New rewards

The tremors kept intensifying. What felt like the largest tremor yet shook the entire ball room causing the students to scream crying in fear.

"We're all going to die!"

"If the monsters don't get to us, those deranged Waiters will!"

"Is this truly the end of the world?"

Even Tyler and Merrick struggled to stay steady like everyone else around them. When the tremors eased a bit, some students rushed towards the ballroom staff.

"We're gonna die anyways, might as well risk it for the supplies!" yelled one of them, grappling with a waiter.

"Why don't you kids just stay put and let the monsters eat you like good kids? Us adults still got lots to offer society. No one will miss you if you kick the bucket!" declared one of the waiters.

"Absolutely. You behave, we won't lay a finger on you. But the moment you even eye our grub, you'll face the same fate as that fool over yonder!" another voice interjected, gesturing toward Shen's still figure.

Despite the cautionary words, the students held their ground, their focus on the frantic search for supplies and means of survival. Tyler surveyed the chaos, his expression serious.

Merrick's enthusiastic exclamation pierced the air, drawing Tyler's attention, along with the curious gazes of a few others from their group who lingered nearby, observing the unfolding scene. Brimming with confidence, Merrick seized the moment, turning to Tyler to unveil his plan.Liz's brow furrowed in confusion as she interjected, "What do you mean?"Recognizing Merrick's underlying motives, Tyler discerned amidst the bustling chaos that the timing was ripe for their group to advance towards the food serving area. However, a flicker of doubt nagged at him, causing him to voice his apprehensions."What could possibly convince me to place my trust in you?" he questioned skeptically.

Tyler clenched his fist, resenting that he had to admit Merrick's plan had merit. He didn't trust Merrick one bit, but for now, sticking together seemed wiser.

"I can only count on Liz here," he thought to himself as he trailed Merrick, keeping a close eye on him.

"Move it! Now!" Merrick barked, leading the group through the chaos and tremors. Tyler followed behind, ensuring Merrick's back was covered. They weaved through both the struggling students and waiters as well as falling debris.


Out of the blue, the system window popped up in front of Tyler. No one else could see it, so he figured it was a message meant for him alone.

"That's odd, this didn't happen before..."


Tyler tilted his head. "Unknown? Who could that possibly be?"

The Divines had weird and strange names but even during the previous timeline, he has never heard of an unknown. In the first place, receiving a direct gift from a divine was a very rare occurance most especially during the early stages of the trials where the players have yet to have gotten a Class.


Tyler hesitated for a moment before answering, "Yes."





Suddenly, Tyler felt a surge of pain spreading through his body. 

It began in his head before slowly spreading throughout. Tyler clenched his fists as his muscles tightened and expanded rapidly.

"Argh!" Tyler cried out, falling to the floor, his knees hitting hard.

"Tyler!" Liz screamed, panic in her voice, rushing to his side and kneeling beside him.

He gritted his teeth, letting out a low growl, struggling to remain conscious.

Tyler could hear his bones breaking and snapping into new shapes, each breath feeling like razor blades slicing through his chest.

Liz placed a hand on his shoulder, unsure of what to do, while Merrick and the others pressed forward.

Tyler stumbled to his feet, his legs shaky, feeling like his body was on fire. Sweat dripped down his face.

"Endure it, Tyler!" Passing out wasn't an option.

He forced himself to stay upright, despite his protesting body.

The world spun around him, his vision blurring, but he fought to stay conscious.

"I've never integrated this many points at once before," he thought as his vision faded.

Gasping for air, he leaned against a wall for support.

"Endure... it... Tyler," he muttered, barely audible.

Tyler pushed himself back up, the heat in his body beginning to subside, leaving behind a lingering ache.


Tyler felt as if he was thrown into a blazing pit and brought right out. The pain subsided completely as he regained he regained his composure.




Tyler paused, his fingers grazing his chin in contemplation. It wasn't that he lacked appreciation for the gifts; rather, he harbored a wariness of attracting undue notice to himself.

"A Streaming Imp could materialize at any juncture. Being the sole player endowed with a Class Chip might provoke inquiry and ultimately draw unwelcome scrutiny," he mused under his breath, his tone cautious.

He understood the importance of blending in, especially under the watchful gaze of the Divines.

"No," he decided, his voice firm. "I'll hold on using the class chip for the time being."

After the gruesome body modification, Tyler stood before Liz.

She dropped her jaws as she scans his physique.

"You seem taller Ty-Ty, and larger..." She marveled.

She worried over him when he was going through the agonising process of the body modification.

"How do you feel? What happened to you?" She began bombarding him with questions.

"I'm fine, I got a gift. From a divine called Unknown. It came with the body enhancements. My entire muscle felt like it was set on fire."

He stretches his body and warms up jumping a bit.

'My body feels lighter.'

But he wasn't aware of another very distinct feature he gained.

"Ty-Ty, your eye." Liz pointed.

"Huh?" Tyler looked at his reflection in the glass window, his irises had change colors to a bright purple color with the shape of a star.

The second skill he received - Sixth sense started settling in his body as it was a passive skill.

Tyler's vision improved to an unimaginable level. "I can even see particles." He muttered.

That wasn't all, his senses of hearing and seismic awareness was heightened.

"Liz, I can even hear your heartbeat."

Tyler smiled.

"This is perfect, these senses are even better than what I possessed during the previous timeline."

"Ty-Ty, we're way behind. What do we do." Liz brought Tyler's focus back to their goal.

As Liz stood there, her words trailed off, interrupted by the sudden disappearance of Tyler. Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, he vanished, leaving her bewildered.

This was not the first time Tyler had demonstrated his incredible speed; it was his second skill, known as Blitz. As he disappeared, a powerful gust of wind rushed past Liz, causing her to instinctively take a step back.

"Whoa," she muttered to herself, still trying to process what had just occurred. "Ty-Ty is fast... Really fast."

For Tyler, time seemed to slow down as he moved. The bustling crowd around him appeared to move in slow motion, allowing him to observe every detail with remarkable clarity. It was as if he had entered a different realm, where the constraints of time held no sway over him.


Tyler couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of the wind as he dash through the building.

"This is awesome!"

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