Tying The Knot

The funeral service of Xander Brett was conducted smoothly and soon all the Bretts gathered in the living room.

Xander's wife, Diana had taken over the seat and became the family head in his place as that was what he wanted before he died.

"Grandpa said he knew that we would be bullied by uncle and grandma, why then did he make grandma the family head? All this so confusing," Charlotte muttered into her sister's ears.

"Shssh, Grandmother is about to make an announcement," Mia warned.

Diana stared at her family with a stern face and she glanced at Brandon and looked away.

"Mother, preparations for your birthday are going smoothly and it will be the talk of the town," Gerald said with a big smile.

Sophia was confused. Her grandfather had just been buried today and all they could think of was to celebrate a birthday?

"But grandma, grandfather has just been buried. Can't you celebrate your birthday next year?"

Diana shot her a sharp gaze and Sophia instantly regretted her words. "Xander was my husband and he is no more and besides he has been buried already. Do you think he would have wanted us to allow the weight of his death to weigh us down?"

"That's not what I meant, grandma. I just thought maybe you could shift the arrangements to a more convenient time till we are done mourning."

Celebrating a birthday after her grandfather had been buried made Sophia feel weird. It looked like they were celebrating his passing on.

"We are not shifting my mother's birthday!" Gerald

scolded, walking towards Sophia. "You have no say in this."

He glanced at Brandon. "Didn't you teach your daughter any manners at all? Or just because father had arranged your daughter's marriage with someone rich, you think you both can rule the affairs of the house? As long as my mother is alive, none of your wishes will come true!"

Brandon didn't say a word. He had gotten used to keep quiet while Gerald insulted and bullied him. After all he was an illegitimate son, no one in the family would stand up for him.

"Speaking of your fiance," Diana began. "Make sure to bring him along."

Sophia nodded.

Diana's eyes shone with delight. She was sure that her grandson inlaw was a very rich man since Xander had picked him by himself and if he came to her birthday with expensive gifts it could raise her status high in the eyes of her guests.

However, she wished that it was Jacqueline who was getting married to such a man and not Sophia.

What right does an illegitimate granddaughter have to enjoy such good things?

A frown appeared on her face instantly.

The next day, Dave and Sophia arrived at the court to register their marriage. Clementine tagged along as a witness.

The clerk glanced at Dave. "Don't you have anybody to bring along to act as your witness?" She asked.

"No, I'm an orphan."

Sophia glanced at Dave and said to the clerk. "My sister would act as a witness for both of us."

"Not like I have a choice," Clementine muttered under her breath.

The clerk asked for the rings and that was when Dave realised that he didn't bring any ring alone. The clerk was immediately filled with irritation.

"You came to get married to such a beautiful woman and you didn't bother to bring a ring?" She turned to Sophia. "Madam, were you blind to have fallen for this rat? He's so poor that he can't even afford a ring?"

"What then would he use to marry you? A string? And I can see that you have no engagement ring on as well. I must say love is truly blind."

This insult not only angered Sophia but Clementine as well.

"Don't you dare insult my sister in that manner. It's not her fault that her supposedly husband didn't bring a ring."

Dave looked at Sophia. "I already bought the ring beforehand but I had forgotten it when I was coming here."

The clerk sneered. "You bought a ring? I'm sure it's a cheap ring. Your wife is dressed beautifully and then you're dressed in cheap ordinary clothings, don't you have any shame?"

The clerk was filled with disdain for the couple. Sophia was very beautiful and the fact that she was dressed elegantly filled the woman's heart with envy.

However, seeing how poorly dressed Dave was, the woman couldn't help but snort at Sophia's misfortune.

"Besides, I'm sure you can't even afford a cheap ring!"

Not wanting to respond to the troublesome clerk, Sophia turned to Dave. "We can postpone the wedding till you have money to afford to get the ring or I can just have Clementine go buy a ring for us."

"He-he, want to cover up your husband's poverty? Ma'am, I would advise you not to jump into getting married to him. He's definitely after your money. I know many of these kinds of people!"

"Is your job here to get people married or to stick your nose into others' business?" Sophia asked her with anger.

The woman didn't back down and kept trying to talk Sophia out of marrying Dave, as it was a life sentence that would end badly for her.

Dave was getting irritated by the Clerk's noise. It was actually his fault that he wasn't able to bring the ring he had bought earlier.

"I will call someone who would bring a ring for us," he said to Sophia with a smile and walked outside to make a call.

"I told you ma'am. He has definitely gone away and won't come back. Men like that don't deserve people like you."

"Sophia, I think she's right. You can walk out of this marriage before it's too late," Clementine muttered.

"Clementine, who's side are you on? And how many times have I told you not to tell me this?" Sophia scolded. "No one can change my mind about this so stop it already!"

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