Hazel's Original Attitude

Zach plans to ask his friend for help and coincidentally Oskar's house, his good friend, is not far from Dawson's residence, it only takes about 30 minutes to walk and Zach will arrive at Oskar's house.

Currently, Zach was standing in front of the gate of his best friend's house. By chance, Zach saw Oskar's car about to leave the gate of this house. After the gate opened, Zach walked over to Oskar's car and knocked on the car window.

"Why did you come here Zach?" Oskar asked Zach in a voice that sounded unfriendly.

"Oscar, without me needing to tell you, you definitely know my situation now, can you help me," asked Zach with a pleading look.

"I will definitely help," Oskar replied casually.

"Thank you Oskar, I know you're a good friend," answered Zach with a sigh of relief.

But the relief in Zach's heart began to disappear the next second when he saw Oskar open his wallet and take some money out of it.

"You take this money and leave my house immediately," said Oskar as he threw the money out of his car window. "After this, don't ever come again to ask me for help."

Zach looked at the money under his feet and the next second he started to look at Oskar.

"We are good friends and I often help you, but why are you treating me like this, Oscar," said Zach.

Oskar took out all the money in his wallet then threw it violently at Zach's face.

"I hope all this money is enough to repay the kindness you have given me! All this time I have been nice to you only because I needed your help and nothing more!" After speaking, Oscar immediately drove the car away.

"I thought you were different from them," said Zach with a tight jaw.

Zach bent down to pick up a bill that Oscar threw at him with a sad heart.

Some time later.

Thanks to the single bill that Zach took earlier, he can now be in front of Hazel's apartment. Zach punched in the apartment's password and it turned out to be the same as usual.

Zach believes that if Hazel continues to accept her current situation, Zach will not care what Hazel's parents think about this. But there was doubt in Zach's heart when he heard a man's voice.

“Am I better than that trash?”

A familiar man's voice came to Zach's ears. It was Alan's voice, but why was he in this place. What was Alan doing in Hazel's apartment.

"Of course you are the best and what's more unfortunate is that I only found out about that now. If only you had told me that he was just an adopted child, then I would have left him right then and there and come to you, Alan."

Zach froze in place as he looked at Hazel's uncovered room, it was very clear to his own eyes that the two of them were making love.

“Shit! Damn it! "How dare you do this behind my back," said Zach.

“Zach, what are you doing here?” Hazel screamed in surprise then immediately grabbed her pajamas, hiding her naked body.

“Hazel is mine! "We'll get married soon," said Alan proudly.

"Get out of here, I don't want to have a relationship with an adopted child," Hazel said with a contemptuous look.

Zach was silent for a moment, Hazel's words seemed to remind Zach of the humiliation the Dawson family had given him.

"Rubbish! "I thought you were dead on the side of the road, I didn't know you were still alive," insulted Alan with a grin.

"Shut your mouth," Zach shouted back.

“Trash, get out of this place. Our relationship is over and in the future, don't ever meet me again, I don't want to know you in the future. Don't disturb my relationship with Alan." Hazel starts to show her bad side in front of Zach.

Alan laughed out loud, feeling satisfied listening to what Hazel said to the street trash. Alan pulled Hazel by the waist and then kissed Hazel's cheek, as if trying to sprinkle salt in Zach's wound which was still wide open.

Zach gritted his teeth, then turned his body away with a heart filled with revenge.

"Look at that trash, he's so pathetic," Alan said in a loud voice so Zach could hear.

"I even regret having a relationship with a child without his status," Hazel said while staring intently at Zach's back.

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