
“Maliya Coker," he muttered, his voice barely audible. Pete nodded solemnly.

Andrew's eyes drifted shut, and he was instantly transported back to that fateful day. He found himself standing amid a fire, flames engulfing everything around him.

Just as all hope seems lost, a woman rushed into the burning building, she grasped Andrew's hand, pulling him to safety just as the flames were about to consume him.

When he woke up, he found himself in the south. Yet, over the next ten years, he rose through the ranks to become one of the most powerful Marshals in Aradoma.

Now, he had returned, driven by a singular purpose: to find his benefactor and repay the debt he owed her.

Andrew's eyes snapped open, his gaze fell upon the envelope.

As he reached for the envelope, Pete spoke, his words laced with concern.

“Her face has been disfigured, and she's not doing well.”

Andrew's heart sank, guilt washing over him. He felt responsible for her suffering.

“It's fine,” he said, his voice firm, as he unsealed the envelope.

The files inside revealed her information, and he nodded, his eyes scanning the contents.

Then, Pete handed him a photo. Andrew's eyes widened in shock as he took it, his gaze darting to Pete.

“Is this… the lady who saved me?” he asked, incredulous.

Pete nodded, his expression solemn. “Yes, sir.”

Andrew's eyes returned to the photo, his mind reeling in disbelief.

“Are you sure?” he asked again, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes, this is the lady,” Pete confirmed, having done the research personally.

Andrew's eyes remained fixed on the photo, his mind racing with the astonishing revelation. This was the woman from his one-night stand, the same one who had saved his life.

He couldn't believe the coincidence, feeling both close and yet so far, away from her.

Andrew's gaze snapped to Pete, his voice laced with urgency.

“Drive to the Coker's house, now.”

Pete offered an alternative, “Dragon Marshal, I can go bring her for you, no need to stress yourself.”

But Andrew's response was firm, his tone bringing no argument. “You know how much I hate repeating myself. Do as I told you.”

Pete apologized and swiftly started the car, speeding off towards the Coker's house. Andrew's eyes remained fixed on the photo.

As Maliya stepped out of the taxi and onto her family's property, she hastily wiped away her tears.

She had been praying that no one would be awake to witness her this morning, hoping to sneak into her room undetected.

With a deep breath, Maliya steeled herself and pushed open the front door. Her legs trembled beneath her as she entered, and her heart sank when she saw her entire family gathered in the living room.

Harry, ceased his pacing and fixed her with an unforgiving glare, making Maliya shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny.

Maliya's instincts screamed at her to flee. But she stood frozen.

Maliya's gaze swept across her family, meeting the angry stares of each member. She wondered what had prompted them to rise so early, and her mind raced to concoct a plausible excuse. But her social isolation had left her without a convincing excuse.

“Where the hell have you been?” Stanley, the head of the family roared.

Maliya unease grew as she struggled to fabricate a lie. Her solitary lifestyle had deprived her of a credible excuse.

“When I ask a question, I need an answer!” Stanley barked.

Maliya flinched, her eyes darting around the room searching for an escape. But with no options, she hesitantly spoke the truth, her voice barely above a whisper: “I went to the bar.”

Babara’s voice rose in anger, “Why did you stay out all night?”

But Maliya remained silent, her heart racing and her gaze fixed on the floor.

Babara looked at her disappointment written on her face, all she asked of Maliya, her daughter, is to marry into the Jefferson family to elevate their family's status.

Babara irritation grew, “Have you suddenly become mute? Can't you respond to a simple question?”

Maliya's apology was barely audible, “Sorry, ma…"

Babara’s demand was fierce, “Sorry for yourself? Now explain!”

Maliya nodded, swallowing hard, her nervousness palpable.

“I…I…got drunk…and…stayed in a hotel,” she stammered, her words barely above a whisper.

Babra’s expression twisted in disgust, her anger, and disappointment simmering just below the surface.

Harry tossed an envelope at Maliya's feet, his expression cold and unforgiving. She gazed up at him, confusion etched on her face, “What's this?”

“See for yourself,” he replied gruffly, his tone dripping with disdain.

Maliya's hands trembled as she bent down to retrieve the envelope. She opened it slowly, her heart racing with a sense of foreboding.

The contents made her gasp, her eyes darting wildly between the photographs.

The pictures depicted her in a compromising position, leaning seductively against a man at a bar, her smile intimate and seductive.

Maliya's face burned with shame and embarrassment, her mind reeling with the implications. How did they get these?

She was speechless, and her eyes were wide with fear, darting back and forth as if searching for an escape route.

Her face was pale and clammy with a sheen of sweat on her forehead. She can't believe her secret was out just like that.

Stanley's voice was laced with fury as he barked, “Kneel down!”

Before Maliya could even move, she was roughly shoved to the center of the room, forced onto her knees.

Stanley grasped her hair, his grip like a vice, and snarled, "You want to spoil my family’s reputation before you are made the daughter-in-law, you low life whore.” Stanley screamed, ignoring Maliya's wailing and pleading. “Now tell me, who is this lover of yours?”

Maliya's eyes welled up with tears, and she shook her head, unable to speak.

Stanley sneered, "Answer me!”

Babara stormed over, her face twisted in rage, and delivered a stinging slap that sent Maliya crashing to the ground.

“How dare you bring shame to our family! How dare you, after everything we've done for you? Is this how you repay us? Is this how?”

Babara’s words dripped with venom, her anger, and betrayal palpable. Maliya cowered, her body shaking with sobs, as her family's wrath rained down upon her.

Maliya's gaze pleaded with her father for support, but he turned away, his expression etched with disappointment and disgust.

Eric’s voice cut through the silence, his words dripping with malice.

“I never thought even an ugly duckling like her could cheat,” he sneered. “Harry deserves better than her,” Eric continued, his tone venomous. “He agreed to marry her despite her appearance, but the slut had the audacity to cheat. It's true what they say — you can't change someone who doesn't want to change.”

As Eric's words fueled the fire of her family's anger, Harry watched the scene unfold with a sinister smile spreading across his face.

Everything was going according to his plan.

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