The Legacy

Feeling heartbroken and betrayed by his wife, Dave felt all elements were against him as the lightning struck across the skies and the rain fell down heavily, he didn't even bother to shield himself.

"How could she have done this to me?" He muttered to himself. "What did I do wrong?"

"I did everything I could to make her and her family happy but they still saw me as useless."

His mind flashes back to when he and Lily were standing happily at the altar, exchanging vows and pledging their undying love in front of her family.

"I promise to love and cherish you, always and forever," Dave said, holding her hands with love and admiration in her eyes.

"I love you, Dave and I promise never to leave you."

That was all a lie!

Lily still left him! She didn't even think about all her promises she had made to him, she had only used him for her own benefit.

He had done so many odd jobs to make sure both she and her family were satisfied and he doesn't seem like a burden to them even when Lily opposed him working because she was adamant that she was already earning enough for them all.

"Dave, you can't do anything right!" Lily yelled out. "You're embarrassing both me and my family. Everyday, grandma looks down on us and doesn't give us any profits. We have been sidelined all because of you."

"You're never satisfied, aren't you?" Dave replied in a sad tone. "I'm doing everything I can so I don't become a burden to any of you."

"I told you he was a jinx!" Lily's mom cried out. "I don't know why grandpa was so adamant on you getting married to him. He has brought nothing but bad luck to all of us."

"He needs to leave," Lily's father added.

"Lily, divorce him."

"Dave, you're not just good for me no matter what you do," Lily said, shaking her head.

Her words had broken Dave into pieces. He had grown to love and adore her even though she had never let him touch her but today she let another man have his way with her just because he was better than him but what Lily didn't know was that Dave wasn't just a normal man even he, (Dave) wasn't aware of this fact.

"I was a fool to have thought it would have gotten better," He said, sighing in the rain.

As Dave sits in the rain, soliquizing about his life. A fleet of black luxurious cars drove towards him. Their lights shone against the tarred road.

Dave was oblivious of the happenings around him, until an old man stepped out of the car and covered him with an umbrella.

"Young master Dave, what are you doing here all alone?"

Dave looked up alert. "Who are you? And how did you know my name?"

"Young master Dave, I've been sent to find you. Your family's legacy is at stake and only you can save it," The old man said with urgency in his voice.

Dave's eyes narrowed with confusion. "What legacy? I don't even know what you're talking about. I don't have any family."

The man smiled again. "Ah, that's where you've got it all wrong and I hope you don't hold any grudge against your grandfather because this was his plan along to save your life from those who wanted to harm you. "

"You must have found the wrong person," Dave said, standing up.

"No, please," The man said, holding him back. "I'm not mistaken. You're the long lost heir of the Wellington. Your family needs now more than ever."

"You were so young when your parents were killed and your grandfather had to send you off to an orphanage to protect you and when you were off age he arranged a marriage between you and Miss Lily alongside her grandfather."

"I and Lily are divorced."

The man nodded. "Your grandfather was well aware that this would happen."

"Why have you decided to come find me after all these years? Aren't there any other capable persons there to lead and protect the legacy you speak of? Why me?"

The old man's face turned solemn. "Your grandfather has passed away and he left a will stating that only you are the heir to the Wellington legacy and no one else can claim it."

Dave felt a shiver run down his spine. It seems his life was taking a new turn.

First, his divorce with Lily and now he found out that he was actually the long lost heir to a wealthy family he hadn't even heard of before.

It all seemed unreal.

"What does this legacy entail?" Dave asked with a raised brow in curiosity.

"The Wellington legacy is a very large empire. It includes businesses, properties and wealth. But it also comes with a price," His voice was more like an audible whisper. "A price on your head. Your family's enemies have been waiting for a time to strike and now that your grandfather is dead, this gives them the opening they had long awaited to strike and they'll stop at nothing to claim the legacy for themselves."

Dave listened quietly to him as he spoke. Seeing that Dave had nothing to say, he added, " That's why you need to come back home young master and save your family's legacy from dying out."

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