The Brutality Begins

Tyler face-palmed as he watched his class rep, Shen making a beeline for the serving area.

Shen Masters, the top student in Tyler's class and a very skilled athlete was easily one of the most popular students in the whole campus.

"Come on you guys, don't you get it? If this Apocalypse or whatever is truly going to happen we're supposed to use what little time we have  to stack up on supplies. What ever may befall us, we need food to persevere!"

"As expected of Shen!"

"We're with you all the way."

Two of Shen's friends cheered him on as they sprinted with him, their sights was set on the serving area.

"Shen thinks fast, judging from his words and actions, I'd say he's not a regressor."

Liz turned to Tyler, "Ty-Ty, didn't Shen get eaten by monster in the previous timeline?"

"Yep, he didn't make it past the first trial. Let's see just how he fares this time around."

While most of the students watched the trio as they arrived at the serving area to claim first dibs on the food, some chased after them.

"There we go," Shen picked up a bag of food supplies. Suddenly a faint glint passed through his eyes.

The scene that was nothing short but horrific, the other students had mixed looks of fear on their faces save for Tyler and Merrick with the former merely raising and eyebrow and the latter snickering.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Shen cried in absolute agony plopping to the floor as he held his severed wrist to stop the blood.

Shen had a look of absolute fear and panick as he turned to hid attacker, "What in the hell is wrong with you people?"

The assailant wore a waiter's uniform, he held a kitchen knife as was accompanied by a dozen other waiters.

"Keep your paws off our food."

The ball room went silent save for the cries of Shen and his friends as they were brutalised by the waiters.

Tyler clenched fist as he watched in silence as well.

'If I had even a fraction of my power from the previous timeline, I would have stepped in. But there's nothing I can do.'

"Hehe, the Armagadon sure brings out the worst in people am I right?" Merrick asked.

"Scum such as yourself who had no shred of humanity even before the trials will always be scum."

"Hehe, you and I are no different Ty, I haven't forgotten who killed me."

"And I haven't forgotten who betrayed me."

Shen Masters, known as the top student in Tyler's class and hailed as a remarkably skilled athlete, held a prominent place among the campus's most popular figures.

"Hey, come on, folks, can't you see the urgency? If this Apocalypse or whatever is really looming over us, it's crucial to utilize every moment to stockpile essential supplies. No matter what challenges lie ahead, we must ensure we have enough food to endure!"

"Shen's right on point, as always!"

"We're with you, Shen!"

With words of encouragement from two of his friends, Shen led the charge, their destination set on the serving area.

"Liz, Shen is quick on his feet, both in speech and action. I'd venture to say he's not one to regress."

Liz turned to Tyler, her expression curious. "Ty-Ty, wasn't Shen devoured by monsters in the previous timeline?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. He didn't make it past the initial trial. Let's observe how he navigates this round."

While the majority of students observed the trio's swift arrival at the serving area to secure their share of food, a few others trailed closely behind, eager to join in the pursuit.

Liz's hand instinctively rose to her lips, her eyes widening in shock as the weight of Merrick's words settled in.

"It's just... they killed him," she murmured, struggling to comprehend the reality of it all.

Merrick's voice cut through the solemn air, his tone tinged with a mix of resignation and bitterness. "Some things never change, huh? Shen was always destined to meet a gruesome end."

The waiter's words, laced with a warning as sharp as the blade of a knife, hung heavily in the air as he turned to address the remaining students.

"If you've got any sense left in you, take heed," he warned with his gaze sweeping over the crowd. "You don't want to end up like these poor souls."

Tyler clenched his teeth as he reminded himself once more: "Those darned Divines are the real foes." Yet, he knew his insignificance compared to cosmic beings.

"I swear," he muttered to himself softly. "I will take charge of my fate unlike Shen, I will not let those egotistical deities turn me into a means of entertainment."

"Ty-Ty, what do we do now?" Liz tugged at his arm.

Tyler had alot of things to do. One of which was to ensure that his childhood best friend will not meet the same gruesome end she faced in the previous timeline.

"We survive, that's what we do. I want you by my side at all times Liz, I'll protect you even if it's last thing I do."

Liz's cheeks flushed red as she silently nods her head.

However, she couldn't help but ask, "How does Ty-Ty stay calm through this?"

Even during the previous timeline, she remembered firmly how Tyler had always kept his cool even during the most diresome of situations.

"I've never seen the point in losing my cool no matter the situation, why? Because I need my cool to think of a solution. I need to stay calm to keep the things precious to me safe."

As he finished, another wave of tremor shook the building, it was the largest one yet. Liz tripped and Tyler managed to grab hold of her hand.

He dragged her to a nearby table for them to use as support.

The system window popped up in front of everyone again...


The clock was ticking, and they all had to move fast.

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