The Appointment

First thing the next morning, Maliya was on the phone with Andrew. “Hello, good morning honey“. Maliya said when Andrew finally accepted the call. “I have good news.” She said excitedly. “Last night, after you dropped me off, I called my friend from high school. She works for Green Group and agreed to help me fix an appointment with the chairman this morning, so we could secure the contract. I’m sure Grandfather will accept you then.” Maliya said, sounding happy and excited.

“That’s great,” Andrew said, faking his surprise. “I told you we could pull this. Why don't you get ready I'll come pick you”, Andrew said.

“Okay honey”, Maliya replied and hung up. After the call, Maliya went to get ready for her appointment. She was going to see the chairman of the almighty Green group. This was a big deal for her so she did not want to be late.

Andrew rolled off the bed immediately after Maliya hung up and rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower. He did not want to be late because he knew that the appointment was very important to Maliya and he wanted to make her happy. He got ready in less than ten minutes and went to the garage where Pete was already waiting.

He had already prepared the car so there was no delay. The drive to Maliya's house was only fifteen minutes long but they were there in ten.

Andrew dialed Maliya's number and when she picked up the call he said, “ I'm here my love”.

Maliya appeared a few minutes later in a very beautiful dress, her brown hair cascading down her back. She had put in a lot more effort into her dressing today, in preparation for her meeting.

“You look very beautiful my love”, Andrew said.

“Thank you hone, my classmate came through for me.”

Andrew smiled thinly seeing how excited she was. He knew it didn’t have anything to do with her classmate, but decided not to ruin her excitement. If he had not stepped up, there would have been no appointments at all, instead, he complimented her. “I'm happy too my love. And even though we have not met the chairman yet I'm very positive about this. I have so much faith in you”, Andrew said and Maliya smiled happily.

In the car, Maliya asked, “Honey, did you hear about the Jefferson family celebration banquet yesterday?”.

Andrew replied, “No honey I went home immediately after I dropped you off and I was so tired I headed straight to bed. Tell me about it.” Andrew pretended to be clueless about what she was saying.

“It has been all over the news since morning, the banquet started really well, and according to the news so many celebrities attended the celebration banquet. But I heard it turned very bloody at the end. While everyone was giving Vlad Jefferson gifts, someone brought a coffin as Vlad Jefferson's gift, Maliya said and Andrew pretended to be surprised. “Honey that's not all, the man almost killed Marc Jefferson. He ripped his arm out and ended up killing Vlad Jefferson.

What is worse is that the man cut off Vlad Jefferson's head and left with it. The police have been on the lookout for this man but till now nobody has heard anything about the man or even seen Vlad Jefferson's head“.

“This is a very serious situation, my love. I hope the police find the culprit", Andrew said with an emotionless expression.

“I'm sure they will. The Jefferson family is the most powerful family of the four families. Joking with them is like playing with fire. I'm sure the family will not rest until they find Vlad Jefferson's murderer. I almost feel bad for whoever did it.

The Jefferson family is so rich and powerful every family wants to marry their daughters into the family and it is every girl's dream to be their daughter-in-law.” Maliya said, heaving a sigh.

“Don't worry Maliya love with your beauty I'm sure the Shaw men will be dying to make you their daughter-in-law”, Andrew teased.

“No, I don't want that. I love the man I married, I don't want to be with anyone else. I’ve seen what wealth does to people and witnessed enough of the ridicule to know I don’t care much about it. You are the best man I have met in my life Andrew, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”, Maliya said with a graceful smile on her face.

Andrew smiled heartily and squeezed her hand, happy to see that she was a logical woman.

Upon arriving at the emperor building, Maliya contacted her high school classmate Susan. “I will be with you in five minutes Maliya,” Susan said before hanging up.

A few minutes later, a woman with blonde hair, wearing heavy makeup and a short office skirt approached them.

When Susan saw Maliya, she could not hide her surprise, filled with jealousy because of how beautiful Maliya had gotten. She had heard that Maliya recovered her looks, but still did not believe it until now.

“Maliya ?” She asked in disbelief.

“Hello, Susan. It’s really me. Glad to see you’ve finally made it as the head of the department here. It’s always been your goal.”

Susan was flattered, but deep down there was still a trace of envy within her. “Thank you.” She said, “But look at you! This treatment really worked magic on your looks. You look very beautiful now”, Susan said with a blank expression, trying to hide her envy.

“Thank you my friend. You're right it worked like magic on me”. Maliya replied. “I spoke to the manager of my company about your proposal this morning. He has agreed to help you secure the partnership, but you must know something.”

“What’s that?” Maliya asked with a curious expression.

“It’s not that easy to get a contract with the company, if you want the contract you’ll have to…” she said, leaned in, and whispered something in her ear.

Angry, and disappointed, Maliya replied, trying hard to maintain her composure, “This was not what you told me when we spoke last night Linda. You know I will never do something like that”.

“Oh please Maliya relax, the man likes you. Just do this small favour for him and he'll do yours. I mean it's scratch my back and I'll scratch yours Maliya besides you will not be the first person doing it. If you want to get ahead, you’ll have to make some sacrifices.” Susan said.

“I can’t do this. I respect myself and my husband too much.” Maliya said.

“Let me know if you change your mind Maliya,” Susan replied coldly and walked out.

Maliya walked back to where Andrew stood waiting for her, almost on the verge of tears. “What's wrong my love? You look sad,” Andrew said.

Maliya told him what Susan said and her reply. “It's not the end my love don't let this discourage you. Why don't you go look for Fred yourself? I'm sure he'll see you. I'll wait for you in the car”, Andrew said, encouraging her.

As they spoke, Linda came back with the manager Jerry. She had her arms curled around him like a happy couple, smiling warmly“She is even more beautiful in person”, Jerry said to himself when he saw Maliya.

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