New Abilities

Tyler streaked through the crowd, leaving behind a blur of motion. The force generated by his velocity created a shockwave, sending unsuspecting bystanders tumbling to the ground in his wake.

As confusion rippled through the crowd, voices rang out in disbelief. "What the?" someone exclaimed, echoing the sentiments of those around them. "What in the world was that?!"

He streaked through the crowd, leaving behind a blur. The sheer force from his speed created a shockwave, sending people flying off their feet.

For Tyler, it was almost an instant, but he had already covered the distance to the other side of the hall.

The sheer force of his passage caused a sonic boom, shattering windows and knocking over anything not bolted down.

The walls trembled, and debris was tossed into the air as if caught in a violent gust of wind.

Tyler made a powerful stop after arriving at the serving area. He created a strong shock wave that blew everyone around the vicinity away.

"What's that?"

What they saw move past them was a blur, to them, Tyler appeared from thin air. Everybody's eyes were glued on him. He had landed behind the serving area where the food is stashed.

A thick haze of confusion settled over the entire gathering, enveloping students and staff alike in a cloud of bewilderment. Mouths hung open, eyes wide with astonishment as they struggled to make sense of the sudden disappearance of Tyler. Whispers rippled through the crowd like a gentle breeze, each voice tinged with disbelief and wonder.

"How on earth did he manage that?" someone ventured to ask, their voice filled with incredulity as they gestured towards the spot where Tyler had just stood moments before.

"Did he teleport?"

In the middle of a crowd of confused faces, Tyler stayed calm, only paying attention to the food in front of him. Ignoring the many surprised looks directed at him, he kept eating as if he didn't notice the fuss around him.

The ballroom staff, jolted back to reality by the unexpected turn of events, sprang into action, their expressions a mixture of annoyance and concern.

"Hey!" one of them barked, their voice cutting through the murmurs of the crowd.

"Hands off the food!" they admonished, their tone sharp with authority as they moved to protect their culinary creations from any potential harm.

A sense of tension crackled in the air as another waiter joined in, their voice tinged with a hint of menace as they brandished their knives warningly.

"Do you want to get hurt?" they growled, their gaze darting from one intruder to another, daring anyone to challenge their authority over the precious banquet laid out before them.

But there was no response...

"Hmm, without an inventory skill, I won't be able to carry a lot of items."

The waiter snapped. "This guy!" He advanced on Tyler, pointing his blade at his neck.

"Shh, I'm thinking," Tyler said, barely glancing up, his attention still on the food.

It seemed the biggest issue wasn't the hostile staff, but deciding what to take and what to leave behind.

The waiter scowled. "You really want to die. Fine. Die!" He lunged at Tyler with his knife, driven by anger and the need to regain control.

"I thought I warned you—" one waiter grunted.

It happened in the blink of an eye...

Tyler's fist sliced through the air. The force of his punch struck the waiter's head with a powerful shock wave sending him crashing through the wall.

"I said, be quiet!" Tyler's voice thundered, filling the now-silent ballroom.

The waiter groaned, struggling to get back on his feet, but his limbs betrayed him, too disoriented to make a move.

The students watched with horror. They all saw the waiters as monsters yet Tyler one-shoted one with zero tension. The same Tyler that move at an incredible speed.

"Is he even human?" One of the spectators muttered.

Tyler's increased physical capabilities were all thanks to the Gifts he received from the Unknown Divine.

"Wait, I'm not done with you yet!"

The waiter got back up, he was dangling between life and death. He charged forward again.

The silence that followed was filled with anticipation; everyone was waiting to see what Tyler would do next.

The impact crushed his skull, spreading blood, brains, and bits of bone all over the room. It was a terrifying sight, Tyler's violent outburst leaving everyone speechless. When two more waiters came at him, they ended up the same way. Tyler kicked them away and dodged their attacks with his Sixth Sense.

Everyone watched as he effortlessly took down the waiters in a brutal way. Some students felt sorry for the waiters.

In a moment of disbelief, Tyler found himself amazed by the strength that surged through his veins.

He glanced at the walls covered in blood and the shocked onlookers, realizing the impact of what he'd done. He just shrugged and turned to the other waiters.

"Anyone else want to stop me?" He gave them a cold look that sent shivers down their spines.

The waiters shook their heads silently, avoiding his gaze. The students looked at Tyler with fear and horror. They'd never seen such violence, and they knew better than to mess with him.

Tyler clicked his tongue. "Why are you lot looking at me like I'm some monster?" He tilted his head. However nobody dared answer him.

In the end, he sighed taking a deep breath. "It's not important now, I've got to pack what I need."

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