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"Mr Zach, at the front of this room there are Mr Alan Gray and Miss Hazel Gray, they want to meet you," said Sara, who is Mr Xander's assistant at the company.

Mr. Xander assigned Sara to help Zach while he was at the office.

"Tell them that I don't have time, tell them to come another time," said Zach without taking his eyes off the files on the table.

"Yes sir." After speaking, Sara immediately left this room.

An hour later.

Someone suddenly opened the door to this room without knocking first, making Zach startled for a moment before finally turning his face flat again.

"I didn't expect Uncle Xander to trust you so easily, he even let you take care of this company the day after your wedding to Castarica." Lois spoke with a tight jaw, as if she couldn't accept it because the chair of the Aslan company belonged to Zach, while Lois and her father had been eyeing this position for a long time.

Zach was silent, not wanting to respond to Lois' words which he thought were unimportant.

“Why are you silent! "You can't answer," said Lois, her intonation starting to rise an octave.

“Insignificant words, no need for an answer! I'm busy now, if there's no other need then you can leave this room.” Zach spoke firmly and after that he returned his focus to the flat screen in front of him.

“You are so arrogant! Just watch, I will make you return to being a homeless person on the side of the road." After saying the threatening sentence, Lois immediately stepped out of this room with a face that was already bright red from holding back her emotions.


Zach went to Aslan's company on a crappy motorbike, he also wore simple clothes, not showing the company leader's side at all. Yes, before he could prove to Aslan's extended family that he deserved to be part of them, Zach had to hide his identity during that time.

Zach had just put his bad motorbike in the parking lot, then he was about to enter the main lobby, when he heard something fall so hard that it made Zach look back. Zach was surprised to find that his motorbike had been hit by a black car.

Zach immediately ran over to his favorite vehicle and then corrected the position of his motorbike. One of the motorbike's mirrors was broken, making the motorbike's bad condition worse.

"You have to compensate for the damage to my car," said a man who owned a black car, he was Alan.

After placing his motorbike mirror on the seat, Zach immediately looked at Alan with a flat face, trying to hide the puff of emotion inside.

"Why should I be the one to compensate you for the damages, you were the one who hit my motorbike, I should be the one asking for compensation and not you," said Zach to Alan.

The workers who were about to enter the main lobby decided not to do so when they saw an argument between Zach and Alan.

"This is a special parking lot for cars, but why did you put that ugly motorbike here, so it's not my fault." Alan spoke loudly in order to make Zach look guilty in the eyes of many people.

Zach fell silent after realizing what Alan said was true.

"Now quickly compensate, your bad motorbike damaged the body of my car." Alan spoke again.

Zach looked down then said, "I don't have any money," Zach said, biting his lower lip in spite. He swore he would take revenge for the insult Alan gave him today.

Alan looked at everyone, some people felt sorry for Zach's current condition and others confirmed what Alan had done. Alan certainly didn't want Zach to get sympathy from everyone so he immediately racked his cunning brain to think.

“Just assume I'm the one at fault this time, don't think about compensation. "You can go now," Alan said to Zach.

Zach walked away with his hands tightly clenched with emotion.

“Alan, you are very kind to him.”

“Why should you feel sorry for a loser like him! "Your family was kind enough to care for him like a real child, but he actually embezzled company funds. Humans really don't know how to reciprocate."

Zach could only silently listen to the insults that other people threw at him.


Zach had just gotten into the elevator, just before the elevator door closed, a man's hand prevented that from happening, that man was none other than Alan and he immediately entered the same elevator as Zach.

Zach just stared straight ahead. Not paying attention to Alan at all, even though deep inside his heart, Zach really wanted to beat up his former foster brother, but he tried to restrain himself.

"Former adopted brother, today I will collaborate with the new leadership of the Aslan Group company," said Alan, trying to throw a speck of fire into a puddle of gasoline.

“Really,” Zach said casually.

"Yes and the first thing I want to do is ask the company leadership to fire you from this job! "You're more suited to being a scavenger, your place is over there," said Alan with a sly grin.

"You have to try to win over the new head of this company so he can send me out on the streets just like that night." After speaking, Zach immediately got out of the elevator.

"Why is he going to the top floor of the company? Isn't this where the head of the company is," thought Alan. "Oh... yeah, I forgot, he's a janitor, he must be on duty cleaning this floor," said Alan in his heart again. Then he immediately got out of the elevator.

Alan tried to follow in Zach's footsteps, but the man was no longer there and didn't know where he had gone. Alan immediately went to Sara's table.

"Miss Sara, good afternoon," said Alan with small talk before stating his intention to come to this company.

"Good afternoon, sir," answered Sara as she stood up.

"Is the head of the company there," said Alan.

Sara looked at Zach who was now standing behind Alan, as if he was asking what answer he should give Alan Gray now. Seeing Zach shaking his head, Sara understood.

"Sir is busy and doesn't have free time to meet anyone today," Sara said to Alan.

Alan's face started to turn sour. He looked back after realizing Zach was there.

"No problem, I can come again tomorrow," Alan said with a smile at Sara.

Sara opened the door to the room where the head of the company was, and Alan saw this.

"Please come in, sir," said Sara invitingly.

"Earlier you said that the head of the company couldn't be found, but now you're inviting me in, Miss Sara." Alan misunderstood the meaning of Sara's words just now.

"I don't mean you, Mr. Alan Grey," said Sara politely.

Alan's steps stopped in place. Alan saw Zach just walk past him then step into the company chairman's room without looking at him at all.

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