Chapter 6

Watching his wife and mother-in-law leave, Hector clenched his fist in desperation. They didn’t believe in him and had misunderstood him, but that wouldn’t be for long. He knew how to solve the problem.

Since he was now rich, he could invest in his wife's company so she wouldn’t have to marry anyone else. That’s right! That’s all he had to do. She had mentioned it herself.

Remembering he had been on a call before his mother-in-law showed up, he glanced at his phone only to see the call had already ended. The housekeeper must have ended it when he heard his mother-in-law’s voice.

He called the housekeeper back, and the phone was answered on the first ring.

“Hello, young master. I hung up when I heard voices in the background,” the housekeeper said.

“Okay. I’m calling to ask where the nearest company of my family is.”

“Do you need me to send the address to you now?”


“Is it that important for you to go there now?” he asked.


“I’ll arrange the rest for you,” the housekeeper said. “You just need to go there and introduce yourself.”


Soon afterwards, Hector was on his scooter at high speed. It didn’t take long for him to pull into the compound of the company and into the parking lot. He pulled off his helmet and shook his head to set his hair back in place.

The company was Lirb’s Limited, the top company in the city, and it was quite hard to get into without the right qualifications.

He had just placed his helmet on the scooter and locked the chain when he heard footsteps behind him.

“Oh, I didn’t expect to meet you like this, Hector. Is that a scooter you’re riding to a place like this?” a voice said.

Turning around, Hector saw a man stepping out of a nice car. It was his high school classmate, Colt, with his hand wrapped around the waist of a girl in heavy makeup.

Colt had a stunned look on his face as he pretended to run into Hector. In truth, he had spotted Hector riding into the garage and decided to mock him for arriving on a scooter.

“What are you doing here?” Colt asked.

“Hello to you too,” Hector said.

“It’s been a while,” Colt said. “I’ve been wondering when we’d meet again, but I think it’s fate that brought us together today.”

“Yeah,” Hector replied, not in the mood to say more.

“Who’s he?” Colt's girlfriend asked.

“He’s just a classmate of mine from high school,” Colt replied.

Colt’s girlfriend scanned Hector from head to toe, a scornful look on her face, signaling her distaste. “He looks pretty poor to have been your classmate. How did he even afford the tuition?”

“I honestly have no idea,” Colt said.

“He looks like a beggar.”

Since Hector had kept a low profile, Colt had no idea he was from a rich family.

Colt looked Hector up and down, noticing his plain, cheap clothes, and a grin spread across his face. Hector had always gotten good grades in high school, and Colt had been jealous of the attention he received for his straight A’s.

Though, Hector’s appearance in high school had been better than it was now.

Hector had managed to stay low-key, and none of his classmates knew his real identity or the wealthy family he came from.

“Is that your scooter?” Colt asked, gesturing to it.


“Don’t you think it’s a bit inappropriate to ride a scooter to a company like this?” Colt asked, his tone mocking.

“I don’t see anything wrong with it,” Hector answered. “Is there some rule about scooters at this company?”

Colt's grin widened as he stepped closer to Hector. “Not exactly. But look around,” he said, waving at the luxury cars parked in the garage. “Do you see any other scooters here?”

“I see no reason why there should be,” Hector replied, not bothering to look around.

Colt frowned and poked Hector in the chest. “Can’t you take a hint?” he demanded softly. “I mean, you don’t belong here. No one else comes to a place like this on a scooter. Do you really think they’ll let you into the company?”

Hector took a step back.

“If only everyone could see the ‘best student’ who got straight A’s,” Colt sneered. “You don’t even have a decent job or anything to your name except that scooter! The teachers used to compare us to you, and now look at the difference. I have my own car and a house, but you? You don’t have anything. I thought they said the top student gets the best-paying job? What happened to you?”

Hector frowned at the insult.

“Colt,” the girl called. “Since he can barely afford shoes,” she added, glancing at Hector’s worn-out shoes, “why don’t you recommend him for the cleaner position? From the look of things, he’d get the job as long as you put in a good word.”

A smile spread across Colt’s face. “That’s a good idea,” he said, turning to Hector. “What do you think? I heard you don’t have a job, and riding a scooter proves it. Why not become a cleaner at Lirb’s Limited?”

Hector's expression darkened as Colt spoke.

“It’s not a bad offer,” Colt continued. “The pay would definitely be better than whatever you’re making now. I’m just trying to help out, considering our history. You should be grateful we ran into each other today, right?”

Colt's girlfriend snickered. “A cleaning job at Lirb’s Limited is hard to get. You should accept the offer. Maybe then you’ll be able to buy yourself some decent shoes.”

Colt's grin widened further. “I’m the senior manager of the company, and when I say I’ll help you get the job, I’m serious. After all, I hold a high position here, one that can’t be shaken. Compared to me, you’re nothing.”

“If it weren’t for the chance you got to attend the same high school as Colt, you’d never have met him or spoken to him. You should be thankful that trash like you is getting the support of the senior manager. That’s something some people would die for.”

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