Chapter 10: Inner Might


"Em…e…embrace…it" Rex muttered, and suddenly his eyes brightened, shining differently from his usual dark green as now it shone completely green!.


No one, not even Rex, knew where he got the power from, but he was able to stop the punch as he grasped hold of the fist tightly. No matter how the man tried to pull away he still couldn't.

"Im…impossible!" The man yells with disbelief.

"Are you shocked? Are you surprised? This is just the beginning," Rex said as he threw a punch of his which carried both his frustration and anger towards the man.


What happened shocked both his sister, who was hiding and watching it with the other 4 passengers.

The brute's neck got snapped into two as he dropped on the floor lifelessly.

Rex didn't rest as he saw the butler who looked seriously injured and might be stabbed any moment from now. He stood up and ran towards them within seconds he reached there, surprising both the butler and the other two thieves.

Rex threw a straight punch withou
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