Getting Married Again

The next day, Lily went to the Wellington's Holdings with the proposal in her hand.

"Good morning, I'm here to see Mr Abraham," She said with a smile at the receptionist. "Do you have an appointment with him?" "Yes," Lily nodded.

"Hold on let me inform him, you can go sit over there for the meantime," She said with the same smile pointing to a cluster of comfortable chairs at the corner.

Lily sat down on one and took out her phone to play games.

"Ma'am, you may go now."

"Thank you."

Waiting for the elevator to arrive, Dave and few other of employees walked out of it. Their eyes locked.

Dave merely glanced at her and started to walk away but she held him back. "What is it?" He asked coldly. Lily swallowed hard at Dave's sudden coldness towards her. "I–I need your help."

Dave raised a brow, "What do you need my help for? Don't you have Eric?" "He has gone bankrupt. His family is of no use to us." "Oh I see," Dave replied, feigning ignorance.

"Please Dave you have to help me put. Grandma finally saw potentials in me and decided to give me this prospal to submit. I know you are not the chairman but you should have had an encounter with him right? Please I need you to help me," Lily begged, holding him.

For the first time, Dave felt the softness of Lily's hand. The helpless look in her eyes made his heart to waver.

"I'm sorry but I'm not in the position to help. I occupy a spot in the marketing department which isn't strong enough, only my superiors can have access to the chairman through Mr Abraham. I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Then help me speak to Mr Abraham. I know that you're a very dedicated worker and I saw how he respected you because of Master Brandon or you can talk to Master Brandon for us, that will be better."

Dave couldn't help but chuckle. "And why would you think I would help your family?"

"Dave, this is not the right time to do this. We are family and family help each other," Lily said desperately.

"We are family?" Dave questioned, furrowing his brow. He yanked her hand away from him. "Family? And you did that to me? You cuckold me? And you expect me to help you?"

"Dave, I'm sorry. I know a man's pride is more important to him but if you help me do this I will do whatever you want. You have always wanted to sleep with me right?" Lily said, fixing her gaze at him while unbuttoning her shirt revealing her milky white skin.

Dave's Adam apple bobbed up and down in his throat as he saw it. "Lily, no matter what you do. I won't help you!" Saying this, he walked away.

Lily's face went flushed red with anger. "Dave, you are supposed to help us! Our family clothed you for years, you have to help us in return!"

Dave gave no listening ear and went out of the company. Brandon had requested for him and he was at the gate waiting for him.

The scene of Lily wanted to offer herself to him made me spat out saliva in disgust. Who knows maybe that was how she had made Eric. Lily was a vain and stupid woman without principles, climbing up to the bed of men who could help her and when they're no longer useful, she dumps them.

He won't fall into her trap!

"You asked for me."

"Yes, young master. I believe it's now time for you to know what your grandfather requires of you before you can get your full inheritance," Brandon said.

"What do you mean by required?" Dave was confused. Hadn't he proven himself already? Since he entered into the Wellingtons' company, all profits had increased by 80%.

"I acknowledge your achievements, young master and your grandfather will be proud of you as well but this is a condition attached."

"What is the condition?"

"You must get married to Miss Sophia of the Hades family."

Dave was annoyed. " I have to get married? What kind of condition is that? Do you know what I faced in my first marriage and now you want me to go into another? If I had known this would happen, I would have never agreed to follow you."

His grandfather fixed one marriage for him. Knowing fully well that her family was vain, he fixed another. They were trying to control his life!

This was unfair!

"I know that you are angry right now, but it's for your own good. The master had already foreseen that this would happen so he decided to get you bethrothed to a better woman than Lily."

"A better woman, you say," Dave glanced at him, narrowing his eyes. " All women are vain. All they want is your money and if you can't give them that, they will dump you for any man who comes their way."

"Don't be too judgemental, young master. Miss Sophia is different and you would meet with her soon."

"Hmph," Dave grunted. "I'll prove you wrong!"

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