A Web of Lies

Ava was meticulous when it came to planning her moves, and this was no different. She knew how to play her cards, and the game she was setting up with Hunter was no exception. Just a week after confirming her pregnancy, Ava discovered that the child was the result of a short-lived fling she’d had a couple of with some guy. Rather than letting this inconvenience derail her plans, she saw it as an opportunity to further tighten her grip on Hunter.

Hunter had made it clear that he didn’t want anyone to know about the pregnancy until he was ready, but Ava had no intention of keeping that promise. She needed leverage, and what better way than to stir the pot before Hunter could even get his bearings?

Ava sat in her spacious, meticulously decorated apartment, scrolling through her contacts until she landed on her mother’s number. She hesitated for a brief second, then hit dial. The phone barely rang twice before her mother picked up, her voice dripping with concern.

“Ava, darling! Ho
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