Expelled From Restaurant

After knocking on the door to his room, Zach entered the room. He saw that Cast was just sitting on the sofa, the beautiful woman was looking at the television screen which was showing her favorite cartoon film.

"Next time you get insulted by someone else, retaliate and don't shut up like a loser." After speaking, Cast immediately got up from the sofa and walked towards the door of this room.

"You care about me." Zach's words made Cast stop and look at him.

"Even if it were someone else in that position, I would say the same thing." After speaking, Cast walked out of this room.

Mr. Xander's study.

"Zach, sit down, I've been waiting for your arrival for a long time," said Mr.

Zack sat down as his father-in-law asked.

"What did Dad call me for?" Zach asked.

"This is a card with no limits, next time don't let anyone insult you. You are indeed hiding your new identity as the daughter-in-law of the Aslan family, but don't let anyone step on your pride." Xander spoke with his hand placing a black card on the table.

"I will receive this card when I can make Aslan's company bigger than it is now, I will prove to Aslan's extended family that I am worthy of being father and mother's son-in-law." Zach refused the card Mr. Xander gave him politely and with reasonable reasons.

Mr. Xander smiled faintly before finally taking the black card back and putting it away.

"I really didn't choose the wrong son-in-law," said Mr.

"Father, how is Mother's condition now?" Zach asked later.

"His condition is still the same, we just pray that the disease that is eating away at his body will slow down so that he can live longer." Xander spoke with tears appearing in both eyes, as if indicating that there was deep sadness hidden there.

“Amen.” Zach answered sincerely.


"Mr. Zach, this afternoon you have to attend an important meeting with a client at a five-star restaurant in the city center," Sara reported while reading Zach's schedule on his tab.

"It just so happens that my work at the office is finished, so I can meet her," said Zach as he put the pen on the table and looked at Sara.

"You can leave now," said Sara politely without intending to give orders to her superior.

“Before I leave, can you do something for me?” Zach asked Sara.

"Of course sir," Sara answered quickly.

Five star restaurant.

A man wearing black glasses and a thick mustache was sitting in one of the VIP rooms of this five-star restaurant, that man was none other than Zach. He had just had a business negotiation with his client and Zach managed to close the deal. This was one of the big tenders that Zach got his first time.

Zach took off his glasses and also the thick mustache that he had used to disguise his true identity to his client. Zach calmly enjoyed the dishes on the table.

"It would be a shame if this much food was left just like that, whereas when I lived on the street, I sometimes even had to scavenge for food from restaurant visitors who didn't finish it," said Zach softly as he continued to put food into his mouth.

Darius and Akila were just sitting in one of the restaurant's VIP rooms. The walls of this VIP room are made of transparent glass, making it easier for one visitor to see other ViP visitors.

Akila had just finished ordering food and so had Darius. Akila had just leaned her back on the sofa she was sitting on and a moment later she began to focus her gaze on a man who was busy devouring the food on the table.

"Why is that loser in this place," said Akila with a deep frown.

"Who do you mean, darling," asked Darius while following his wife's gaze.

Zach, who was busy enjoying the dishes on the table, was shocked when the door to the VIP room was opened roughly by someone. However, after seeing Akila and Darius, Zach's face became flat again, he was busy finishing the food on his plate without paying attention to the two people who were now looking at him.

"You are really shameless, eating other people's leftovers, so disgusting," Darius said with disdain in his eyes.

"Without our help, he will not be able to rise, he will remain a homeless person who eats from other people's scraps." Akila also insulted her former adopted child.

“Waiter…waiter.” Darius shouted loudly.

"What's the matter with you calling me sir?" asked the servant after bowing his body in front of Darius.

Several visitors who happened to be passing through the VIP room were forced to stop because they were curious about the commotion that was happening.

"This is one of the most respected restaurants in the country, but why do you let a homeless person eat the rest of the restaurant's food, it's really shameful." Darius spoke while glancing at Zach who was still casually devouring the food on his plate.

"What if many people found out that this restaurant's ViP room could actually be entered by a homeless person who was eating the leftover food from visitors." Akila spoke in a threatening tone, as if from his words he was emphasizing that he would spread this news to the public.

The waiter studied Zach's face, he frowned, he was sure that previously in this room there was a middle-aged man and a man with a thick mustache.

“I don't want to eat at the same place as a homeless person.”

"Me too, we should just look for another restaurant."

The restaurant manager was very panicked after hearing what the restaurant visitors said. The restaurant manager tried to prevent the visitors from leaving this place but he was unable to do so. The manager immediately stepped into the restaurant's VIP room with his jaw clenched.

"You useless servant, why did you let a homeless person into this place, you know if this news spreads then the big boss will be angry." The manager immediately scolded his waiter for being incompetent at work.

"Get rid of the homeless people immediately before too many people find out about this." Akila spoke with a sly grin appearing on her lips.

“I was the person who previously booked this place. "And I've also paid for all the dishes," said Zach to the manager.

"Is it true what the man said?" the restaurant manager asked his waiter.

“Of course it's a lie! "He's just talking casually so he can finish all the food on the table, he's just a poor person who can afford to pay for one portion of the dishes on this table." Akila interrupted the waiter's words and immediately got the restaurant manager's attention.

“Drag this guy's bodyguards out of the restaurant right now! "The next time something similar happens, I'm sure you'll be fired." The manager gave orders in a loud voice and threatened all his workers.

Zach was about to defend himself but he remembered very well that earlier he had paid for all the dishes in the restaurant by disguising himself as someone else, so it was fitting that the restaurant workers didn't recognize him.

“You deserve more humiliation than this, you trash!” After speaking, Darius spat beside Zach, who was still lying on the asphalt after two guards pushed him.

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