Chapter 3: 'Dog'? You dare?!

Rex said while leaning on the door. He threw the papers across the room and it landed at Silvia's face which she subconsciously caught.

She was shocked to the bone, with her eyes wide open, Silvia stared at Rex, who stood with his muscular arms folded across his chest, one leg propped up against the wall behind him. His expression was calm, almost bored as if he had seen it all before. 

"And if I don't?'' Silvia said with a vexed look as she stared at Rex.

Rex's pink lip curls up forming a smirk. He turned his head gently and looked at Silvia blue kristel's eyes. His dark green eyes brighten with a dangerous gleam that sends shivers down Silvia's spine, she even regretted saying those words and subconsciously lowered her head thereby avoiding direct eye contact with Rex.

"Good girl. Now do me a favor and sign it okay?" Rex said with a gentle smile on his face. But to Silvia who just saw a hint of his dangerous side. That smile was like a warning to her!

"Re… Rex, can we talk this out? Back then in the hotel, I didn't do anything with Davis. Yeah, I was about to but didn't cause your arrival to ruin our mood." Silvia said while taking a sneak peek to see his expression.

"Hmph. So what? Do I look like I care anymore? If I remember correctly I said sign the papers and let me get the hell outta here. I'm a man of few words." Rex harrumph and replied in a vexed voice.

"Rex! Don't think because I'm gentle with you. You can take the opportunity to talk back to me! I have a grandmother who can make you, a mere orphan lick her feet and serve us like a dog that you are!" Silvia finally shreds her facade and yells viciously. Her eyes held nothing but hatred, But to Rex, it was nothing more than a puppy barking and relying on its master to fight.

But hearing his ex-wife calling him a 'dog' Rex's smile widens as he looks at her. A soft chuckle escaped his mouth as he stopped leaning on the door. He steps forward, one step at a time. He wasn't in a hurry but to Silvia, it was like a beast was heading her way. Even with the evening chilling breeze she suddenly felt sweat on her palms. To her, those two dark green eyes were as cold as those of the undead skeletons she once read of in a novel called 'Custom Made Demon King'.

"Re… Rex… don't dare do… d.. do anything stupid." She subconsciously took a step back her face showing an expression filled with nervousness. She stutters as she tries to intimidate Rex, instead, it is she who feels it.

"Oh. Something stupid like picking a knife. Peeling off your skin? Layer to layer? Hearing you scream miserably? Then tearing your tummy open and seeing the type of food Davis feeds you? Then what next? Oh, yes maybe pulling your fragile heart out and showing it to you before your eyes fade off and your soul lives your body." Rex said scarily, the dim red light in the room did nothing but further, enhance his chilling look.

Two green eyeballs staring at a fragile girl in a red-light room.

By now Silvia was trembling so hard. The aura leaking from Rex made her almost fainted, the intimidation was so much that she almost cried. Coupled with the eerily quiet environment Silvia was so scared that she felt like her soul could leave her body any moment from now.

"Alright, I was just kidding. Gosh, you are a scaredy cat. Go, go, go, and tell your grandma I wanna sign a divorce and if she doesn't want to… something special will happen tonight" 

Silvia was jolted awake from her daze state by the voice of Rex. Feeling a hand caressing her cheeks, she looked up and her blue eyes met the green gaze of Rex. She stumbled back and fell on the bed in shock.

Rex walked out of the room in a majestical step without even sparing her a second glance. 




Seeing Rex vacating the room Silvia with Freight reached out for her phone which was on the bed. She hastily picks it up and dials a number, and not long after someone picks it up.

"Hello little girl, how are you doing? Miss granny already?" An old female voice said from the other side of the call.

Silvia wasn't in the mood to chitchat and immediately said. "Gr… Granny, where are you?! Please I wanna tell you something and it's…it's about Rex sob… sob…"

"What happened? Did that wretched kid bully you? Come meet me in my room now before I go for my birthday. There's still 20 minutes left" The voice said.

Silvia ended the call and ran out of the room with a hurried step, it was like Rex's words and character had left her traumatised.


Granny's Room.

"So you're saying Rex suddenly came into your room and insulted you then asked for a divorce. Not only that he also called me your grandmother and parents greedy dogs and shitty people?"

In a room painted pure white with two or three art pictures hung on the wall. a king-size bed with a white bedsheet, white wardrobe, table and chair close to the window with books and an electric lamp on it. On the window, a rose flower planted in a small clay pot was kept. 

Sitting on the chair was Granny, An old woman who looked like someone In her peak 50s. The only thing that gave her out was her completely white hair. Her eyes were vibrant blue in color. An indication that Silvia inherited the aqua color eye from her.

On the bed, Silvia sat down while sobbing. Her eyes were a bit red with tears dropping from time to time. 

"Yes, grandma. He further went as far as to insult me and called me a cheating whore, that he would rather be single than marry me wuuuuu… granny avenged me. My pride as a woman has been shattered, I definitely can't bear it."

"This is strange, I mean how can he have the guts to say that? Let's take it easy and investigate first. Maybe… just maybe he has someone backing him up which gives him the morals." Having been in the business world for decades, Granny was so shrewd that she immediately spotted the oddness in the situation so she decided to take a step back to confirm it first before saying any other thing but how could Silvia who was planning to instigate her grandma to deal with Rex whom she hates with passion stop this?

 She quickly added.

"Granny, I know the problem. He is cheating on me! He now sleeps with the young mistress of Brian's family. He thought he now had a strong backing Humph. I caught them in a hotel last night." Silvia said quickly.

"Oh, if I may ask my dear granddaughter. What were you doing in a hotel at night?'' Granny smiled and questioned her.

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