serious. Indirectly you gave him a second life," said Mr.

"I'm happy to hear that," said Zach with a sigh of relief.

"How is your condition now?" asked Mr. Xander as he took a cup of coffee.

"My condition is much better, as you can see," Zach answered politely.

Zach's body is still full of wounds, but they will heal over time, but the wounds in Zach's heart will never lessen before he can take revenge.

"Don't you want revenge on the family that humiliated you like this?" asked Mr. Xander with a straight face.

Zach raised his gaze to look at Mr. “Of course I want revenge on them. Can you help me, I promise I will do whatever you want.” Zach looked at Mr.

Mr. Xander saw the flames burning from Zach's eyes. Mr.

Mr. Xander managed to draw Zach into his plan. A plan that only he and Xena, his wife, knew about.

"Will you marry my daughter." Mr.

"Can Mr.

"You heard right! Marry my daughter. I will promise to help you get revenge on the people who hurt you." Mr. Xander repeated his words.

Zach widened his eyes, shocked after hearing what Mr. How could Mr. Xander choose to match his daughter with a tramp like him? Maybe Mr.

Zach was about to speak up to answer, but was preceded by a woman who was none other than Castarica.

“I don't agree! Why did Dad make a decision unilaterally," complained Cast as he walked slowly towards his father, helped by Xena, his mother.

Cast brought his hand to hold his bandaged head, his head throbbing even more after listening to his father's conversation with Zach.

“Zach saved you from death's door and if he hadn't come that night to help and protect you, then we would have lost our only daughter. "Marrying her is the right choice," the words that came out of Mr.

"Cast, you are 28 years old and it's time for you to look to the future," said Xena, helping to persuade her daughter. "This is what Father and Mother want. Mother is afraid that one day God will take her life. And I haven't had the chance to see you get married, so I will never feel at ease, can you agree to Mom and Dad's request?" Xena asked her daughter with tears already flowing down her cheeks.

"Why are you talking like that? Mother will still be with Cast forever," said Cast while hugging Xena's body with deep fear. For some reason, Cast felt like there was something Xena was hiding from him, but who knows what.

"Cast, mom really wants to see you get married, obey mom and dad's requests. It won't harm you." Xena held her daughter's hand with a pleading look.

Cast looked at Zach who was just silent.

"Okay, Cast will marry her if that will make Mom and Dad happy," said Cast, who didn't have the heart to refuse Xena's wishes.

"Did he agree to get married? Since then he has just been silently listening to our conversation without responding," said Cast while looking at Zach.

"I agree," Zach answered bluntly.

"You heard that, Cast," said Mr.

Cast could only roll his eyes lazily without making a sound. Cast had thought that Zach would reject this marriage, but the opposite happened.

Aslan Family Home Courtyard.

"I have a feeling that Mr. Xander has a plan behind our future marriage," Zach said frankly.

Nowadays, only a few people are willing to help other people's troubles without any hidden intentions. And Zach believes a businessman like Mr. Xander is among those people.

Mr. Xander smiled faintly, nodding his head before speaking. "You were very careful in observing the situation, I wasn't wrong in choosing you to be my daughter's companion," said Mr.

"You must already know why I married your daughter! Now may I know why you want to marry me to Miss Cast?" Zach asked honestly as he leaned his back on the sofa he was sitting on.

Now Zach knows that the Aslan family is one of the most influential families in this country, in fact the Aslan family's position is far above the Gray family. After considering all this, Zach had no reason to refuse to be Castarica's husband.

"My wife is sick with terminal cervical cancer, the doctor said she won't have much longer to live and her last wish is to see our daughter get married. My wife and I chose you to be our daughter's companion after investigating everything," said Mr. Xander honestly.

"Does Miss Cast know about this?" Zach asked curiously.

"No, only the three of us know," said Mr.

"Mr. exists. "I will try to love him and time will prove everything," continued Zach.

"I will keep the promise you have made, if you hurt him then I will destroy you with my own two hands." Mr. Xander openly threatened Zach.

"I am ready to accept the punishment if I break the promise I made," said Zach firmly.

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