Chapter 4: Rex not smiling.

Silvia panicked and wanted to come up with a lie when the door was pushed open which drew both the grandma and Silvia's attention.

Standing at the door was a chubby girl about Silvia's height with short hair and dark brown eyes. Although her skin was fresh, compared to Silvia it was mediocre at best. She is Silvia's cousin's sister Jane. Jane has been outside since and heard everything Silvia and Granny said.

Finding an opportunity she immediately entered the scene and said "Lies. Granny Silvia has been going clubbing and hotels with Davis."

"How dare you slander me!" Silvia was furious and yelled at Jane

"Humph, do you think I didn't know you were having sex with him? How shameful for a lady who is married to be out there having fun while her husband is at home. You are a shame to this family Silvia."

"Shame? You are the shame, Jane. A disgusting fat pig like you being born into this family is an utter insult to the honorable us!"

Being body shame made Jane tremble in rage. With rage, she almost jumped on Silvia at that moment but Granny intervened.

"Now you two, stop this nonsense!" Granny's voice boomed, cutting through the tension in the air. She sat with her hands on her hips, a frown on her face, clearly not amused by the childish behavior. "You're both adults, act like it!"

She turned and looked at the wall clock and said "It's almost time for the celebrant to show up, let's go and as for Rex.

Don't worry Silvia I will deal with him once we are through with the birthday party". With that Granny stood up and arranged her make-up before stepping out of the room followed by Jane who clicked her tongue and walked out,

leaving Silvia who was grinning ear to ear from hearing her grandma's promise in the room.

"Shitty Rex, just you wait and very soon you will be on your knees with snouts and tears on your face while begging me and Humph! I definitely won't take you but can do you a favor by making you my driver." Even when Granny hasn't dealt with Rex yet Silvia is already imagining the scene of how Rex will beg her. Too bad she is about to witness the shock of her life in the next 40 minutes.


Soft, melodic music drifted through the air, accompanied by the gentle strumming of guitars and other instruments. The atmosphere was luxurious, and the hall was decorated with expensive ornaments and artwork.

Each table was laden with an assortment of delicious foods, and crystal glasses filled with the finest wines and liquors. Waiters in crisp uniforms bustled around the room, catering to the needs of the guests. Everything was perfect, an evening of opulence and indulgence.

The hall was filled with the most powerful and influential people in the city, all dressed in fine suits and designer gowns. They stood in groups, chatting and laughing as they sipped expensive red wine from crystal glasses. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and networking, with everyone eager to make connections and establish themselves in the upper echelons of society.

"Look granny is here"

It was unknown who said that word but it did its magic as everyone turned their head towards the main door.

At the right hand was Silvia in her beautiful red gown and on the left was Jane in her extremely tight aqua blue gown. At the center was Granny, smiling warmly at everyone.

"Welcome everyone, and thank you for coming," the hostess, Granny said, a smile on her face. "I know many of you are busy people, with important work and commitments, but you took the time to come and celebrate my birthday with me. I am deeply touched by your kindness and generosity. Let the festivities begin!"

"A toast to granny!" someone called out, and the room erupted in cheers. Glasses were raised in a toast, the sound of clinking crystal filling the air.

"A toast to granny, may she live long and happy!" they all proclaimed, a chorus of well wishes and celebration.

"A toast to granny, a toast of long live!"

"Yeah, and prosperity too."

"Long live granny."

Jane stood alone in the corner, her heart heavy with hurt and resentment. The influential men of the city had flocked to Granny and Silvia, ignoring her completely. She felt invisible, a nobody, while they showered her sister with attention. 

Why was she always the one left behind? Was it her fault that she wasn't as beautiful as Silvia? When had the world become so cruel, so unkind? Her thoughts spiralled into a vortex of despair, and she felt herself sinking deeper and deeper.

Jane slipped away from the gathering, feeling like a ghost. She found herself a chair at the very edge of the hall, where she could sit alone with her thoughts. No one even noticed that she had left, so wrapped up were they in conversation and celebration. She was invisible, a shadow in the corner, her heart heavy with sadness.

She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the world around her, but it was no use. The sounds of laughter and joy only served to deepen her melancholy. She felt like a failure like she would never be good enough.


Outside the hall, Rex stood alone, his hands in his pockets. He listened to the faint sound of music and laughter coming from the building, a small smile playing on his lips.

"It's time to give my in-laws a bit of a surprise," he said to himself, pulling his phone from his pocket. He dialed a number, the screen lighting up as it rang.

"Hey Scar, where are you?" he asked, his tone casual.

"We're about five minutes away, boss," the deep voice on the other end of the line replied, the words dripping with respect.

"Make it quick," he said, then ended the call. Pocketing his phone, he began to walk towards the hall, a sense of anticipation rising in his chest. He knew that what he was about to do would leave a lasting impression on everyone there - one they would never forget.

As he approached the door, he straightened his shoulders and squared his jaw. This was going to be a night to remember. He would make sure of it.

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