Revenge Of Adopted Children
Revenge Of Adopted Children
Author: Khairin Zee

The day the Gray family had been waiting for finally arrived. Where tonight the Gray family will announce to the public who is the main heir in their family.

Sparkling lights and luxurious decorations filled the Gray family's house, lots of invited guests were present and especially people in the business world, artists and the media also enlivened the atmosphere this evening.

"Alan are you ready?" Akila asked while gently touching her son's shoulder.

"Alan is very ready, Alan has been waiting for this moment for years," said Alan, answering without hesitation.

On the other hand.

Everyone stared at the beautiful woman who had just walked into this room, her clothes were bright red and open as if to show how beautiful her body was. She is Hazel Dawson, the daughter of one of the most successful business people in this country. Although her wealth cannot be compared to the Gray family, that family is quite influential too.

"Honey, you finally came," Zach said after Hazel stopped in front of him.

"I don't want to arrive late at this important event, I want to be a witness to the achievement of your wish to become the main heir to the Gray family, you deserve all that, darling." Hazel shamelessly kissed Zach's cheek in front of the media and the guests present.

"You're not late at all," said Zach with his heart beating strongly, he was very nervous and never thought that tonight he would become the main heir to the Gray family.

"Where are Father and Mother?" Zach asked after realizing that his girlfriend's parents weren't at the party tonight.

Hazel and Zach's relationship has received the blessing of Hazel's parents. Hazel's parents even consider Zach like their own child.

"Mom and Dad have urgent business matters, after they finish they will come here," Hazel said as she wrapped one arm around Zach's waist affectionately.

Zach answered with a nod of his head.

"Honey, after this event is over you have to promise to officially announce our relationship," said Hazel, who indirectly wanted everyone to know that she was the future daughter-in-law of the Gray family.

Hazel wants to improve her family's social status in the eyes of society.

"Of course, I will propose to you in front of many people, then I will also announce our wedding plans in the next few months," Zach promised his girlfriend.

The atmosphere suddenly turned silent after Darius prepared to announce the essence of tonight's event. The invited guests stared enthusiastically at the stage. Meanwhile, Zach held Hazel's hand with his heart beating wildly.

"Tonight I will make an announcement to all the invited guests and also the media who are taking part in this event. As I have said before, I will appoint the main heir to the Gray family.” Darius paused when he saw everyone clapping.

"Tonight, our beloved child, our biological child, will be the main heir and sole heir of all the Gray family's assets," said Akila, who also spoke, not forgetting to smile happily at everyone.

Zach frowned, there seemed to be something wrong with tonight's event. But Zach remained silent in his position with his mind wandering in no particular direction.

"Why can he talk like that, aren't you and Alan the biological children of the Gray family?" Hazel asked Zach with eyes asking for an explanation.

"I don't know, I don't know either." Zach answered briefly amidst his anxiety.

All the invited guests whispered to each other, while the journalists stared tensely at the stage as if from their expressions, they didn't want to miss a single word that came out of the husband and wife's mouths.

"Alan Grey, is our biological son and for that reason we decided to make him the main heir and sole heir to the Gray family! Meanwhile, Zacharia is a child we adopted from an orphanage. We deliberately revealed Zach's true identity because he had secretly embezzled a lot of company money. And this evening we were forced to cut ties with him."

All the invited guests whispered to each other while looking at Zach. The reporter's camera even focused on Zach's face now. And this will be big news that will shock the business world.

Hazel's grip on Zach slowly began to loosen. Zach looked at Hazel who was looking at him with unknown thoughts.

Hazel's parents, who had just arrived at the party, looked shocked. The two of them quietly slipped away from this party before everyone noticed their presence.

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