The Orphan Dragon Marshall

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The Orphan Dragon Marshall

By: Toothpick Jones OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 13

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Ten years after the four top families connive and burn every single member of the Ruthaford family, one of the most prominent families in Klinland, the Ruthaford orphan, saved from the fire by an unidentified lady has returned to find his rescuer and reward him and to take his revenge on the four top families. When he finds his rescuer, he realizes he was saved by a woman. He rescues her from a family situation and swears to help her through all life challenges.

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10 chapters
The Meeting
Andrew hands landed on something soft, and his subconscious guided them to form a gentle circle, as if cradling a delicate object. The sensation brought him a strange sense of satisfaction, and he pinched it.That's when he turned and he saw her - a woman with a veil, lying close to him. The veil obscured her face.“Ah……”Maliya Coker was startled awake by the pinch and realized she was naked. She screamed and pushed Andrew away. She quickly used the blanket to wrap herself.“Oh…no…. What….just….happened,” Maliya mumbled, her eyes darting everywhere nervously. She couldn't recognize where she was, her eyes darted to Andrew and back to her body. Tears began to flow freely from her eyes she can't believe she had been raped. She glared at him with disgust, her anger and humiliation simmering just below the surface. Every fiber of her being yearned to lash out, to scratch his face and inflict some measure of pain on him.But she knew she couldn't. He was stronger, and he had just raped
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“Maliya Coker," he muttered, his voice barely audible. Pete nodded solemnly.Andrew's eyes drifted shut, and he was instantly transported back to that fateful day. He found himself standing amid a fire, flames engulfing everything around him. Just as all hope seems lost, a woman rushed into the burning building, she grasped Andrew's hand, pulling him to safety just as the flames were about to consume him.When he woke up, he found himself in the south. Yet, over the next ten years, he rose through the ranks to become one of the most powerful Marshals in Aradoma.Now, he had returned, driven by a singular purpose: to find his benefactor and repay the debt he owed her.Andrew's eyes snapped open, his gaze fell upon the envelope.As he reached for the envelope, Pete spoke, his words laced with concern.“Her face has been disfigured, and she's not doing well.”Andrew's heart sank, guilt washing over him. He felt responsible for her suffering.“It's fine,” he said, his voice firm, as he u
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Harry set Maliya up last night. He planned with men to drug her, have sex with her, and film it. He wanted to end their engagement without being blamed. Harry never liked Maliya. He thought she was ugly and embarrassing. He worried his friends and ex would mock him for marrying her. When Maliya was rescued, Harry got the bar's security footage to use against her.He cleared his throat, and all eyes turned to him. His expression was somber."What will people say about me?" he sneered. "That Harry, son of the Jefferson family, married a slut?"Babara stepped forward, pleading, "We don't have to tell anyone, let's just keep this between us."But he let out a bitter chuckle. "If I were your son, would you suggest this to me?" he asked, leaving Babara stunned and speechless."Your daughter is ugly, yet I agreed to be with her, and this is what I get?" Harry spat.Stanley intervened, "Harry, let's talk like men."But Harry turned to him, "There's nothing to discuss, my whole family knows a
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Maliya's Recovery
Andrew and Maliya arrived at the Clifton palace, and Maliya's eyes widened in shock. She glanced from the grand palace to Andrew, her voice barely above a whisper, "Is this where you stay?"Andrew gave her a curt nod, his expression unreadable. Maliya was stunned. This was the most luxurious villa in all of Klinland, a testament to the Clifton family's wealth and status.She had thought Andrew was just a vain man, but now she realized there was more to him."Shall we?" Andrew asked, gesturing to the entrance. Maliya nodded, still in awe.As they walked in, Andrew wrapped his hand around her waist, but Maliya stiffened, uncomfortable with the sudden intimacy. Andrew noticed and quickly removed his hand, allowing her to walk beside him as they headed to their room.The moment they closed the door behind them, Andrew spoke, his voice firm but gentle. "Remove your veil."Maliya swallowed hard, wishing the floor would open and swallow her whole. She felt a mix of fear and vulnerability.
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Grandfather's Bet
"You may kiss the bride." Andrew drew Maliya close and kissed her. The crowd clapped."You're the prettiest bride I've seen," Andrew said. Maliya's cheeks turned red.Andrew drove Maliya to her home. When they arrived, he saw she was nervous. He took her hand and kissed it."You have me," he said. She nodded.They opened the door and found Babara and Barth, Maliya's dad, inside. They didn't notice them."You good-for-nothing man, all you ever do is eat!" Babara exclaimed angrily at Barth, who let out a frustrated sigh."Can you just stop? I'll give you the money for now, I'm out of cash," Barth said, trying to placate her.Babara let out a bitter chuckle. "Tell me when you ever had money. Tell me, because ever since I married you, I've done nothing but suffer."Barth continued to sip his tea, ignoring Babara's outburst, which only fueled her anger further."You're a waste of the Coker's family name! Your mother should have just aborted you!" Babara spat venomously at Barth.Barth stoo
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The Gift
Andrew drove Maliya home. As they drove home Maliya could not take her mind away from the meeting with her family and the task her grandfather Stanley Coker had given her. "How can I accomplish this task in such a short time?“ she kept asking herself. This task was a very big one and she was scared she might not be able to get the contract. “What if I can't get this contract?” Maliya wondered again, “I will be a laughing stock in my family, grandfather will be so angry with me.” Maliya was very disheartened and lacked confidence in negotiating a cooperation with the multinational company, Green Group. Andrew comforted her, assuring her that they could do it, “My dear Maliya I know you are very worried about this task. It is a big task but I'm sure we can do it”. As they got home, Maliya remembered her friend who worked at the Yale group. Susan was Maliya's high school classmate. After returning home, Maliya called her high school classmate. She dialed her number on her phone, and
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Delivering His Gift
At the Jefferson family villa, the celebration banquet had been ongoing since the early hours of the morning. The Jefferson family was the head of the four families and they were determined to make a very clear statement with this celebration. This celebration would be the talk of the town for a very long time. The villa was beautifully decorated including the entrance of the villa. The designer was a very popular designer who only worked with the richest families. At the celebration banquet, every member of the four families was present. Stanley Coker, Maliya's grandfather, and the other members of her family were present also. The Jefferson family received exquisite gifts from various social elites trying to please Vlad Jefferson. Stanley came to apologize and repair the relationship between his family, the Coker family, and the Jefferson family. Like everyone else present, Stanley also brought gifts. “Vlad Jefferson, you and I have known each other for many years now and I am
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The Jefferson Celebration Banquet
As soon Elijah walked into the celebration hall, the only thing on his mind was revenge. He was there to kill. His presence in the hall filled everyone with fear and confusion. The room was as quiet as a graveyard. Everyone was in shock when Vlad Jefferson shouted angrily “Who are you? What are you doing here? Security! What is the meaning of this?...” “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Vlad Jefferson happy birthday to you“, Pete sang. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!Andrew clapped his hands in applause for Vlad Jefferson. “Today is your birthday Old man Blad and today will be your death day also”, Andrew said.“Who do you think you are? How dare you come into the Jefferson family villa and talk nonsense? I'll teach you never to disrespect the Jefferson family in your miserable life again “, Marc said and immediately tried to pull out one of the rods used for decoration but before he could touch it Andrew was in front of him. His movements were swift and bef
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The Appointment
First thing the next morning, Maliya was on the phone with Andrew. “Hello, good morning honey“. Maliya said when Andrew finally accepted the call. “I have good news.” She said excitedly. “Last night, after you dropped me off, I called my friend from high school. She works for Green Group and agreed to help me fix an appointment with the chairman this morning, so we could secure the contract. I’m sure Grandfather will accept you then.” Maliya said, sounding happy and excited. “That’s great,” Andrew said, faking his surprise. “I told you we could pull this. Why don't you get ready I'll come pick you”, Andrew said. “Okay honey”, Maliya replied and hung up. After the call, Maliya went to get ready for her appointment. She was going to see the chairman of the almighty Green group. This was a big deal for her so she did not want to be late. Andrew rolled off the bed immediately after Maliya hung up and rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower. He did not want to be late because he knew
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Jerry was happy he insisted on coming out to talk to Maliya by himself. He knew that Linda had a lot to gain after delivering Maliya to him. She’d shown him her picture last night and he had promised her that he would promote her if she helped him get in bed with her. However, he could not be so sure she'd go through with the plan. “She's a woman too and my mistress also. She may just get caught up in her own jealousy and change her mind about helping me get Maliya”, he said to himself. His happiness when had seen Maliya turned to intense desire as he got closer. The dress she was wearing was a bodycon dress. Even though it did not hug her body too tightly, it did nothing to hide her curves. Looking at her lips gave him a slight boner because all he could think of was her lips wrapped around his c**k. “ Maliya, meet Jerry. He is the manager and the man in charge of every partnership deal in our company. Jerry meet Maliya, my friend from high school”, Susan said, introducing Jerry t
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