Chapter 10: Chairman+$10M

"What?" Ambrose opened his mouth in shock. "Wh... wha... what do you mean by "I'll inherit your wealth?" He turned to look at Anna, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Jun looked at Anna and said, "Explain things to him."

Anna nodded and stepped forward. "Master Li, what the old master means is that you're going to be his heir. All the properties he has amassed and all his wealth will now be yours. You'll become the Chairman of Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies.”

"Puff!" Ambrose stood up with such force that his legs weakened, and he fell back down, his eyes wide with shock.

Anna quickly rushed to his side, helping him up and into a chair. "Is anything wrong, Master Li?" she asked, concerned.

"Water, please give me water," Ambrose said hurriedly.

Anna quickly brought him a bottle of water. He opened it and drank deeply.

"Is there anything wrong, my grandson?" Jun asked, worry etched on his face.

"You said I'll become a Chairman?" Ambrose repeated, his voice shaking.

Jun nodded. "Of course, you're inheriting everything I own."

Ambrose felt his throat go dry. "How on earth is this sensible? Which company did you say I'm going to become Chairman of?"

"Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies, Master," Anna replied.

"What?" Ambrose screamed. "Is this some sort of prank you're pulling on me?" Hearing that he was going to become the Chairman of Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies made his legs weak again. He felt like he hadn't heard correctly and needed confirmation.

"How's that possible?" he asked, bewildered. "Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies is a famous billion-dollar company in Silverwood, a company that reaches the skies. How can you say I'm going to be the chairman of such a company? It feels like a joke.”

Jun smiled gently. "It's no joke, Ambrose. You saved my life when I had nothing to offer but a promise. Now, I'm fulfilling that promise. Everything I have built, I am entrusting to you. You have the heart and the integrity to lead.”

"Is this for real? You own the number one leading company in Silverwood?" Ambrose asked, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Jun nodded and smiled. "Of course. Everything will now be yours."

Nothing made sense to Ambrose. He was lost in thought for a moment before Anna snapped her fingers, bringing him back to reality. She pushed a file in front of him with a pen and said, "Master Li, please sign here.”

Ambrose looked at the file and read its contents. It was a document agreeing to make him the Chairman of Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies.

"Damn, so this is not a joke. It's real." He couldn't believe that a signature could transform him from a man of rags to the chairman of a billion-dollar company. He stared at the papers and then looked at the old man. 

"Why? Why me? Don't you have children or grandchildren who would inherit your properties?" he asked, still in shock.

"Don't worry about that now, just sign. We'll talk about it later," Jun said reassuringly.

Ambrose nodded and quickly picked up the pen. His life was about to change with just a signature—how could he resist? He signed the document and handed it to Anna. "This is it," he said.

Anna nodded with a smile. "Thank you," she said, picking up the file. "I'll be back." She walked upstairs, and Ambrose watched her go.

Jun stared at Ambrose happily. "My dear grandson, from today onwards, you're no longer just an ordinary person. I've heard and confirmed that you're merely a son-in-law to a family in this city that doesn't respect you. But now, you're the chairman of Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies. Millions of dollars will flow through your account every month. You can now raise your head with pride when you're in town.”

Ambrose didn't know when tears started to form in his eyes. Memories flooded back—insults from the Ainsleys, disrespect from people in Silverwood, maltreatment, and all the times he had felt worthless.

Overwhelmed, he fell to his knees in front of the old man, tears streaming down his face. "Grandfather," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, thank you so much. I can't believe this is happening. 

All my life, I've been treated like I was nothing, a nobody. The Ainsleys, the people in Silverwood, they all looked down on me. But you... you've given me a chance to change my life, to prove myself. I don't even know how to express my gratitude."

Jun's eyes softened as he looked at Ambrose. "Stand up, my grandson. There's no need to kneel.”

But Ambrose remained on his knees, shaking his head. "No, please let me stay like this for a moment. I want you to know how much this means to me. You've changed my life forever. I promise I will make you proud. I will take this opportunity and do my best to honor you and the company. Thank you for seeing something in me that no one else did. Thank you for believing in me when no one else would.”

Jun placed a gentle hand on Ambrose's shoulder. "You are worthy, Ambrose. You always were. Now, rise and take your place as the man you were meant to be."

Ambrose, still tearful, finally stood up, feeling renewed. "I won't let you down, grandfather. I promise.”

Jun nodded, his eyes filled with pride and warmth. "I know you won't, my dear grandson. I know you won't.”

Anna returned with a laptop in her hand, placing it in front of Jun and turning it on. After it booted up, Jun opened a banking system and looked at Ambrose.

"Come and enter your account details here," Jun instructed.

Ambrose gulped, glancing at Anna for reassurance. She nodded with a warm smile. Ambrose stepped forward and hesitantly entered his account details. Jun then typed in an amount and clicked transfer.

"Ding!" Ambrose's phone vibrated in his pocket. Jun smiled. "I've sent you some pocket money to take care of your immediate needs."

Ambrose quickly took out his battered phone, his hands trembling with excitement. He checked the notification and his eyes widened in disbelief as he saw the amount.

He stared at the screen, counting the zeros. "Wait... 1, 2, 3... 7 zeros... Oh my God." His eyes darted between Anna and the old master in shock.

"T-Ten... Ten... Ten million d-dollars?" he stammered, swallowing hard.

Dragon Sly

Ambrose's life about to change for good.

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