Secretly Billionaire After Divorce

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Secretly Billionaire After Divorce

By: Tina Maxxy Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 66

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"Rapist!" She shouted, followed by a series of throwing her clothes at him. Those were the last words that broke the camel's back that finally made Ryan ask his wife for a divorce after three years of a humiliating marriage. If only his wife and her family members knew that just a word from him could make their wealth reduce to nothing in just a second...

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23 chapters
Chapter 1
Ryan woke up and thought it was a wet dream at start. Then he realized that he did feel an additional weight on his bed. The warmth of her breasts pressed against his bare chest.He turned to his side, saw his wife climbing into his bed. A part of him that convinced him he was imagining things, made him reach out his hand to touch her. A gasp escaped his lips as he felt his wife's soft skin, warm against his fingers. He tried to sit up in the bed, but she lay completely over him before he could. The smooth and slippery touch spread along his body through the warmth. "Steph…" he doubted she heard him before she pressed her lips on his. Her lips were soft and moist, carrying her scent. He and Stephanie had been married for three years, but she still didn’t allow Ryan to lay a finger on her, let alone any other more intimate contact. What was with her today? Whatever the reason, this was the first time Stephanie had ever shown him herself. Fire crackled under Ryan's skin as her
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Chapter 2
Ryan felt stupid as he stood up and slowly gathered his clothes and wore them back. It had been there. The signs that Stephanie didn't love him. But he had ignored them, hoping that someday she would see how much he loved her and reciprocate his feelings. And the humiliations too. The ones he had to go through with Stephanie's family because he seemed to them as nothing but poverty. He sat down on the chair and buried his head in his palm. The woman he loved only did see him as a substitute for her ex-boyfriend. If he could feel free about the realization that Stephanie would never love him, it would make him feel less stupid. He couldn't understand how his life had gotten to this point where he has almost become a house husband just to support his wife‘s career, as she asked for him at the wedding night. His mind wandered off to the past three years and the realization of what his choice has brought him. Ryan heard a shattering sound. He raised his head slowly to see the m
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Chapter 3
Stephanie stared at Ryan in surprise. Had he just mentioned a divorce? "What?" Her voice was almost silent as she thought about what Ryan had just told her."Divorce. I want it. Today," Ryan said.Stephanie took a few steps away from him, wondering if he had gone crazy. He's a useless man who has no ambition and is only married to her because of her family's wealth. A divorce? Is this a joke?Even if Ryan couldn't do anything, he could at least take care of the household. Without him, it was like losing a nanny.A divorce was also bad for her family image.Besides, she had sworn to her late grandfather - the former head of the family - that they would stay married for some unknown reason. If only she hadn't made the stupid mistake of saying Anderson's name last night, it wouldn't have come to this. She tried to think. Think of something to make Ryan give up the idea of divorce. "Do you have to make the rest of today difficult for me? For something you don't mean?" Frustration was b
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Chapter 4
The car door opened and a butler walked toward Ryan, about two bodyguards escorted him.The butler bowed slightly before Ryan. "Sir, your three-year period agreement with the master has ended and since you couldn't keep Miss Stephanie with you all these while, you should return to New York and inherit the family business according to your promise."Ryan was fifteen years old when he was abducted by people he couldn't recognize, and he had lost his memory since then. When he at the orphanage home, he accidentally saved a man sprawled on the floor. The man turned out to be the master of Hill's family. He took Ryan to the Hill family and three years ago, Stephanie's grandfather, to show his appreciation to Ryan, asked that Ryan get married to Stephanie. Ryan had been under the impression that the Master of the Hill's family might have arranged the marriage for an extra purpose, but he never knew why. The Joy of being with Stephanie tempered his doubts.On the wedding night, Stephanie
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Chapter 5
"Master said you don't have to return home now if you don't want to, but you have to manage the subsidiary of the conglomerate here in Atlanta," the butler said as Ryan read through the contract."What if I don't manage the subsidiary and at the same time don't return home?" "I am afraid, Sir, Master would have to retaliate against the Hill family."Ryan glanced sharply at the butler. "What?" He asked, more shocked than surprised. "Dad told you that?""Yes, Sir."Ryan shifted his weight on one leg. His father had him cornered. Before Stephanie's grandfather died, the man had made Ryan promise that he would take good care of the Hill family business. Even after what had happened between him and Stephanie in the past few hours, he couldn't bring himself to watch her family business get destroyed because of him. But wait a minute… He glanced at the butler who was waiting for his response. "Dad told you he would retaliate against the Hill family if I don't manage the subsidiary?" "Yes
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Chapter 6
Mrs Hill raised her chin in a haughty manner. She dressed in expensive clothes and wore one of her heel shoes that often made Ryan wonder how she found it convenient to walk in them. She was accompanied by some women wearing expensive clothes too. Each of them were carrying shopping bags, making it obvious that they had just gone on another show-off shopping, displaying how much money they had.Ryan's eyes moved back to Mrs Hill who was looking at him in total disdain. "What is wrong?" He asked.Mrs Hill was slightly caught off guard by the cold manner in which Ryan responded to her. If it were some other time, he would have bowed immediately he saw her. Is he sick?"What are you doing here? You are supposed to be home getting the breakfast ready for the family, you ungrateful idiot," She said in disdain."Ungrateful idiot?" Ryan asked coldly. "What more do I have to do so that you can be satisfied?" He moved closer to her and looked her straight in the eyes."Ever since I got married
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Chapter 7
Ryan could not help the smile that came on his face as he listened to the woman who used to be his mother-in-law threatening him with divorce."Ma'am, I already divorced your daughter. Save yourself the bother," Ryan said. The confusion on her face and the way her veins appeared because of her tight grip on the phone amused Ryan. He has never thought he would be able to get any reaction from her other than disdain and mockery.The call connected and Mrs Hill heard Stephanie's voice at the other end. She wondered if what Ryan just said was true but if it was, then it is a dream come true. Stephanie deserved to be married to a wealthy man."Stephanie, I can't put up with your husband's attitude anymore. I can't! He is getting more rebellious every second." Mrs Hill saw Ryan sneer and walk away."Ryan…?""He disrespected me in front of the society women just because I asked him why he isn't home to cook breakfast. As if that is not enough, he walked out on me. He..." Mrs Hill stopped to
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Chapter 8
The cab man laughed. "I can't even enjoy any of my favourite shows on television again. Advert everywhere with the hope of the new Lopez company noticing them." "Really?" "Those rich people. They can't do anything without making life difficult for the lower class," the cab man said. He stopped the car at the traffic light. Ryan couldn't figure out why he was getting excited about the news. He had not wanted to be involved in the company before, but now, it seems interesting. "I wonder who the CEO of the company is. He must be a really powerful folk to have that much control over all the other companies here." Ryan tried not to grin. He sat back in the cab and relaxed. He felt like telling the cab man that he is the CEO but all the sense of pride was replaced by something else at the cab man's next words. "Have you heard that the man that married to one of the Hill family divorced recently?" he continued driving when the light turned green. "Divorce?" Ryan asked, hoping it was n
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Chapter 9
"I am not saying you shouldn't call the police if you want, but you should take a look at this first so that you will know who to get arrested," Ryan said. Stephanie glanced from the document Ryan was holding to him. She wondered what he was up to. She grabbed the document from him and opened it. Inside was the details of the debts that Anderson owed and something else… she scanned through the evidence… She had been drugged the night before. She let out a gasp as she realized who had planned the whole thing. Anderson! There were pictures that had been taken from the CCTV camera of the bar where she had been last night. The bar man had added something to her drink after he was seen with Anderson. "What…?" Her lips quivered. The document fell from her. She slowly looked at Anderson. "What's wrong?" Anderson asked. He got to where she was and picked the document from the floor. His eyes scanned through the page. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. It was enough that
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Chapter 10
After Ryan left, his words seemed to hang on and cause an uncomfortable silence in the room. Stephanie remained where she was, staring at Anderson. But Anderson needed no one to tell him that even though she was staring at him, her mind was faraway. Anderson finally decided to move closer to her. He took a step toward her, but she took two steps backward."Babe—""Stop. Don't come closer." She raised her hand to accompany how well she meant what she said."I am sorry, babe. I didn't do it for my own selfish interest. I did it for you," Anderson said.Noticing Stephanie's puzzled face, he continued talking, adding his excuses together."I wanted to help you escape this miserable life quickly. Even if you had come to me last night, nothing would have happened between us. I swear. You mean a lot more to me than you can ever imagine," Anderson said. His lies seemed to have some effects on her as her face slowly began to lit up."Can't you see the freedom you have now? That parasite is o
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