Falling on the Same Day

Zach accidentally saw a woman about to slip, Zach's reflex immediately grabbed the woman's waist and pulled her into his arms to protect the woman from falling and succeeded.

Zach's eyes widened perfectly when he realized who the woman he had just saved was Hazel.

"Loser, how dare you touch my wife," said a man who was none other than Alan.

Alan's loud shout seemed to invite everyone to come closer and see what was happening now.

"No wonder the Gray family kicked him out, look he even dared to touch the wife of his former adopted sister." Those were the sounds that entered Zach's ears.

Alan pulled Hazel from Zach's arms. Hazel grinned as if to show that this was the two of them's plan, namely to embarrass Zach in public for the umpteenth time.

“Zach, I know you still love me. But don't do this embarrassing thing in public, you grabbed my hand and hugged me like that really made my husband's self-esteem fall, our relationship is over and now I'm married to Alan, Alan is the only person I love and stop trying to come closer to me." Hazel said all the words very easily, as if she had planned every string of words beforehand.

“Why did I do that! "I even saved you from slipping earlier," said Zach, trying to defend himself.

"You've been found guilty and you still want to avoid it, why would Hazel lie," said one of the workers who was Hazel's close friend.

"I agree with your opinion." The female co-worker also defended Hazel.

Zach looked around him, it was very clear that they really believed what Hazel and Alan were saying. If Zach defends himself it will make him look even more wrong, so silence is the right choice for him.

"I'm going to work now, it's up to you all what you want to say." When Zach took a step, Alan immediately pulled one of his legs forward, making Zach fall down for the second time on the same day.

“Zach, sorry. "I really didn't mean to," said Alan as he stretched out his hand, trying to act nice in front of everyone.

"Don't pretend to be nice in front of me, it makes me so sick." Zach brushed Alan's hand away with a sharp gaze.

“Alan, I am lucky because I married you. "I just found out that he is a rude man," said Hazel as she clung to Alan's arm.

Someone's footsteps began to be heard, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Honey, that's Sara, she's definitely here to pick us up," Hazel said confidently.

“Yeah, that's for sure. I contacted him earlier and said I wanted to meet the new head of this company together with you. We've also come several times, it's natural that they'll start treating us well.” Alan spoke while boasting about himself.

"You are a reliable husband," said Hazel as she hugged Alan and the next second looked at Zach sarcastically.

"Good afternoon, Miss Sara," said Alan as he bowed.

Sara didn't give any response, Sara continued to walk past Alan then stopped in front of Zach.

Everyone present noticed what was happening.

Hazel thought that Sara would definitely scold Zach because the man had been rude to her. Hazel immediately stepped over to Sara, showing a hurt look.

"Miss Sara, just fire this man from the company, he dared to harass me in public," said Hazel while pointing at Zach who had stood up from his sitting position.

"What my wife said is true and everyone here can be a witness," said Alan, supporting his wife's acting.

This husband and wife deserve an Oscar because their acting is so stunning.

Hazel's hand touched Sara's arm. In the next second, Sara immediately gave Hazel a sharp look. Hazel immediately withdrew her hand with a smile that looked like she was forcing it.

“Can Miss Hazel prove that what you said is true?” Sara asked with an intimidating look.

“Everyone can be a witness,” Hazel said confidently.

“Did you all see the incident directly?” Sara asked as she looked around.

Almost everyone was silent and only two people spoke.

“I saw it myself,” said Hazel's friend.

"I believe Hazel's words, why would she lie," said another woman.

"You can all see the CCTV footage when the incident happened, I've told people to send it to the group company." Sara spoke firmly while looking sharply at Alan and Hazel. "For both of you, please leave the company right now, the remainder of your salary will be sent according to your pay date and there will be no additional severance pay."

The two women who had been helping Hazel immediately fell limp on the floor. Only tears of regret could be seen clearly on his face.


Alan and Hazel had just entered the Gray family residence.

Darius immediately stood up from his sitting position then walked over to Alan with a bright red face.


Alan immediately held one of his cheeks which felt sore from the rough slap Darius had just given him. Hazel covered her mouth with her hand in shock and did not expect her father-in-law to slap Alan harshly.

"Why did Dad suddenly slap Alan like this," Alan said fiercely with his sharp gaze.

"You still dare to ask why Dad slapped you," said Darius, his eyes widening even more.

"Alan really doesn't know, can you explain first before slapping Alan like this," said Alan, tightening his jaw so that the veins in his neck seemed to pop out.

“How dare you offend the son-in-law of the Aslan family! "Because of your mistake, we will never be able to collaborate with the Aslan Group company," Darius explained with both hands gripping Alan's shirt tightly.

"Father, Alan really never offended the son-in-law of the Aslan family, how dare Alan do something careless like that," explained Alan honestly.

“Father, what Alan said is true. "Hazel has been with Alan all day," said Hazel.

"Today, all I did was go to the Aslan Group company intending to discuss business negotiations like what Father had ordered," Alan explained briefly.

Darius' hands began to slowly leave Alan's shirt. Alika gently stroked her husband's arm to help Darius lower his emotional level so he could speak with a calm heart.

"Try to remember who the person you offended today is," said Akila.

Alan and Hazel looked at each other. then they simultaneously looked at Akila and Darius while saying.

“We only mentioned the loser Zach today and there is no way that he is the mysterious son-in-law of the Aslan family.” Alan spoke in a dismissive tone.

Darius and Akila looked at each other with unknown thoughts.

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