The Jefferson Celebration Banquet

As soon Elijah walked into the celebration hall, the only thing on his mind was revenge. He was there to kill. His presence in the hall filled everyone with fear and confusion. The room was as quiet as a graveyard. Everyone was in shock when Vlad Jefferson shouted angrily “Who are you? What are you doing here? Security! What is the meaning of this?...”

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Vlad Jefferson happy birthday to you“, Pete sang.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Andrew clapped his hands in applause for Vlad Jefferson. “Today is your birthday Old man Blad and today will be your death day also”, Andrew said.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you come into the Jefferson family villa and talk nonsense? I'll teach you never to disrespect the Jefferson family in your miserable life again “, Marc said and immediately tried to pull out one of the rods used for decoration but before he could touch it Andrew was in front of him.

His movements were swift and before anyone knew what was happening he had ripped Marc's arms off his shoulder and his blood spilled and leaked all over the place.

The hall went dead silent. Everyone was scared to their bones even Vlad Jefferson's skin had become pale. He managed to find his gun where he hid it but was too overwhelmed by fear to shoot so he stood looking.

All the celebrities present as well as the members of the rich families stood watching in fear. Andrew strolled to where Vlad Jefferson stood.

“Who... Who are you? Why have you come to my home on a day like this? Who are you?”, Vlad Jefferson said.

“You want to know don't you?”, Andrew asked. “I am the man who will be responsible for your death”, he said.

“Do you know who you're dealing with? I'm not sure you know who I am...” Vlad Jefferson said.

“Let me tell you a story. At the end of this story, I'll take your head, Vlad Jefferson. Ten years ago you supervised the burning of an entire family. I'm sure you remember what you and your cohorts did to the Ruthaford family Vlad Jefferson. You thought you had destroyed it all, killed everyone. But guess what, you were wrong. Not everyone died in the burning”, Andrew said.

Vlad Jefferson's eyes widened. He was filled with surprise. “How did he survive? I was so sure we burnt everyone in that family”, he said in his mind.

“Now that you know, it's time for your head”, Andrew said. Vlad Jefferson tried to say something but before he could say it, Andrew had knocked him to his knees and with one quick movement Andrew twisted Vlad Jefferson's head off.

Immediately, blood started spurting. People gasped and screamed, two celebrities vomited and one pregnant woman fainted. None of them had seen so much gore in their lives.

Then Vlad Jefferson's head rolled on the ground and Andrew picked it up, put it in a bag and walked out of the hall with Pete behind. Nobody dared to question him.

The two men walked straight to where their car was parked and as soon as they got in, drove straight to the Ruthaford family mausoleum and Andrew went to his grandfather's grave carrying Vlad Jefferson's head.

He was here to pay respect to his grandfather. “Grandfather“, he said, “ I have taken the head of the man who killed you and ruined our family”, he said.

He finished the alcohol left in his flask and put the flask back in his jacket pocket. “ I will not rest till I have the heads of the rest of the men and women responsible for destroying our family grandfather.

I promise you grandfather I will avenge your murder and that of every single member of our family. This is my promise to you grandfather ” he said before leaving his grandfather's grave.

At the Jefferson family villa, the celebration banquet had since ended. All the celebrities and members of the rich families who had attended the celebration banquet had gone back to their various homes.

Vlad Jefferson's headless body had been moved to a coffin and Marc Jefferson had been rushed to the hospital with his detached arm and was immediately put in the intensive care unit.

Martha Jefferson, Vlad Jefferson's daughter who Andrew's father married and was Andrew's ex-stepmother stood in front of her father's headless dead body fuming with anger.

“We need to call Zed. He needs to know what has happened here. Has anyone called Zed ?” Martha Jefferson asked. “Not yet”, someone said. “Call him now and tell him what was done to our father Vlad Jefferson and our brother Marc. And we will wait for his arrival before we take any action”, Martha Jefferson said and stormed out of the room.

Late at night, at the Klinland military district, a helicopter landed. On the body of the green-painted helicopter, the Western Legion was boldly written. As soon as the helicopter landed soldiers lined up in rows to welcome the man exiting the helicopter. Zed Jefferson, the fourth son of Vlad Jefferson had joined the military and had risen to the position of major general.

As he walked past the soldiers, they all saluted him. There was a black jeep with tinted glasses already waiting for him and as soon as he was well seated in the back seat and the door had been shut, the driver drove him straight to the Jefferson family villa.

Back home, Major General Zed Jefferson accessed the situation but first, he went to the room where his father's headless corpse had been moved.

When he saw that his father's head had been cut off and taken, he knelt and swore to avenge his father's murder. “I promise you, Dad I will find the man who had the guts to do this to you and dishonor our family in this manner. No matter who he is, I will find him and I will make him pay”.

Zed Jefferson inquired about the situation and was told by his sister Martha Jefferson and other relatives that the orphan of the Ruthaford family was responsible for everything that happened. He decided to go to the capital that night to investigate the identity of the Ruthaford orphan.

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