Chapter 2

As soon as Mr. Edmund, Madison’s grandfather, walked into the room, the conversation ceased. Once he sat down, his gaze shifted toward the women in the family. There were six of them, including Madison.

“Has it been decided?” Mr. Edmund asked. “Who will marry Jack Jayden?”

The women exchanged uneasy glances.

“I can’t marry Jack,” Julia, Madison's cousin, said, twirling her hair to flaunt the sparkling ring on her finger. “I’m already engaged, and my fiancé is a wealthy man who could help the family in the future.”

The others nodded, knowing who her fiancé was.

“Sarah is engaged too,” Julia added, gesturing toward another cousin. “Both of our fiancés are rich and will be valuable to the family. The other women here are also dating potential men who could help in the future. Madison is the only one suitable to marry Jack.”

Abigail’s face reddened with anger at the suggestion of her daughter marrying Jack. “Madison is already married,” she said firmly.

“We’re all aware of that,” Julia replied. “But she married an idiot who’s of no use to the family. Isn’t it better to take this opportunity to get her a better man instead of Hector? I’m not saying this to be mean, but for Madison’s own good.”

“No way!” Abigail snapped. Despite her disdain for Hector, she loathed Jack even more. The mere thought of that fat pig disgusted her, and she’d heard he was a total scumbag. “I can’t let Madison marry Jack when she already has a husband!”

Hector’s brows rose. He wondered why his mother-in-law was defending their marriage when she never missed a chance to remind him that she’d throw him out of the family if she could.

“Madison is the only one who can marry Jack,” Fiona, another relative, said. “Her husband is worthless, and the family has no use for him.”

“That’s right,” another woman chimed in. “Madison is the only one who should marry Jack. It’s the least she can do after dragging the family name through the mud by marrying that loser.”

The truth was, the women of the house were jealous of Madison. She was the most beautiful woman in the family, and they couldn’t bear to see her ruin such an opportunity. Marrying Jack, who was both ugly and fat, meant her beauty would be wasted, especially since she could have any man she wanted.

“My daughter is not the only one who can marry Jack,” Abigail retorted, determined not to have Jack as a son-in-law. Hector was already a burden; she couldn’t stand the idea of Jack. “Why don’t one of you break up with your boyfriend and marry him?”

“No,” Julia said flatly. “We’ve already explained why we can’t marry Jack. If I were in her shoes, I’d marry Jack, but I have a fiancé, and the others are in serious relationships. Like I said earlier, the family can benefit from the rest of us, but not from Madison.”

“Exactly. She needs to prove her worth by helping the family this time.”

There's no one else here who fits the role. Besides, Madison is the prettiest of us all. If she marries Jack, she’ll win his heart and secure even more investment for our company."

"We're sorry to say this, Madison, but it's the truth," one of them said insincerely. "Anyone would do this for the family, but we already have important people in our lives. I hope you understand."

Hector clenched his fist. He had suspected they would pick Madison to marry Jack. He glanced at his wife, noticing her calm demeanor as she sipped tea from her mug.

He wondered why she was so composed while they discussed her fate. He hoped she wouldn’t just sit quietly and let them make the decision for her.

“I’m sure Madison has no reason to object to this arrangement,” Julia said. “After all, we all need this marriage to happen. Right, Madison?”

Madison glanced at Julia, but before she could respond, Fiona interrupted.

“Of course she wouldn’t mind,” Fiona asserted. “She’s been trying to prove her worth by working so hard at the company. Now’s her chance. Right, Madison?”

Once again, they didn’t let her speak.

"If I were the one marrying Jack, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It's for the family, after all." Another claimed. “Too bad, I am engaged.”

"I’d jump at the chance to marry Jack. We have to do what's best for everyone."

“I feel bad suggesting she marry Jack,” one of them said, “but we have no other choice. We need to save the business.”

Abigail’s fists tightened as she glared at the women, who wore false expressions of pity. The argument grew louder and more heated.

Fed up with their bickering, Madison sighed, sadness clouding her features. She couldn’t believe they were willing to sacrifice her to that fat man to save themselves, but she felt she had no choice.

Slowly rising to her feet, she placed a hand over her chest. “I agree to marry Jack Jayden,” she announced.

Everyone’s eyes widened in shock. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing. But then, a smirk crossed their faces as they realized they were finally getting what they wanted.

Hector’s face, however, paled in disbelief. His wife had just agreed to marry someone else while they were still married.

"What are you doing?" Abigail demanded. "Are you seriously agreeing to marry a man like Jack?"

Ignoring her mother, Madison turned to Mr. Edmund. “I’m only agreeing to marry Jack on one condition.” Without waiting for them to ask, she continued, “I want my parents to receive 30% of the family wealth and one million dollars to be given to Hector.”

Another wave of shock rippled through the room. They were stunned by her request for a percentage of the family wealth for her parents, but even more so by her demand for a million dollars for Hector.

None of them could understand why she’d ask for such a large sum for someone as useless as Hector.

Madison stood firm, her expression resolute, while Hector frowned deeply.

“I don’t agree with that!” Hector shouted, breaking the stunned silence. “I absolutely do not agree!”

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