Secretly Billionaire After Divorce
Secretly Billionaire After Divorce
Author: Tina Maxxy
Chapter 1

Ryan woke up and thought it was a wet dream at start. Then he realized that he did feel an additional weight on his bed. The warmth of her breasts pressed against his bare chest.

He turned to his side, saw his wife climbing into his bed. A part of him that convinced him he was imagining things, made him reach out his hand to touch her. A gasp escaped his lips as he felt his wife's soft skin, warm against his fingers. 

He tried to sit up in the bed, but she lay completely over him before he could. The smooth and slippery touch spread along his body through the warmth.

"Steph…" he doubted she heard him before she pressed her lips on his. Her lips were soft and moist, carrying her scent.

He and Stephanie had been married for three years, but she still didn’t allow Ryan to lay a finger on her, let alone any other more intimate contact.

What was with her today? 

Whatever the reason, this was the first time Stephanie had ever shown him herself. 

Fire crackled under Ryan's skin as her lips met his. 

The way her tongue somehow follows his, and the way her hands slide over his broad shoulders surprised Ryan.

 She pulled Ryan’s hair harder, earning a moan from him. The sound elicited one of her own, the two mixing in the most heavenly way. It was the hottest sound Ryan had ever heard and he would do anything to hear it again. Her body began gently rocking back and forth on his.

Steph, Ryan breathed into her mouth. 

Her hands found the hem of his shirt, and she tugged at it, pulling it up. He pulled away from her for a moment. Next his clothes flew across the room as he pulled them off.

He rolled her over and climbed on her. Her eyes were closed. He was ready to take her, but he hesitated. He needed to be sure she wanted this. Her hands pushed him to her as she rose up to meet him. He slowly thrust inside her. Her fingers dug into his skin.

He thrust faster and her hands pulled his hair harder, making him move in and out of her more faster. Her voice was louder and louder, "Ahhhh!" She moaned, screamed. He was close to coming. So close...

"...Anderson!" Stephanie's voice filled the room as she came.

Ryan jerked away from her, eyes widened in shock. He felt a twist in his heart as he took a look at her face. 

She had a lazy smile on her face. Her mouth opened to say something, but no words came out from it. Her hand that she reached to hold him fell back on the bed. Her eyes were closed and just then, he heard gentle snores from her. 

All the fire that the passion of the last few minutes had ignited in him suddenly gave way for coldness at the mention of the name. Anderson.

Anderson Harris had been Stephanie's boyfriend before he had to travel to another country for some unknown purposes. Of course, he had to break up with Stephanie before he left. That perhaps was the reason why she married Ryan. 

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