Chapter 7

Hearing their words, Hector glared at them, his blood boiling with fury. When he glanced back to see Colt, he had been happy to meet his old classmate after such a long time.

However, discovering that Colt only wanted to mock him enraged him. He wanted to retaliate and wipe the cocky grin off Colt’s face but stopped, thinking twice.

They weren’t worth his time, and he had something more important to take care of. He needed to take over the company and invest in his wife's family business, or she would have to marry Jack. Ignoring Colt, he hurried away.

Stunned, Colt called out to him, but Hector paid no attention.

“Hector! How dare you walk away from me?!”

“We aren’t done talking yet!”

“Come back here!”

Entering the company, Hector walked straight to the reception with no issues. There, he was met by a red-haired woman who glanced at him as he approached. She arched her brows and tilted her head slightly.

“Welcome. What’s your reason for being here? Is there anything I can help you with?”

Feeling a bit awkward since he knew nothing about the company, Hector hesitated. “I need to make a quick phone call. Please, hold on for a few seconds.”

She nodded. “Okay. I will attend to you whenever you are ready.”

She seemed lively and friendly. Despite noticing his appearance, she didn’t comment on it or act as though he didn’t belong. She attended to him like any other guest.

Dialing the housekeeper, Hector waited for the call to be picked up.

“Hello, young master.”

“I’ve arrived at the company,” Hector said. “What should I do next?”

“Stay where you are. The vice president of the company will come to pick you up soon. It won’t take long, please be patient.”

“Alright,” Hector replied. “I’ll be waiting at the reception.”


The call ended just as an annoying voice reached Hector’s ears. It was Colt again, and this time his voice was even more agitated than before.

“Why is a loser like him here?!” Colt demanded, his face twisting with anger.

Hector turned to face him. “What do you want?” he retorted, frustrated that he had to deal with them again.

Without another word, Colt stormed past him, pretending not to know him. Hector wasn’t surprised—it was exactly what he expected. Colt’s girlfriend shot Hector a mischievous smirk as she followed.

Hector frowned. He didn’t even know her, so why was she being so mean?

“Why would you let someone like him in?” Colt yelled at the receptionist. “Are you slacking off and not recognizing who’s actually supposed to be here?!”

The receptionist flinched, clearly not expecting to be yelled at for simply doing her job.

“My job is to attend to guests, sir.”

“Guests?!” Colt snapped. “What part of him looks like a guest? I saw him arrive on a scooter, and he’s wearing cheap clothes! Are you blind to think someone dressed like him belongs here?!”

Seeing nothing wrong with her decision, the receptionist gave them a questioning look, which seemed to further annoy Colt’s girlfriend.

“You’re paid to do your job!” she screamed, her mouth wide like an anaconda about to devour its prey. “How dare you let someone like him into the company? Are you trying to ruin its reputation?! This company is the top 1 in this city and you let someone like him in. If the image of the company gets ruined, it would be your fault!”

The receptionist, now visibly shaken, nodded vaguely. Just then, Colt’s girlfriend received a call and had to leave, but not before shooting another glare at Hector.

Hector frowned. “If you want to attack me, do it directly. The receptionist has done nothing wrong. She was just doing her job like she said. Do you want her to drive away people just because she has the power to?”

“Who the hell are you?” Colt snarled, glancing at Hector. “What makes you think I’m attacking you? I’m scolding the receptionist for doing a poor job. How could she let trash like you into this company?”

Hector’s fists clenched as Colt turned back to berate the already terrified receptionist.

“Judging by his scooter, he must be a delivery man or a salesman,” Colt said mockingly, though he tried to maintain a professional tone. “You know they aren’t allowed inside, right?”

The receptionist’s face paled. She realized she had made a mistake, and if she didn’t fix it, she might lose her job.

“Why did you let him in, knowing that?” Colt demanded, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Do you know the result of your actions? What if he had stolen something at the company? Can you replace it?”

The receptionist bowed her head. “I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t know he was a delivery man or salesman. He wasn’t holding any packages or dressed like one. I made a mistake, and I promise it won’t happen again.”

Hector stood back, watching the scene unfold.

“He wasn’t dressed like one?” Colt demanded, glancing at Hector from head to toe. 

“I am sorry.”

Colt’s lips curled into a satisfied grin. “Do you understand your mistake now?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Are you just going to let him stand there?” Colt asked. “It’ll be over for you if anyone else sees that you let a delivery man in.”

The receptionist, now even more nervous, turned to Hector. “You should leave, sir. This isn’t a place for delivery men or salesmen. I hope you understand that you aren’t wanted here.”

Hector tilted his head. He wanted to respond but changed his mind, he had to see how far Colt could go. 

“I hope you understand!” she repeated, raising her voice, thinking he hadn’t heard her. “This isn’t a place where a delivery man can walk in and out as he pleases. You should leave. Please leave.”

A satisfied smile crossed Colt’s face, a clear sign of victory. “You heard her. Leave! You are not wanted here.”

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