Dave’s New Inheritance

"How do I believe that everything is real and not a fake?" Dave asked with a raised brow.

The rain has stopped now and was replaced with a gentle breeze.

"Young master, please come with me into the car so you won't catch a cold and I'll answer all your questions," The old man said, opening the door of one the luxurious cars for him.

Dave complied. The old man had already proven to be trustworthy and possibly won't try to harm him.

"Your family has a foothold in the business world and so maybe you can visit one of your companies just to see that I'm not lying to you."

"What's the name of the company you speak about?"

"Wellington Holdings LLC."

Dave gasped in surprise. "I've heard of that place and I've delivered pizza packages to few of the employees there."

The old man was equally surprised. "If you have been to the Wellington Holdings before how come you haven't heard of the Wellington family?"

"I'm not well learned and much exposed," Dave sighed.

"Okay. It's fine," The old man took out a jade pendant from his pocket. "Here's a pendant that shows your identity as the heir of the Wellington family. The manager there will be expecting your arrival tomorrow morning."

Dave collected the pendent and stared carefully at the jade. The jade seemed smooth to touch, it was a beautiful piece, exuding an air of affluence and elegance.

Deep, rich green colour, almost like a forest glade. It seemed to glow with an inner light. It was shaped like a teardrop, with a round top and a tapered bottom. The size of a small egg.

The jade was covered with cravings that looked like Chinese characters.

"Although the manager will be expecting your arrival tomorrow, it would be great if you could show that to him to prove your identity."

"I have heard your words."

The old man smiled. "I'm your family butler and my name is Brandon and I'm always at your service. We would take you to a place so you can rest because taking you home will only put your life in danger."

"Alright," Dave said with a nod.

Wellington Holdings LLC.

The next day, Dave couldn't help but feel that everything was a dream, a dream that he would wake up from at any moment and then be shouted upon by Lily's angry mom that he was late in preparing breakfast for them.

But, with the horning of cars behind him that made him flinch, it definitely wasn't a good dream that he was going to wake up from.

Wellington Holdings LLC. He was standing in front of the doors and was about to go in.


He furrowed his brows on hearing his name and turned around to meet Lily and her so-called boyfriend, Eric.

"Dave, what are you doing here?" She asked with disgust laced in her voice. "Are you following me?"

"Following you? Why would I follow you?"

"Then, what are you doing here?"

"Lily, don't waste your breath asking these fool questions. It's obvious he has become homeless and needs a job to cater for his needs," Eric said with a mocking smile.

"Did you come here to apply for a job?" Lily asked.

Dave shook his head. "I didn't come here to apply for a job. I came here to see the manager."

"To see the manager!" Lily and Eric bursted into laughter.

"You, see the manager? And who on earth would allow you in? And do you take us for fools who wouldn't know what's happening?"

"Dave, you don't have to lie to us okay?" Lily said touching his arm, which he withdrew instantly causing her to go red. "Maybe, Eric here, can speak in one or two words so they can offer you a job. Atleast that's the best we could do for you."

"For this rat? No, no. He's not worth it Lily. Not at all. He's better off being a cleaner here than an employee because no one would want him around."

Lily chuckled slightly. "Eric here has a meeting with the manager of the company as his company has a huge multi billion dollar project at hand with them so we wouldn't want to be late."

"Oh, that's true, darling," Eric said, kissing Lily right there and then in from of Dave.

Dave clenched his fist, looking at the scene playing out before him.

"Haha!" Lily chuckled as she wiped off the lipstick smeared on Eric's lips with a handkerchief. "Let's go in now, we wouldn't want to be late."

Dave watched as the two went inside hand in hand. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply before going inside.

"Hello," Dave said, greeting the receptionist at the desk.

"You don't have to come in through the front door. There's a back door with which you can make the deliveries," She said without looking up.

Dave raised a brow. "Sorry, I'm not here to make deliveries. I'm here to talk to the manager."

The receptionist looked up at him. As she spotted his clothing, her eyes were filled with disdain. "You, you want to see the manager? Who are you to make such request? And what business do you have here?"

Dave ignored the look in her eyes and said," The manger is already expecting me. Please put a call across to him that Dave is here."

The receptionist leaned over and searched Dave's face before bursting into laughter. "Young man, you seemed to have gone insane and if you don't leave here, I would be forced to call the security on you."

"Did you look at yourself in the mirror before coming here? We don't have alms to give please leave quietly or I'll have no choice than to embarrass you and that's what people of your kind deserve."

"But I said I'm here to see the manager. Why don't you let me see the manager so he can decide whether or not I should leave," Dave was adamant. He didn't know why the receptionist would look down on him because of his clothing.

"Mr. Man, please leave. Right now!"

"I won't leave until I see the manager."


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