Riddles and Secrets

Sophia stared at her sister. "You're too young to understand how the world works. It's unfair to everyone, and if getting married to that man would make the family as useful then I would gladly give up myself."

"You're sick!" Clementine spat out angrily and ran up the stairs.

Mia walked up to her daughter. "You can still walk out of this madness."

"I have made up my mind, mother. I can't change it or we both know what will happen. I can't let us go live on the streets when there is an alternative."

Mia bursted into tears. "Xander just wants to destroy my daughter's life," she cried, rubbing her fingers on Sophia's delicate skin.

"Mom, stop crying. All this won't solve any of our problems. We have to look for a way to go through all these and still come out strong," Sophia said, wiping her tears.

"Unfortunately, I am not as strong as you as my dear."

"You are stronger than you think mother," Sophia said, holding her shoulder in a comforting manner. Taking one glance at her father, Sophia went up to her room.

Mia looked at Brandon with anger. "If only you hadn't gotten so useless, our family won't be suffering this way."

"Your father had threaten to kick us out of the house and has put us in such a difficult situation and you sit doing nothing!"

The Brett's Mansion.

"Welcome cousin," A lady greeted with Sophia with a mysterious smile as she and her family walked into the house.

Clementine scoffed loudly and whined in pain afterwards when her mother pinched her painfully. The lady was their cousin, Jacqueline.

Jacqueline had always found opportunity to bully both Sophia and her sister right from when they were little in fact the whole family was being bullied by the rest of the family all because Brandon was an illegitimate son.

Xander had an illicit affair with a maid and in order not to stain the family's reputation and to stop the news from spreading, Xander's father sent the maid faraway and Xander had to take care of Brandon but Xander had always been more docile to his younger brother, Gerald.

"We are here to see grandfather," Sophia announced.

"Oh well, the old man is pretty much advanced in age now. He's laying on his bed."

With that being said, Sophia and her family were heading towards the stairs but Jacqueline stopped them.

"I had grandfather had you match maked with a man."

"Indeed, you have heard well and if you would like any more details go and ask grandfather," Saying that, she went upstairs.

Jacqueline stared at her with hatred in her eyes. Sophia was everything she couldn't be. She was brilliant and always excelled in whatever she did, gaining the respect of students and teachers alike while she got nothing, no awards at all.

And when Xander began to favor Sophia over her, she got so jealous that she began to pick on Sophia and her sister whenever she had the chance.

Knowing how their grandfather had always wanted the family's name to be protected, she was sure that he had match maked her with a very rich and powerful man and Jacqueline couldn't help but go red with jealous.

Why did Sophia have all the attention she had always craved for? She even had men clamouring at her feet.

Jacqueline clenched her fist and gritted her teeth.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" Sophia asked with concern as she sat on the bed, holding his fragile hand in hers.

The doctors and nurses were examining him. With the look of things, Xander didn't have much time to live.

"Sophia," he muttered weakly. "Did you go meet the young man? Do you like him?"

"Uhm, grandpa, you should rest."

"Answer my question."

Although, Xander was weak now. He still carried his authoritative air around him and Sophia swallowed under his sharp, hard gaze.

"Yes father, I have seen him. But as for liking him, I can't say. Grandfather, do you know he is a divorcee?"

"Yes grandfather, " Chaolette butted in. "You're being unfair to my sister. How can you push her into marriage without her even having to experience love."

"Charlotte, keep quiet. Don't talk to grandfather in that way!" Sophia scolded.

But to their surprise, Xander only smiled. "Your sister would be very safe with her husband and the woman who had divorced is at a big loss."

He craned his neck and spotted Brandon. "I hope you can forgive me for neglecting you all these years. "

Brandon was confused at his father's words. "Father, you don't have to apologize for whatever you did. You did what you thought was right."

Cough! Cough!

Sophia handed him a glass of water.

After calming down, Xander said, "I may have spoilt your brother too much. And your step mother, they will try to make things difficult for you all but with Sophia's husband beside you all, nothing bad will happen."

"Grandpa, what are you saying? That man looks like a total weakling, there is no way he would be able to protect us," Charlotte retorted.

"You have always behaved and thought like a child even when you are well off in your twenties. You must grow up and support your sister, Charlotte, " Xander said. "Sophia, I know you might think that my decision is not the best but trust me even if it's for the first time and the lady as well, learn to respect and love your husband. He is a good man."

"Grandpa, is there something you know about him?" Sophia asked.

Xander has been speaking in riddles and if she understood her grandfather, he was trying to let them know that Dave was a formidable being that they couldn't afford to offend and if they treated him well he will help them.

"Very soon, Sophia. You'll understand my words," Saying this, with a smile on his wrinkled face, he went to sleep.

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