The System's Mafia Ascension
The System's Mafia Ascension
Author: Legacy Sage
Chapter 1: Typical Urban Son-in-law?

3:34 PM

Lois Angelis City, Luxurious Hotel~

With an envelope in his hand, Rex who just stepped out of the taxi couldn't help but appreciate the ten-story building with the enormous sign hung on top which had the word 'Luxurious Hotel' written on it.

The entire construction was made of glass from the outside with guards enclosing it even though it has CCTV cameras around it. 

Without squandering time he headed inside after passing the security door.

Walking towards the counter with a lady reclining behind it.

Before he could speak she beat him to it.

"Welcome to the luxurious hotel sir, how may I be of help to you?" The lady dressed in the hotel uniform which was a white shirt and a black skirt smiled warmly and said.

"I'm here to convey a message to Sir Joe. Kindly let him know that Rex, the son-in-law of Walker's family is here to deliver a letter to him."

"Sure, hold on a minute" saying so the lady sitting behind the counter picked up her phone after getting Sir Joe's information from the computer. She called and told him. 

"You can now go sir, The room number is 33-AD. Just take the elevator" she said with her professional smile after ending the call.

"Sure and thank you," Rex replied back with a smile and headed straight towards the elevator.


A few seconds later, 

Stepping out of the elevator, Rex took a look at the corridor with 18 rooms on both sides. He strolled across it until he was able to locate room 33-AD which was next to the last room.




"Who the fuck is disturbing me huh, when did I order a room service or whatever?!"" A voice from the opposite room echoed with a bit of dissatisfaction In his tone. Obviously, the owner seems to have been rudely interrupted by whatever he was doing.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Rex turned to apologize and let the person know he wasn't knocking at his door but halted as he got the surprise of his life.

A normal-looking man about 1.6 meters tall with tan skin, hairy chest and bald hair with mischievous eyes could be seen standing there, with his hands pulling a woman towards him from the room.  

Upon looking at her he paused, as his Iris widened with shock. At that moment he felt like thunderclaps were echoing in his ears as he almost staggered, why wouldn't he when the woman turned out to be his wife?

Yes, his wife whom he is married to. Standing there with a half-naked man's hand around her waist while she was on a skimpy towel. 

"Silvia!" He subconsciously yelled with anger as he stepped closer to their door, forgetting what he was sent to do.

"Wait, when... I...wha... What are you doing" Silvia stuttered from the unexpected encounter with her useless husband.

"I'm the one supposed to ask you hunny! Who the hell is he and why the hell are the both of you on towels? Answer me hunny 'cause I definitely won't leave here until you t…"


"Don't you ever question me! you lowly dog of a husband! Do you think I am obligated to tell you about my movement?" 

Silvia yells with a twisted face filled with utter disgust at Rex. 

Leaving him rotted on the spot as his emotions switched between shock, anger, confusion and pain. 

This was supposed to be his wife who stood her ground for him even as he had nothing. Rex felt his heart sting with pain.

The pain of being cheated on, the pain of seeing her, the woman whom he loves with his whole heart standing with another man.

_She has changed. This isn't the loving Silvia I once knew, sh… she has changed…_ 

With his heart filled with pain Rex's eyes turn red. He subconsciously recalled the time he met Silvia, it was at the school cafeteria. She sought his help to do her assignments which he helped her and she took him for dinner as a form of appreciation.

Ever since then they bonded well and started becoming close, even though he was from a low-class society she never looked at him with disdain like the other young masters and mistress, rather she treated him equally despite all persuasion from her friends to not associate with him.

After some time he confesses his feeling to her which she also gladly accept. They both started dating and even when though he was poor she never felt uncomfortable with him. 

Even when her family tried persuading her, she never gave up rather she stood her ground and on multiple occasions, she threatened to take her life if anyone ever separated from them.

But now, the Silvia standing in front of him seems different, with her cold eyes looking at him with disdain, something he for once had never seen in her.

"Hehehe, and who do we have here? Isn't it the downgraded son-in-law of the Walker family? The one and only most embarrassing man of the year?" The burly man suddenly said in his deep German accent out of the blue, jolting Rec back to his attention.

Seeing how Rex wasn't able to react in time, the man added.

"Ain't you the useless son-in-law who was lucky to marry into the Walker family? 

Do you now think you have the standing to look back to me?! A mere orphan picked by Walker's family dared question my girl?!

Apologize for this atrocity now or I will deal with you brutally you lowlife 

Wait 'dog'? Now that I think of it, as a dog you are supposed to crawl before me and apologize."

"Wait, what?" Rex asked and suddenly came to a realization, with his face turning red from anger he said "Sir Davis! Don't dare take this far or I will…"


"How dare you talk back to Sir Davis?! Do you know who he is? Go down on your four limbs now and apologize!" 

Rex held his right side cheek which had five red fingerprints on it with a look of shock as he stared at Silvia.

This is the second time she slapped him. He couldn't wrap his head around what just occurred how could his wife not support him, rather she stood with someone else?

As if reading his thoughts Sir Davis said with disdain.

"Do you think Silvia will stand for someone so poor that he can't even contribute to the family's development? You don't have any worth in this world so be the good dog and GO ON YOUR KNEELS!"

"Yeah Rex, you know as an orphan, Davis can end your life miserably so be good and kneel down okay? And you know only the rich value their ego as for a poor man like you there is literally nothing like ego for you to value."

Rex felt a sting in his heart, he almost cried and subconsciously a tear streamed down from his red eyes. Tears that held his pain, embarrassment and so on. 

Without any choice, he, a man who values his ego was forced to go on his knees. Even when kneeling he felt anger but had no choice. 

_A day shall come when you will

kneel before me from morning till night Davis!_ He thought while clenching his fist.

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