Chapter 2: Ambrose Enters Shower đźšż

Ambrose sighed deeply and silently muttered to himself, "Why me, God? Why Ambrose? There are young men like me out there owning millions—young men born into rich families, young men with Porsche cars. Why is mine different?"


With a heavy heart, he forced himself onto the mat, squeezing himself into a comfortable position as best he could.


The next morning, Ava woke up early and looked at the clock; it was around 5 AM, not even yet 6. She glanced down and saw Ambrose asleep on the mat, and she hissed lightly.


"He sleeps comfortably because he has nothing to do," she murmured to herself. "After all, the family business is the one that would feed him. Such a loser to call himself my husband, always bringing shame to me in front of everyone. Everyone keeps mentioning how Ava married a loser."


Still muttering, she got down from the bed and walked straight into the shower room to take her bath.


Getting into the shower, Ava took off her clothes, revealing her flawless skin. Her thighs were smooth and unblemished, like they had been bathed in milk. She started and then slowly opened the tap, letting water pass around her body. 


At the same time, Ambrose's eyes opened, still in a slumber but needing to urinate badly. Half-asleep and not seeing anything properly around him, he stood up and started walking towards the bathroom.


The closer he got, the louder the splattering water became, but in his groggy state, he couldn't hear well enough to realize that there was someone in the bathroom bathing.


Without wasting time, he opened the bathroom door and walked inside, then unzipped his pants to urinate. 


Ava, who had also heard the movements, quickly turned around and saw Ambrose. 


“What!” Fear gripped her instantly, which made her scream at once, pulling a towel to cover herself. Seeing his unzipped pants, she thought Ambrose was coming to assault her.


Help! ” Help!” She began to scream more, splashing water from the shower onto his face in a frantic attempt to fend him off.


The water hitting his face awakened Ambrose fully. He was stunned to find himself in the bathroom, with Ava barely covered by the towel.


“Wh..what's.. What's going on?” He wondered, but then Ava's scream kept getting louder and louder. 


"No, no, Ava, don't misunderstand," he stammered, quickly zipping up his pants. He started walking faster towards her, trying to explain.


But Ava kept screaming, her voice filled with panic. Then, bang! They heard the main door of the room open before the bathroom door itself was flung open.


"Gulp!" Ambrose swallowed hard when he turned around. The first person he saw was Ava's father, Williams, followed closely by her mother, Elizabeth Ainsley.


That wasn't all; Ava's grandma, Margaret Ainsley, and her two cousins, Lucas and Lily, also quickly rushed in. At that moment, it was like a family gathering, with all the family members present.


Ava's dad looked at her daughter, with only a towel around her body, and asked, "What's going on here? Ava, what are you both doing here?" He asked angrily


Panting heavily, Ava pointed at Ambrose and exclaimed, "I was bathing when he entered forcefully!"


"What?" Everyone erupted in anger and disbelief.


Ambrose, stunned and bewildered, shook his head vigorously. "No, no, it's not like that. It's a misunderstanding, father-in-law.”


But before he could finish speaking, his father-in-law's hand shot out and landed a forceful slap across Ambrose's face. Stumbling backward, Ambrose held his stinging cheek in shock.

"Ungrateful brat!" Ava's father roared, his face contorting with rage as he grabbed Ambrose by the neck. "We have taken a lowly person like you into our family, and you want to harm my daughter?"

With a forceful slap, he struck Ambrose once more, dragging him away from the bathroom and into the bedroom.


Ava's cousin and nephew, fueled by their own animosity towards Ambrose, joined in, delivering a few hits of their own. 


Meanwhile, Ava's grandmother watched the scene unfold with a steely glare. Turning to her son, William, she demanded, 


"Deal with him more severely, William. He has brought nothing but shame upon our family. It's time he faced the consequences of his actions.”


“Williams, let's hear him out first, don't rush.” Ava's mom quickly said


But Williams' rage showed no signs of abating. "Explanation?" he spat, his voice filled with anger. "There's no explanation for such behavior! This ingrate has overstepped his boundaries one too many times!"


Ambrose, feeling the weight of everyone's accusing stares, struggled to find his voice. "Please, father-in-law," he pleaded,


"I swear to you, it's a misunderstanding. I would never disrespect Ava or this family.” Ambrose


But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Ava's father tightened his grip even further, and his face contorted with anger. "Enough!" he bellowed. "I won't stand for any more lies from you!”


Ava walked out of the bathroom, her clothes wet and clinging to her skin, showing she hadn't wiped herself yet. Seeing Ambrose being beaten filled her with a sense of satisfaction, and a small smile played on her lips.


Her grandmother, Margaret, approached her with a stern expression. "Ava, why do you keep disobeying what I say? Divorce this good-for-nothing guy. There are plenty of families in Silverwood with handsome young masters who would give anything to have you. Don't you want to enjoy a good life?”


Ambrose panicked a little bit hearing Grandma speak of divorce. Even though he hasn't been treated well, he still didn't want to divorce someone like Ava. 


Ava was really beautiful and truly as her grandma had said, he was aware there were a lot of wealthy individuals in the city of Silverwood who would die just to get her. 


Ava nodded in agreement. "Grandma, you know who keeps stopping me from doing this," she replied, raising her head to look at her mother, Elizabeth.


Margaret's anger flared as she scolded Elizabeth, her voice sharp with frustration. "Elizabeth, how can you defend that good-for-nothing Benjamin? He's brought nothing but disgrace to our family! Ava is my granddaughter, and I have every right to decide what's best for her."


Elizabeth stood her ground, her voice unwavering. "She's my daughter. I have the right to make decisions for her.”


Margaret's patience wore thin as she snapped back, "Will you shut up? Have you forgotten that she's my son's daughter, and I'm her grandmother? My authority trumps yours in this matter.

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