Table Of Confusion

Brighton's Home:

Lady Gaga Brighton sat on her mahogany chair which spoke of her high status in her family. Her almost soulless eyes dilated in their sockets as she stared at her sons, Kay and Mike, Lily's father.

"So you're saying that Dave is a friend to master Brandon?" Lady Gaga asked, staring intensely at Mike.

"Yes mother. Lily found out about this yesterday and we thought it well to inform you."

"Hmm, so Dave has been hiding such important information from us. We never treated him badly, we gave him a roof over his head. Ingrate!" Lady Gaga scoffed out in anger.

"But mother, this doesn't prove anything. Even though Dave is a friend of master Brandon, it won't bring any benefits to us," Kay, Mike's younger brother said.

"That's true but the fact that he was called to that company definitely means something good and we must get a share from that."

"We have clothed Dave for the past three years, fed him and gave him a roof over his head, he has never paid us any penny for doing that. But, since he now has a wealthy friend who is helping then definitely he has to pay us."

"Now, I'm beginning to understand why your father had been insisting that Dave gets married to one of your daughters. He saw that Dave would bring benefits to the family, but I've been blind and it's not too late to make corrections."

"Kay, you and Lily must go to the Wellington's company and make our demands known to Dave."

"I'll do that mother," Kay replied.

"But, mother, why can't I go? After all, I'm Lily's father," Mike said, with a frown.

"Are you now questioning my decisions!" Lady Gaga yelled.

"No mother. I won't do such a thing," Mike said, swallowing hard.

"You're a good for nothing. Assuming you could control your daughter and your son-in-law, we wouldn't have been in dark all these years and now you want to be given an important assignment so you could ruin it, right?"

Mike hung his head low, staring at the floor.

Kay smiled and walked up to his brother. "You don't have to worry about anything. Afterall, it's going to benefit us. Assuming Dave had gotten married to Diana instead, we would have been enjoying a lot of benefits from the Wellingtons but well, I won't blame you. You don't know how to manage things including your own family."

Mike kept mute as he received insulting words from his brother and mother. They had always looked down on him and sidelined him from anything that had to deal with the growth of the family, seeing him as incapable and incompetent.

When his father had Lily given in marriage to Dave, his troubles increased. His mother and brother taunted and humiliated him because they saw Dave was equally good for nothing like him.

When their father died, they both used the opportunity to kick Mike and his family out of the family and they had to rent a house from the little money Lily earned at the company where she too wasn't spared, she was constantly bullied by her cousins over her marriage to Dave.

Wellington Holdings LLC.

"Like I said yesterday, I won't want my identity revealed. If there's anything that needs to be handled it will have to come through you first," Dave said to Abraham.

"You'll continue to discharge your duties and I'll be walking at the back. No one must know about me or my name, I shall be known as Mr. Dave and nothing else."

"Sure, consider it done!"

Soon, the news spread like wide fire. The Wellington Holdings now has a new CEO whose identity was unknown but he was known as Mr Dave.

The news soon reached the Brighton's family and they were confused. Lady Gaga called for an emergency family meeting.

"I'm sure you all here already know why I called for this meeting," Lady Gaga said, glancing at them one after the other.

Since no one replied, she continued, "There has been rumours flying around that the Wellington company now has a new CEO and his name is quite familiar."

"Yes grandma, I thought I was the only one who noticed this. And this news is coming at the same time we got to know that Dave is friends with master Brandon. Could it be that he's the new CEO?" Landon, Lily's cousin asked.

This same question was on everyone's minds.

"That's not possible," Diana replied. "There are alot of people having such name and it doesn't really imply that's it's Dave. Besides, how can Dave suddenly become the CEO of Wellington's holdings?"

"He's an orphan. He doesn't even have a lineage. Can an orphan suddenly rise to become a child of the Wellington? No! That only exists in books," Diana scoffed. "Besides, one of my friends called to inform me just yesterday that she saw Dave amongst one of the beggars at the roadside."

"That can't be Dave," Lily said. "I saw how Mr Abraham was being respectful towards Dave."

"Don't be silly, Lily. Although your name does sound silly. Who knows maybe he just decieved each and everyone of you? He could have just picked up the name from somewhere and then came up to decieve Mr Abraham."

"Dave definitely needed a job desperately after getting kicked out by all of you so he would resort to despicable means. You were just being decieved!"

"No, that's not true. I know Dave! He's not what you're making him out to be!" Lily shot back.

"That's enough!" Lady Gaga yelled, hitting her staff on the ground and everywhere went silent immediately. "Lily, Diana is right. There are hundreds of men in New York bearing the same name and besides, she also right about the fact that Dave resorted to despicable means to get attention. There's no way he can be friends with master Brandon and would hide that fact from us."

"Grandma, these are just words and assumptions. We don't really know what's true or not, unless we investigate to be sure," Lily said.

Lady Gaga seemed convinced by her words after keeping silent for a while. "Kay, remember what I said. There should be no mistakes, we'll definitely get to the bottom of this."

"Yes mom, don't worry. We shall find out if it's really Dave or just someone else."

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