
Brandon shook his head at Dave's behaviour. " I would advise you don't reveal your identity just yet. You know what would happen if you do."

Dave nodded. "Yes I do. Abraham told me I had a brother." "Yes, you do and you will meet him soon and also get ready for a confrontation."

Dave glanced at him with a raised brow. "Why would my brother confront me? We haven't seen each other for years now. There shouldn't be any reason for that."

Brandon smiled slightly. "Young master, don't be too naive. I heard that your ex wife has been troubling you, maybe with this marriage it could chase her off your back."

"Don't tell me that you're trying to lure me into another marriage with this."

"No, no. I'm not trying to lure you in at all. It's actually for your own good. And your grandfather has made a deal with theirs, if you get married to her, an alliance between the Wellingtons and their family will make their family grow stronger."

"So they are using us as prawns in their game?" Dave asked, furrowing his brows.

"Soon, you will come to understand why your grandfather did this. But for now, you are going to be meeting with her tomorrow. I'll send you the location."

Dave sighed and stepped out of the car. "Young master, don't be late!"

Le Bernadin.

Sophia fidgeted with her napkin, gazing around Le Bernardin's opulent dining room. Her sister, Clementine, sips her champagne, her brow furrowed.

"Sophia, I can't believe you have a husband. That's so odd."

Clementine glanced at her wristwatch. "To think that your so-called fiance has kept us waiting for over an hour. He better be handsome for waiting our time this way."

"Clementine, can you stop worrying?" Sophia said with a smile.

"Why won't I worry? Grandpa just got you married off without anyone knowing. Who knows maybe you were just 8 years then. That's so old fashioned!" Clementine whined.

"Grandpa is actually old fashioned," Sophia pointed out.

"Ah! Talking to you is a waste of time. I can't believe you even accepted to do this."

"I had no choice, little sister. It's for the good of our family."

"You had a choice, Sophia. Don't tell me that. What if your husband is actually a cripple and it's taking him a long time to get into his wheelchair, what would you say then?" Clementine's tone turned incredulous. "Sacrificing your happiness for others."

Sophia chuckled. "Do you think grandpa would be that cruel to me?"

"You never know," Clementine muttered. "I need to use the restroom and I hope by then your husband should have arrived or else I would drag you out of here myself."

Clementine walked out of the booth and went towards the rest room, operating her phone and muttering to herself.

"Can't believe Sophia would just agree to this arrangement without even thinking about it for a minute.

As she turned towards a corner, she collided with a tall figure, sending her phone flying.


"Ahh! My phone!" She yelled, dropping down on her knees and looking at the broken phone with tears in her eyes.

It was the lastest version of Apple phones, iPhone 15 promax. It had cost her sister a fortune to get when it first came out and now, it's broken.

The stranger apologized but Clementine boiled with anger.

"You clumsy oaf! Look what you have done! Thus phone cost a fortune and now you've broken it!" She roared in anger.

"You were the one who wasn't watching where she was going," Dave replied.

"You don't have manners. If you had seen me clearly, you should have walked passed me! Now, you have broken my phone, you would have to pay for it!"

"I demand to see the manager!"

Dave sighed out in frustration. He needed to go meet up with his fiancee and he was late already and this girl popped out of nowhere and bumped into him.

"Ma'am, I said I was sorry. Let me–"

"Sorry?" Clementine's eyes flashed. "Sorry isn't enough! You must buy a new phone and it better be the lastest model!"

Clementine's shouts attracted a crowd towards them.

"I saw what happened. She was clearly at fault here, not looking at where she was going."

"And she's blaming the young man?"

"Look at them. She's obviously a rich young miss and the other man looks like any ordinary man, maybe he's a cleaner. With his status, he won't be able to get a new phone for her."

"Tsk, he's going to be in so much trouble."

Dave's patience ran thin. He was keeping the young lady waiting despite Brandon's plea. But if she left, who knows Brandon could use this as an excuse to shift the meeting to another day. Maybe he could talk to the lady so they won't have to get married at all.

"Fine, I'll get you a new phone but can you stop creating a scene?"

"Huh? You'll get me a new phone? You don't even look like someone who has up to a thousand dollar in his account," Clementine sneered.

Dave was annoyed. She was the one asking him to buy a new phone for her and now that he had agreed, she's looking down on him.

Even the patrons were laughing.

"To think that I pitied him, instead of begging the young miss, he's offering to buy her a new phone."

"Even in his next life, he won't be able to afford a lastest model."

"Such a clown!"


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