Delivering His Gift

At the Jefferson family villa, the celebration banquet had been ongoing since the early hours of the morning.

The Jefferson family was the head of the four families and they were determined to make a very clear statement with this celebration. This celebration would be the talk of the town for a very long time.

The villa was beautifully decorated including the entrance of the villa. The designer was a very popular designer who only worked with the richest families.

At the celebration banquet, every member of the four families was present.

Stanley Coker, Maliya's grandfather, and the other members of her family were present also. The Jefferson family received exquisite gifts from various social elites trying to please Vlad Jefferson.

Stanley came to apologize and repair the relationship between his family, the Coker family, and the Jefferson family. Like everyone else present, Stanley also brought gifts. “Vlad Jefferson, you and I have known each other for many years now and I am honored to know you“, Stanley said. “This golden tea cup was used to serve tea in the royal house in the fifteenth century. It was the king's personal tea cup. It is worth millions of dollars and only fit for a man as important as you. Happy birthday Vlad Jefferson, you are a great man”, Stanley continued before he handed the royal golden tea cup to Vlad Jefferson and went back to his seat.

Stanley's comment made Vlad Jefferson swell with so much pride. Not long after Stanley went back to his seat, another man came with his medium-sized gift. “Mr. Vlad Jefferson, my gift is a very rare pillow made entirely from feathers handpicked from every single species of bird in the sky. I came across it in an exclusive shopping center in the United Arab Emirates and it hit me "what better gift to give to you sir”, the fat man said before giving Vlad Jefferson his gift. Then said “happy birthday Mr. Jefferson ”, and walked over to join his family where they sat. “Happy birthday Mr Jefferson,” said a young woman.

She was dressed very respectably. “ I know how devoted you are to your religion and so I contacted a renowned artist from Italy and had him paint the holy prophet so I can present it to you on this special day. Mr. Jefferson , this painting is worth nine hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars...” More people came to Vlad Jefferson with even more expensive presents. Looking at these presents as well as calculating the market value of these gifts made Vlad Jefferson so happy.

The Jefferson family as a whole was filled with pride; they walked around proud to be members of the Jefferson family. Meanwhile, as the celebration was going on Andrew who had previously ordered Pete to prepare a coffin as his present to Vlad Jefferson and his family was getting ready to deliver his present at the Jefferson family celebration banquet.

Back in the Jefferson villa, a small-looking man was giving Vlad Jefferson his birthday present. “Mr. Jefferson, please accept this box of green tea as my gift to you sir. It is one of the most expensive green tea in South Korea...”

Outside the villa, Andrew and Pete finally arrived. Pete had made the arrangements for the coffin as he was instructed to and together he and Andrew drove to the Jefferson family villa.

The Jefferson family car park was filled with luxurious cars of different prices and sizes. Their owners were inside the house enjoying the Jefferson's celebration banquet. “It is time Pete”, Andrew said “No mistakes Pete, we have talked about this already so I don't want any errors”.

Pete knew this was important and he dared not make any mistakes. “ Yes, dragon Marshall. I know the drill, I promise no mistakes”, Pete replied very seriously he knew the consequences of going against the plan.

The two men took some time to breathe and prepare themselves for what they had to do. Pete brought out his two guns and checked if he had enough bullets in them. He added three more in one and two in the other.

He hid one of the guns at the side of one of his boots and the other one in his pants covering it with his shirt to hide the bulge. He had a small knife too.

Andrew wore his black leather hand gloves. He already checked his guns before leaving home. His knives were in place too. “Let us go deliver my present to the birthday boy, old man Vlad Jefferson”, Andrew said to Pete, smiling wickedly.

Both Andrew and Pete had arrived at the Jefferson family villa wearing masks. Andrew didn't want to review his identity just yet.

“We will wear these masks so no one recognizes us”, he had said to Pete before they left the Clifton palace.

Inside the Jefferson family villa, the celebration had not ended. The Jefferson family was still receiving presents, people were talking and drinking in small groups, and some were dancing with their partners. Pete carried the huge coffin.

As they got closer to the front door he threw the coffin smashing the Jefferson's family front door. The noise produced was so loud and unexpected, it startled everyone present.

The crowd fearfully turned their attention to the door where the sound came from. Their eyes were filled with fear and surprise at the same time as they waited for whoever had the guts to throw an empty coffin into the Jefferson building on a day as special as this.

Two minutes later, Andrew walked in with Pete walking behind him. They did not walk in fast instead, they strolled in.

The hall was quiet as they walked in still wearing their masks and hiding their identity. Soon whispers could be heard “Who are these people? Why are they here? What is going on?”. The Jefferson men present at the banquet rushed over, ready to fight back.

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