Meet again

The hot sun was starting to burn his skin, but that didn't stop Zach from continuing to look for used items from trash cans, looking for anything he could sell. He didn't feel the sweat that continued to wet his body in order to get lots of used goods which he would later sell to make ends meet.

None of Zach's friends want to help or deal with him. They all walked away when they found out Zach was only adopted.

Zach has tried to apply for work at every company, but no one wants to accept him, all the companies say they no longer need additional people. Even though it is clearly written on the company gate that they need additional employees. Until finally Zach found out the reason why all the companies he visited didn't want to accept him to work, none other than because of pressure from the Gray family. His former adoptive family threatened to harass every company that accepted Zach to work.

“Isn't that Zacharia, the former adopted son of the Gray family?” asked a beautiful woman to her lover.

"Yes, right. "His fate is so sad, who told him to cheat so that the Gray family kicked him out and now he's homeless," said the man with honey hair to his girlfriend.

After they were satisfied talking, the two of them just walked away.

Zach could only sigh and then his hands went back to looking for things from the pile of trash.

"You are very suitable to be near a pile of rubbish like this," said Alan, who was now sitting in his luxury car.

Zach stopped his activities then looked at Alan sharply, but his lips remained silent and did not respond.

"Honey, we'd better leave immediately, I can't stand seeing trash like that, I'm afraid the stench will pollute this car," said Hazel while waving her hand in front of her nose.

"Tomorrow Hazel and I will get married, you can come to our wedding, but not to be a guest, but to pick up the used bottles there." Alan and Hazel burst out laughing, happy to see the helpless expression that Zach was now showing. Satisfied with insulting Alan drove the car back.

Zach could only stare silently at the luxury car which was getting further away.


Tonight snowflakes began to fall to the earth, their white color covering every building roof. Zach was fast asleep in front of a closed shop, he was curled up in the cold, his drowsiness disappeared when he felt the cold which was getting more and more bone-chilling, there were no blankets or comfortable beds, Zach slept on a makeshift mat, then his hand reached for a used cardboard box which was still clean, then He made it a blanket, slightly dispelling the cold air even though it still made him shiver.


Zach was shocked when he heard a very loud sound. Zach fought the cold feeling that was piercing his bones then stood up and looked for the source of the sound.

Zach immediately ran as fast as he could, approaching the car which was now emitting smoke after hitting a large tree in front of him.

“Help... someone's had an accident,” Zach shouted repeatedly.

Shut up!

There was no one, the street was deserted past midnight.

Zach panicked even more when he began to realize that the smoke coming out of the car was increasing. Zach didn't waste any time and immediately picked up a large rock from the side of the road, broke the car window and took the unconscious woman out of there. Zach couldn't observe this woman's face because the red liquid covered part of her face.

Zach carried the woman away, there was a loud car explosion that made Zach fall and the woman too. Zach accidentally saw the face of the woman he was helping, a face that was not covered by the thick red liquid. And Zach realized that this was the woman the other day who took him to Hazel's house.

Zach quickly made his body the woman's protector.

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