The Unexpected Heir
The Unexpected Heir
Author: David Peter
Sent Out

Dave has a big smile on his face as his shift has come to an end for the day, he headed to a store and purchased a necklace for his darling wife.

He works hard everyday to prove how hardworking he is to his rich wife and prominent in-laws. Today makes it two years of their marriage although it was filled with more sadness and less happiness but he knew everything will be fine one day.

His joy increased as he got closer to their room, he started hearing some unpleasant sounds in his ears.

What could be happening behind the door? Hope it's not what I'm thinking. He shook his head to wave off the thought building up inside of him, he reached out for the handle, knobbed it down and pushed it.

His eyes landed on his wife (Lily) and a guy having s*x, the color of his eyes changed to red as anger overtook him.

"Lily yyyyaaaahhh! " He yelled her name in rage. The two adults quickly disengaged from the act and looked at him.

"You scare the h*ll out of me." She said and sat properly on the bed with a nonchalant look.

"Explain what is happening here!" He yelled.

"I will tell you. Eric is my boyfriend and we are having sexual intercourse which is necessary in a relationship, so what else did you want to know?" Lily explained in a calm and cool tone. Dave became furious, sad and heartbroken.

Lily never allowed them have sexual intercourse during their two years of marriage, she started having s*x with a guy she met a few months ago.

When his friend Tony told him about Lily's relationship with Eric the owner of Skype, he doubted it but now he saw everything with his own eyes and his wife was not even remorseful for what she did.

"What makes you chest on me after everything I have done for you " He recounted in a broken voice.

"You are not my type Dave, I appreciate you for all the help you've rendered to me but still I can't be with you forever. There is a big difference between a company owner and a poor person. If you would excuse me, I need to continue what I was doing before you came in." She stated plainly.

"But I am your husband." He pointed out.

She stood up from the bed, took a few steps to the drawer, brought out a file and handed it over to him.

"That is the divorce papers, you have to sign them."

"I can't sign it because I love you so much." He confessed with a shout, Lily looked at Eric and laughed out loud.

"You are foolish for saying that, aren't you afraid of her status, family, wealth and popularity?." Eric questioned and laughed.

"You get everything wrong, I don't love you and I don't think I will ever love you. I got married to you because I had no other choice than to choose you since grandfather won't hand over his wealth to me if I don't get married. "

"After a year, my goals get accomplished. The next thing was for me to send you off but I allowed you to stay because you have nowhere to go to and I thought you would be useful to us but meanwhile you're just a pain in the ass. "

" I really wanted you to continue living here but you have nothing to offer me. You can expect me to continue living with someone who can't afford $10,000 at once, who can't take me to a fancy hotel, spoil me with gifts and other things."

Lily explained nonchalantly, Dave's heart ripped into pieces on hearing that from the woman he loved deeply.

Though she never wanted to divorce him, on the other hand, she doesn't want him to bring her down in the future.

"But I'm trying all my possible best to make sure you are okay. I work my a*s out just to show you and your family how serious I am, even though you prevented me from getting jobs in big companies. Please give me one last chance and I will prove to you that I am capable of doing everything you listed." Dave pleaded out of the tears of losing her.

"I should accept you back and give you one more chance?" She laughed. "Dave, you must be the stupid. Do you know how much insults and humiliation I and my family have to go through because of you?"

"You see this man here," She said with a smile, caressing his cheek. "He's a better man than you'll ever be so sign those divorce papers and leave accept you want to watch a live p**n which won't be so bad."

"Please Lily." He pleaded once again, ignoring her words.

"Stop calling her name you useless fool. She made it clear to you that divorce is the next thing for your relationship. Do you want her to become as wretched as you? Do you want her to work hard for herself when she has a husband?"

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? If truly you have any dignity left in you then you would have walked out of this room and locked the door but you are too senseless to think of that." Eric lashed insults on him, Dave balled his fist in fury ready to attack him but he restricted himself because of Lily.

"Please get the h*ll out of this room right now." She yelled out in anger.

"Do I really deserve all these?"

"That's what you really deserve, I'm not your match at all, look for someone who is in the same league as you." She snapped immediately, Eric laid on the bed, Lily mounted him and started caressing his chest.

Dave dropped the divorce papers on the floor and walked out of the house in total sadness.

He walked through the street absent-mindedly. Having nowhere to go or lay his head disturbed him.

"What I'm I going to do? I have used all the money I have to purchase things for Lily, now I am left with nothing."

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