Secret Son-in-Law.

"Father, Cast agrees to the wedding which will be held soon, but Cast wants the groom to be kept secret and the wedding will only be attended by a few close relatives." Zach stopped walking after listening to Castarica's words with Mr.

"Are you embarrassed because you married an adopted child? No child wants to be born without the love of both parents, and Zachariah is no different," said Mr. Xander, trying to advise his daughter.

"It's not that problem, but Castarica just..." before Castarica had time to finish her words, Zach's voice slipped into the conversation between the two of them.

"I don't mind this," Zach said with an unreadable look in his eyes.


Zach and Castarica officially became husband and wife. As Castarica said before, only close relatives were present at the wedding.

There was no wedding dress or expensive suit for the groom, Zach and Castarica wore modest clothes, for the two of them the most important thing was to legally be husband and wife.

"Zach, please look after Castarica, she is our only daughter and now we entrust her to you," said Xena with a pale face.

"I will take care of her, Mrs.

"Call me Mom, just like when Cast calls me," Xena asked, holding Zach's hand.

"Of course, from now on I will call you Mom," said Zach happily.

Now Zach was standing alone after Xena stepped over to his daughter. Not long after, Lois came over to Zach with a condescending look.

"You are a loser! You are shameless, after being thrown away by the Gray family, now you are a parasite in the Aslan family! Your presence in this family is like a disgrace," said Lois scathingly to Zach.

Lois is the daughter of Mr. Xander's uncle, Alvin.

"I agree with what you just said Alvin, it's very fortunate that this marriage was hidden otherwise our extended family would have to bear the shame of bringing a loser into our family," continued a woman named Karra.

Zach just remained silent as he listened to the insults from the brothers and sisters in front of him.

"I don't have anything, but I will prove to you that Mr.

Lois and Karra became even more furious after hearing Zach's answer.

"You think too highly of yourself. I can't wait to see what you say will come true," said Lois with a condescending look.

"Hahaha! Lois, stop talking nonsense and we should leave this man alone because I don't want to catch his bad luck." After speaking, Karra immediately took Lois' hand away from Zach with a satisfied grin.


"From today I entrust the Aslan Group company to you," said Mr. Xander to Zach who was sitting in front of him.

"Father, isn't this too soon," said Cast, expressing his objection to his father's decision.

"This is exactly the right time! Dad can see Zach's abilities firsthand. When all the business people read the news in the newspapers, they will flock to Aslan's company to conduct business negotiations." Xander spoke firmly to his daughter.

"Father, Aslan's extended family will not agree when they find out about this," said Castarica again.

"They will agree because Father is the leader of the Aslan family, succeeding the late grandfather." Xander said firmly to his daughter. "Zach just needs to prove that he deserves my trust. And I will also monitor Zach's work directly." This time Xander looked at his son-in-law.

"I promise I will never let you down." Zach spoke with a serious facial expression.

Cast looked embarrassed at Zach then left the living room with emotions raging inside him. Her own father ignored her opinion and instead believed in the man she had only married a day.

Aslan Company.

Zach came to Aslan's company wearing simple clothes. He stepped towards the elevator which happened to be open, when he was about to enter the elevator a woman's voice started to be heard and made Zach stop in his tracks.

"Janitor, why are you just walking when you see water spilled here," said a woman who was none other than Hazel.

"Why are you still standing there, quickly clean it up now!" Alan said with a grin.

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