
Harry set Maliya up last night. He planned with men to drug her, have sex with her, and film it. He wanted to end their engagement without being blamed. Harry never liked Maliya. He thought she was ugly and embarrassing.

He worried his friends and ex would mock him for marrying her. When Maliya was rescued, Harry got the bar's security footage to use against her.

He cleared his throat, and all eyes turned to him. His expression was somber.

"What will people say about me?" he sneered. "That Harry, son of the Jefferson family, married a slut?"

Babara stepped forward, pleading, "We don't have to tell anyone, let's just keep this between us."

But he let out a bitter chuckle. "If I were your son, would you suggest this to me?" he asked, leaving Babara stunned and speechless.

"Your daughter is ugly, yet I agreed to be with her, and this is what I get?" Harry spat.

Stanley intervened, "Harry, let's talk like men."

But Harry turned to him, "There's nothing to discuss, my whole family knows about this."

The room fell silent. Stanley understood the implications. He cleared his throat, "What are you going to do?”

Harry walked up to Stanley, his hands crossed behind his back, and stood before him.

"You know how much I wish to be part of this family," he said.

Stanley nodded, but Harry continued, "But your granddaughter fucked everything up. I have no option but to

annul the engagement."

Babara gasped and walked up to him. "Think about this again, please," she begged.

But before she could speak further, Stanley raised his hands, and she fell silent.

"My family is already involved," Harry said.

Stanley knew begging was useless. He had no choice but to agree. "I agree," he said.

"Thanks for understanding," he said, turning around and walking away.

He rubbed his hair backwards, smiling mischievously.

He didn't even bother to look at Maliya, unconcerned about the miserable punishment she would face next.

All he cared about was that he had dumped "that ugly duckling".

Stanley gritted his teeth, his face reddening with rage. The engagement was crucial for maintaining the relationship between the Jefferson and Coker families, but now it was all ruined.

He walked up to Maliya, who was crawling backwards, tears pouring down her face.

"Please...please," she sobbed, as she continued to back away, swallowing hard, until her back slammed against the wall. Stanley stood over her, his eyes blazing.

"What do you want to do? Run?" he said in a low but dangerous tone. "Okay run now."

But Maliya's eyes darted wildly around the room, unsure of what to do. Just as she was about to stand up, Stanley stepped on her finger, and she let out a loud scream.

"," she cried out, her voice trembling in pain.

"Please?" he asked, but all Maliya could do was cry, wincing in pain as he increased the pressure.

"Please," she begged, over and over.

"Why are you begging?" he sneered.


"You're in pain? You know what pain is, Maliya? I walked my ass off to get this deal, and in a snap of a finger, just spoiled everything!"

He pressed harder, and she screamed.

"You're a disgrace to the family," he spat. "And you will be punished according to the family rules."

Maliya knew begging was useless, but she still pleaded with him, knowing the punishment was like a death sentence. But all her pleas fell on deaf ears.

He removed his leg from her fingers. "Get me the chain and the rod!" he barked.

Maliya crawled and grabbed his leg. "Grandpa, please...punish me another way, but not this way. Please, I'm your granddaughter," she begged.

But he turned to her, his expression cold. "Did you just say granddaughter? No lineage of mine will bring disgrace to me."

He moved his leg, and Maliya fell to the ground, sobbing. The rod and chain were brought to Stanley. He tied her up with the chain, and Maliya closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact of the rod.

"I will hit you a hundred times, so that next time you will think twice before thinking of disgracing us," he said, his voice stern.

Maliya swallowed hard, bracing herself for the impact. He raised the rod up, and just when he was about to strike, they heard a loud sound.

They turned around to see Andrew had burst in, and the Coker's family men were laying on the ground, wailing in pain.

Stanley's fury was palpable as he walked towards Andrew, his rod scraping against the ground.

Face to face, he sneered, "You're not afraid of death."

But Andrew stood tall, his response calm and collected, "How can I be scared of death when I'm death itself?"

The room gasped, shocked by Andrew's audacity. No one had ever spoken back to Stanley like that.

Maliya trembled, "Grandpa, please forgive him," she begged, trying to intervene.

Stanley's gaze snapped to her, his anger boiling over as he walked over to her. "What did you just say?" he growled, raising his rod to strike her.

But before he could land the blow, Andrew caught it from behind, his grip firm. Slowly, he emerged from the shadows, his eyes locked on Stanley's.

"If you want to get to her, you must get through me first," Andrew warned, his voice low and deadly.

"Everyone gasped as Stanley warned, "Young man, you're playing with fire. Leave my path now."

But Andrew stood firm, "I will only leave with her."

The room was shocked by his defiance. Ethan sneered, his eyes raking over Andrew's body, believing him to be nothing but a lowlife. Then, an idea struck him.

"I have the perfect punishment for Maliya," he said, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "I'll get her married to this low-riffraff, so she'll suffer for the rest of her life and regret running her chances with Harry."

Maliya's heart sank, but she remained silent, freed from her chains. She glanced at her parents, but they ignored her, their faces cold and unyielding. She fought back tears as Andrew took her hand, leading her out of the house.

"Never set foot again in this house." Stanley added.

Just as they reached the door, Eric spoke up, "I know, young man, you have your eyes on Coker's wealth. That's why you chose Maliya as your pawn."

But Andrew ignored him, walking away from the house with Maliya by his side, towards the Flounder palace.

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