
Jerry was happy he insisted on coming out to talk to Maliya by himself. He knew that Linda had a lot to gain after delivering Maliya to him. She’d shown him her picture last night and he had promised her that he would promote her if she helped him get in bed with her.

However, he could not be so sure she'd go through with the plan. “She's a woman too and my mistress also. She may just get caught up in her own jealousy and change her mind about helping me get Maliya”, he said to himself.

His happiness when had seen Maliya turned to intense desire as he got closer. The dress she was wearing was a bodycon dress. Even though it did not hug her body too tightly, it did nothing to hide her curves. Looking at her lips gave him a slight boner because all he could think of was her lips wrapped around his c**k.

“ Maliya, meet Jerry. He is the manager and the man in charge of every partnership deal in our company. Jerry meet Maliya, my friend from high school”, Susan said, introducing Jerry to Maliya.

“Good morning Mr...” Maliya started to say but was interrupted by Jerry, “Please call me Jerry”, he said with a boyish smile.

Ever since he became the manager, he had slept with countless women offering them benefits with his role, and thought he could make the same deal with Maliya.

Susan on the other hand was keen to make Jerry’s plan a success, as it was imperative for her success.

“ Susan here has told me so much about you. When she showed me your picture I was stunned by your beauty. Seeing you in person is even more stunning. I do not believe I have ever met a woman with a beauty that can be compared with yours.” He continued.

“You flatter me too much Mr. Jerry,” Maliya said smiling.

“Yes Jerry she is right,” Susan added, jealous.

“I know why you're here Maliya dear. Susan told me about the ten million dollar order for the Coker's family company. I am willing to make it even more than ten million dollars. I will increase your order to fifty million dollars. But I want to hear more about the deal so why don't we talk about it over dinner? I can get us a comfortable hotel room,” Jerry said with a teasing smile.

“Mr. Jerry I have already had this conversation with Susan and given her my reply and I am not going to change it now,” Maliya replied.

“ Maliya you are making this more serious than it is. This is the easiest way to get this done and he'll even give you a better deal. He has helped a lot of females like this. Now that you’ve gotten your beauty back, why not use it to your advantage? Nothing comes free my friend...”, Susan said trying to convince Maliya.

“I'm sorry Susan but I will never stoop so low. I’m married.”, Maliya said, refusing to give in.

“Who the hell do you think you are? Just because you are pretty now you think that you are better than the rest of us? Don’t you know that if you offend him, you can forget working with the Green Group forever?” Susan snapped, feeling insulted.

Just then, Andrew walked over to them,

“ Maliya honey don't listen to these people just go in and try to find Fred Green ”, Andrew said.

“Mind your business we were not talking to you”, Jerry sneered at Andrew for joining the conversation and trying to talk Maliya out of sleeping with him.

“I wasn't talking to you either so shut the fuck up. I don't want to be bothered by insignificant people like you.” Andrew replied.

Meanwhile, Fred Green had been waiting for Maliya for a while now. He had been waiting for Maliya in his office all morning, but after waiting for hours, he became anxious and decided to find out if she was waiting for him at the reception and to personally tell the security to look out for her.

He knew Maliya was Andrew’s wife and if he had somehow missed their meeting or messed up, not even the power of the Green Group could protect him from the man.

He stood up and quickly walked out of his office, to look for Maliya.

He immediately noticed Jerry talking to some people and immediately he glanced at them, his legs gave up, shuddering in fear.

“Gen…” he started to say but Andrew shot him a cold glare and he immediately stopped, understanding that the man did not want to expose his identity.

But then, curiosity got the best of him and he asked what they were doing out in the hallway. Andrew quickly explained everything to him, and Jerry and Susan’s expressions slid right off their faces as Andrew exposed them.

They were about to refute when Fred quickly interjected,

“Mr. Jerry, you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm happy this was brought to my attention before you destroyed the reputation of this company. I am highly disappointed in you.

As for you Miss Susan I would have expected you to be a little more sensible. As a woman, you should know that this is wrong but you're encouraging him. You are both fired and by the way, we will be reviewing your files. We better not find any trace of fraud”, Fred said with a stern gaze.

Jerry and Susan stood side by side looking quite shocked. Had they just been fired like that?

They had not only lost their jobs but also had to worry about the company finding traces of fraud in their files.

“Mr. Green, he's lying. I was just looking for an excuse to brush them off. They are not fit to work with a company as grand as this.” Jerry said desperately wanting to save his job.

“Did I stutter?” Fred said coldly.

“I expect to see your desk cleared before the end of the day or I’ll get security to throw you out.”

Turning to Maliya, Fred Green said with a warm smile, “I am very sorry for their misconduct. Please come with me to my office so we can discuss properly”.

Maliya was thankful for Lando’s timely intervention. His sudden appearance had not only shut Susan and Jerry up but also uplifted her spirit.

All she needed to do was convince Fred to agree to the partnership between the Green Group and Coker's family company. This task was her very first and although she had grown up studying hard she was not so confident in herself.

Still, when Fred said she should walk with him to his office to discuss the business, she willingly followed, grateful at least for the opportunity.

In Fred's office, he treated Maliya with respect. Immediately they entered his office, he said to her, “Please have a seat, Ms. Maliya.” She sat down and Fred sat on the chair opposite her.

“I am here as a representative for Coker's family company. We are a medicinal herb processing company. We would like to establish a partnership between your company and ours...”, Maliya introduced the proposal even though she was nervous. “Done!” Fred interjected sharply, causing Maliya’s eyes to widen in shock.

Before she could give a detailed explanation of the partnership, Fred had agreed to the partnership.

How was this possible? She thought. She had barely said enough for him to be sold. “Green Group will love the opportunity to partner with you, as a matter of fact, we are willing to show our commitment by offering a billion dollars cooperation deal,” Fred said, leaving Maliya utterly shocked and dumbfounded.

It all felt like a dream, even after she shook his hand and closed the deal.

When Maliya left Fred’s office, she still could not believe what had just happened. It happened so fast, that she did not even need to explain the details before Fred agreed to the partnership. She walked to where the car was parked, with Andrew and Pete waiting for her. As she joined them in the car she could not help but think this all had something to do with her husband, Andrew.

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