Pink Diamond

At that point, Dave entered the office and everyone turned towards him with expectant gazes.

Seeing him with nothing, the clerk couldn't help but sneer. "Seems you didn't bring anything just like I had predicted," She said with a smug smile.

Sophia looked at Dave with disappointment. "You couldn't get a ring? I told you to let Charlotte buy a ring for us but you refused."

The other couples who were waiting in line to get married couldn't help but witness amongst themselves.

"What kind of a man is this? He couldn't even bring a ring for his wife!"

"He even had the audacity to come back empty handed."

"Don't y'all see how poorly dressed he is, how can he possibly afford a ring?"

"And his wife is really beautiful. I pity her."

"Don't pity her, she isn't blind to know how poor her husband is. If I were her, I would have left here a long time ago but she's still here."

Dave looked at them and said, "I have a ring ready for my wife. It's just taking time for it to get here."

"You still have the cheek to lie," The clerk scolded. " I won't let you both get married without a ring. Please leave, I have other couples to attend to."

Suddenly, a man dressed in a black, expensive suit, walked into the office with a box in his hand.

He vowed respectfully to Dave and handed the box to him. "Here's the ring you requested for."

As he opened it, the ring's jewel shone in their eyes and they marvelled at this beauty.

"Here's the ring," Dave said, handing it over to the clerk. "Can you get us married now?"

"He-he, you decided to get a cheap ring and a man to pose as your servant, isn't it?"

"That's not a cheap ring," The man said defensively, staring at the clerk with a frown. "That's a specially crafted ring made with a rare pink diamond."

Sophia was stunned by his words. The ring was made with a diamond? Where did Dave get the money to buy a pink diamond ring?

"So he paid you to lie as well?" One of the women asked with disdain. "Do you know how much a diamond costs?"

"I don't lie, because I have no reason to do so."

"If this is a rare diamond then I will eat my head!" The clerk scoffed.

"Then get ready to eat your head," Dave said with a smug smile.


"Then, let's see how you'll get me to eat my head," The clerk smiling sheepishly.

"Dave, stop creating a scene. Just get married without creating a ruckus," Clementine said angrily.

He was literally embarrassing her sister along with him and she didn't like it.

"I am a jewellery appraiser. I can know whether that is a real pink diamond or a fake one," A man sitting beside his fiancee said.

"Quick, quick, come help us prove that this man is nothing but a liar and a fraud."

"That won't be necessary," Sophia said, forcing a smile on.

All she wanted was to get married without any drama but it seems that was not going to happen for she was getting even more entangled in this mess.

"Madam, don't tell me you are trying to cover up for the sins of your husband," The clerk said with a frown. "If you keep doing this and supporting your husband, then he will never learn his lesson. I don't know what he has used to bewitch you into marrying him."

"This woman looks familiar," A man said. "Are you Ms. Brett?"

Sophia nodded. "Yes I am."

This caused an uproar. The Bretts were a highly respectable family and were considered wealthy as well. Why would a daughter of the Bretts decide to fall in love with a man of no class?

Aren't rich people supposed to marry within their class to improve their relationship?

"Why are you with such a man?"

"I heard her family is very rich. She could have just gotten married to a rich tycoon, why such a man?"

"Is she in a such a hurry to get married that she decided to get married to a poor man?"

"Such a pity! She have to go through such humiliation because of an incompetent man."

Sophia went red with their accusations and Dave couldn't help but feel disdain for this people. They had left bullying him and went on to Sophia.

Clementine couldn't take it anymore and bursted out in anger. "Don't y'all have your own personal lives to be worried about? Don't y'all have issues that needs critical thinking to be sorted out? Why poke your noses into other people's lives?"

She glanced at Dave. "This is all your fault! Assuming you have bought a ring earlier, my sister wouldn't have to go through such humiliation and now you decided to bring a man to lie that you had bought a pink diamond ring? Where on earth would get such amount of money to get a ring of that nature?"

"Clementine, stop it," Sophia scolded, holding her hand. "That's enough."

"Sophia, why are you doing this? When the others were insulting you, you decided to keep quiet and now, you're defending him?"

"I don't want you to cause anymore scene. We already have alot on our hands, don't add to it."

"Oh, causing a scene? Who is the one responsible for all this? Bringing a fake diamond ring!"

"The ring is real and authentic, ma'am," The man who had brought the ring said to her and she clenched her little fist boiling up in anger.

"How much did he pay to lie?" Clementine asked.

The man looked at Dave who nodded at him not to say anything. It would only compound his problems.

"This diamond ring is not fake," The man who had claimed to be a jewelry appraiser said with surprise.

"Where did you get such a priceless gem from?"

His words shocked those who were in the room.

The ring wasn't fake?

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