Tables Turned

Dave turned around and saw two burly men with batons walking towards him.

"I gave you the privilege of leaving here on your own but it seems you want to prove stubborn," The receptionist said with a grunt.

"Take him away!"

"No, wait! I have to see the manager!" Dave struggled within their grip.

"You still want to see the manager?" One of the men said and struck him on the cheek. "Your kind isn't even supposed to walk into this kind of place."

"Do you even know where you are?" The other asked.

Dave held his cheek and stared at the man who had slapped him. "Why did you slap me? What's my offense?"

"Mister, leave or we'll have to push you out."

"Why are you both still arguing with him?" The receptionist asked with disgust. "Push him out!"

Dave withdrew his hand from his reddened cheek and said, "I'll make sure all of you are sacked from this company. My company shouldn't be working with the likes of you."

"Huh?" They mouthed.

Suddenly, they all bursted into laughter.

"You, you want to sack us?" The receptionist said amidst laugher. "You must have definitely gone mad."

"Haha! This punk sure has some nerves. Trying to claim boss, aren't you?" They all laughed.

The receptionist seemed to recall the manager telling her of an important visitor who was to visit around this time.

"That's enough!" She said. "The company is expecting a very important visitor. Please see this useless fellow out."

The security guards immediately proceeded to drag Dave out.

"Don't you get it? I'm the visitor you're expecting!" He yelled as they dragged him away from the reception desk.

"Tsk, you've surely gone mad!"

"Please listen to me," Dave begged.

"What's going on here?!" A voice yelled.

The guards came to a halt and the receptionist stood up at the sound of the authoritative voice.

"Mr Abraham."

"Evelyn, what's going on here?"

"Sir, this man over there requested to see you but I was about sending him out since he doesn't have an official appointment but still he wouldn't leave and said he will sack us."

Abraham's brows shot up. "Sack?"

"Yes sir, "Evelyn replied with a nod. "That was what he said."

Dave was still struggling with the guards and then he looked up. He saw Lily and Eric standing close to a man.

"Is that the man causing you guys trouble?" Eric asked.

"Yes sir. He's the one."

"And he said he will sack you all?" Lily asked.

"Yes ma," Evelyn nodded.

Eric and Lily exchanged glances and Eric bursted into laughter while Lily shook her head.

"Dave, aren't you ashamed of yourself already? If you wanted to get a job why would you come in here to embarrass yourself?" Lily scolded.

The manager glanced at her. "Do you know him?"

"Yes I do and he's practically a nobody that you should pay attention to," She replied.

Dave ignored Lily and said, "Mr manager, I only came here to see you but she refused to let me."

"Why would they let a nobody see the manager? Do you know who exactly he is?" Eric scoffed. "If you wanted a job to feed your smelly ass, just say so. Stop creating a scene."

"I'm very good friends with Mr Abraham here and maybe I could put in a good word for you. I found a sprinkle of dust on my shoes and I would like you to lick it off for me then maybe I would consider you."

Lily chuckled. "Eric, you're so nice. "

"Of course Hun. You don't expect everyone to be as callous as your ex husband," He replied, making Lily go red at the mention of 'ex-husband'.

"Go on," Eric said, gesturing towards his designer's shoes. "Lick it off."

"Ahem, Mr Daniels, I don't think that would be necessary," Abraham said with discomfort. "Mister, who are you and what do you want?"

Dave shrugged and said, "I'm Dave, Brandon sent me here."

"Bran…. Brandon? You mean Brandon, the butler of the Wellington?" Abraham asked, wide eyed.

"Yes," Dave nodded.

Eric scoffed loudly. "How can master Brandon send you here? Mr Abraham, he's definitely lying. There's no way he can be acquainted with such a personality. He's an orphan with no lineage or connections, please don't mind him."

"Who are the Wellingtons and who is the Brandon you speak of?" Lily asked, obliviously.

"Fool, call master Brandon's name with respect and how could you not know the Wellingtons? They are one of the most wealthy and influential families in New York."

"Their vast empire is spread across the country. They are a very respected family."

"Mister, coming here and claiming that master Brandon sent you, you don't expect me to believe you right?" Abraham said.

"Brandon said I should show you a jade," Dave said, bringing out the jade pendant from his pocket and handed it over to the manager.

The manager collected it and studied it carefully after a few minutes, his eyes shone with surprise and he fell at Dave's feet.

"Young master!"

"Mr Abraham, what are you doing!"

Everyone stared at him with shock on their faces as he knelt down before Dave.

"Ahem!" Dave coughed slightly.

Abraham immediately stood up and went red. "Young mas–"

Dave instantly gave him a look which shut him instantly.

"Mr. Dave, I'm really sorry for all the inconveniences caused, please forgive me, " Abraham pleaded, visibly shaking.

Everyone was bewildered. Did the almighty Abraham just fall at Dave's feet? Abraham was rumoured to be a man of great pride because he headed the most sought after company in USA.

It was unheard of that he had ever knelt down before anyone before and he even begged for his life in fear.

"I hold no grudge against you but that receptionist and these two men should be dismissed immediately!" Dave ordered.

"Consider it done," Abraham said. Instantly, he went back to his authoritative self.

"Didn't you hear him?" He yelled at his employees. "Pack your things out and leave!"


"Don't let me call the authorities. Get out, now!"

They all scurried out.

"Mr Abraham, what are you doing?" Eric asked with surprise. "Don't tell me you're scared of this good for nothing."

"Mr Daniels, I won't stand here and watch you insult my bos–"


"I won't stand here and watch you insult you a distinguished visitor in our company, you'll have to leave immediately!"

"Mr Abraham, what are you saying?" Lily asked.

"Mr Daniels, don't let me use force. Please leave, immediately!"

Eric went red with embarrassment as he glanced at Dave with anger and walked out. Lily watched with confusion as the manager saw Dave off to his office, slightly bent as a sign of respect as he walked behind him.

"What's going on?"

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