Xavier Steel's Vendetta

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Xavier Steel's Vendetta

By: ALEXIA MORGAN OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 86

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Cast out and betrayed, Xavier Steel sacrificed it all for love, only to be scorned, discarded, and humiliated by his wife, Miranda and her elite family. But his fall from grace is just the beginning. When Xavier resurfaces, the world is about to witness the wrath of a man scorned. Secrets unravel, revealing a chilling truth that shakes the very foundations of their world. As he plots his revenge, the question remains: What happens when the outcast returns, armed not just with a vendetta, but with a terrifying revelation that will shatter their perfect lives? Can Xavier Steel triumph over those who underestimated him, or will they rue the day they crossed paths with the son-in-law they scorned? There is no escape for anyone who dared to cross paths with Xavier Steel.

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10 chapters
Chapter 1
"Everything must be perfect" Xavier muttered to himself as he clutched a bouquet of fresh red roses, his wife's favorite, in his hands.He was clad in his classic jeans and a casual button-down shirt, and walked into the lobby of his wife's company with a nervous smile playing on his lips.Today was no ordinary day, it was a special day. He had carefully planned and financed with his last bit of money.It wasn't just about picking Miranda up; Xavier had something special planned. Despite the fact that she surpassed him in career success and earnings, Xavier harbored no resentment. He was genuinely proud of her achievements, recognizing that his sacrifices had contributed to her flourishing career.Years ago, when Miranda's company faced the threat of bankruptcy, Xavier had sold everything, even selling the house his mom left him, which was his only asset.His unwavering support and sacrifices had lifted Miranda from the brink of failure to becoming one of the most influential women i
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Chapter 2
As Xavier turned back, his eyes met his wife's, Miranda. He walked up to her, a nervous smile on his face as he stammered, "My... My love. I... I..." He then moved towards the scattered bouquet of roses, picked it up, and approached Miranda, who stood there, visibly embarrassed by the scene and the prying crowds.Xavier, still smiling, started to explain, "I brought this for you, and all of a sudden your secretary handed me some papers, some divo—"Before he could finish, Miranda turned sharply to her secretary as she demanded in a cold voice, and it was as if he wasn’t even there. "Why the hell did you allow this to create a nuisance! I gave you a simple task to do, and you couldn't even handle it?" Her gaze swept over him as if he was nothing, and worth no more than the ground on which she stepped.Stella stuttered, "I'm... I'm sorry, ma'am, but he wasn't listening. He was bent on creating a scene."Xavier, looking lost, interjected, "Was that your intention, Miranda? Did you rea
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Chapter 3
Xavier stepped out of the house and walked outside, still trying to get over what just happened and how he had lost everything.Suddenly, a car approached him with blinding headlights, preventing him from opening his eyes fully. Squinting against the brightness, he shielded his eyes with one hand, trying to see who was approaching.Gradually, the car's lights dimmed, revealing the unexpected presence of his mother-in-law and brother-in-law.Surprised by their sudden appearance, Xavier wondered about their motive, especially considering their history of disliking him. They never liked him and to them, he was always a loser.So their sudden visit was quite off, considering the time and all that just happened. Standing there, he watched as Mrs. Rodriguez, Miranda's mother, approached. Turning to her, he opened his mouth to greet, "goo……"Before he could finish, a heavy slap landed on his face, causing him to stumble back in shock. Clutching his cheeks with his hands, he looked lost."Yo
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Chapter 4
As Xavier picked up the call, a sweet female voice greeted him, "hey Xavier, I have clues to find the things you need, every single thing you need." She stated.Intrigued, Xavier was surprised that the strange lady actually knew his name. Curiously,he asked, "Who is this?"The mysterious lady deflected, stating, "That doesn't matter right now. All that matters is what you're going to gain in return from me."Xavier, still feeling a bit confused, and curious, questioned, "What do you want from me?" The mysterious lady replied, "Nothing much, Xavier. I just need a little favor from you in return."Xavier, uncertain but with nothing to lose, cautiously asked, "What do you want me to do?" "Not on the phone, Xavier." The mysterious lady stated firmly.Still unsure, he agreed, "Okay then, where should I meet you? I'll come this instant." "I'll text you the place and time right away. Then she abruptly hung up.Meanwhile, Andre, standing behind Xavier, hadn't heard all the details of the c
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Chapter 5
Andre laid on the floor, eyes wide open, in disbelief. Xavier's bold act of striking him left him in shock. He had dared to strike him, a sight that seemed like a surreal dream to Andre. His hands covered his face as laid on the floor confused. However, Andre, refusing to accept humiliation, glared at Xavier and shouted, "How dare you?!" Xavier stood firm with his chest rising and falling heavily. His gaze was intense, his eyes were burning with a piercing fire and an unspoken gaze as he looked at Andrew straight in his eyes. Unwavering, Andre rose to his feet, ready to retaliate. As he approached Xavier, intent on fighting back, Xavier swiftly threw a punch at Andre which sent him flying meters away, crashing back to the ground.Mrs. Rodriguez, witnessing her son's abrupt fall, gasped in shock. She exclaimed, "No... no... Andre!!!"She was about to rush to his aid, but the fierce stare in Xavier's eyes made her freeze in her tracks, paralyzed by fear.Mrs. Rodriguez, frozen in fea
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Chapter 6
Mrs. Prescott turned her attention to Xavier Steel, ignoring Mrs. Rodriguez and her son. “I knew I’d find you here, Mr. Steel. We came to get you.”Andre laughed mockingly. “Good. I’m sure he also stole something from the estate. Shouldn’t he be in handcuffs?”Mrs. Prescott faced Andre, her eyes flashing with irritation. “That’s enough, sir. You don’t know what you’re—”Xavier Steel interrupted her, his voice calm but firm. “That’s okay. What’s the issue?”Mrs. Prescott turned to him, her expression softening. “There is someone you need to see. I was asked to come fetch you from the estate.”Neither Mrs. Rodriguez nor Andre understood what was happening. Mrs. Prescott looked at Xavier Steel’s face and noticed it was bruised, with some blood spotting. “You’re injured, Mr. Steel. Should I—”“I’m fine. Let’s get out of here,” Xavier cut in.Mrs. Rodriguez snapped, “Good. Get the hell out of here and out of my daughter’s life for good. Don’t you dare step an inch here again!”Andre added,
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Chapter 7
Xavier Steel nodded instantly, his eyes darkening. "That fucking bastard. So what's the deal?"Catalina leaned in slightly, her voice low and deliberate. "Your father and my father were business partners. They had a deal that no one knew about. If it worked out well, it was going to bring in billions. But my father died in an accident, and just a month later, your father died of a heart attack."Xavier’s brow furrowed. "Wait... what are you insinuating?""Exactly what you're thinking," Catalina replied, her gaze steady.Xavier's voice was tight. "And you have proof? Devin Foster had a hand in their deaths?""I'm not done," Catalina continued. "His company was meant to strike that deal with my father, but my father handed it over to your father. He thought no one knew about it because it was meant to be a secret until it was successful. But someone ratted the project out."Xavier’s curiosity was piqued. "Who?""Someone from your side," Catalina said. "They probably found the documents
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Chapter 8
Some of the guests murmured in amazement. Devin Foster tried to mask his surprise. "That's... that's huge. Anyone beating this?"Xavier’s voice cut through the room, "Twenty-two thousand."Devin Foster couldn't contain his excitement. "Whoa! Miranda chipped in, “it's all yours, sir.""It's X," Miranda looked puzzled from the stage, her eyes narrowing slightly.Xavier corrected sharply. "Mr. X. Call me Mr. X."Devin Foster quickly regained his composure. "Nice having you here with us, Mr. X. The ushers will lead you to the front seat."An usher approached Xavier and Catalina, guiding them to the front row. Devin Foster continued, "Here’s another product we’ll be launching today."Another product slid into view. Miranda turned to the crowd. "Any offers?"Xavier's voice rang out again. "Ten thousand."Miranda, struggling to keep her surprise in check, responded, "Wow... That’s another one from Mr. X. Who else?"Someone from the crowd called out, "Fifteen thousand."Devin Foster grinned
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Chapter 9
Mr. Jones stuttered, "Xa...Xa...Xavier?"Xavier leaned in, his voice icy. "Who were you expecting?""You’re Mr. X? The bidder?" Mr. Jones asked, eyes wide with realization.Xavier scoffed. "Since you’re here already, we have a little business to discuss.""No...No...I...I think I should get going now," Mr. Jones stammered, trying to retreat.Xavier grabbed him by the collar, dragging him out of the car. "Get going to where?"Mr. Jones's driver hurriedly stepped out, but two of Xavier's hefty bodyguards blocked his path, hands up in a show of compliance. Xavier's grip tightened on Mr. Jones’s collar, his voice a menacing growl. "You are here because of me and my father! I made you, and you all connived with my ex-wife to kick me out!"Mr. Jones trembled. "No...No, Xavier, it wasn’t my intention, I swear...""Now you’re going to sell your shares to me and convince the other board of directors to sell theirs too," Xavier commanded."Woah...That’s...That’s too much, Xa..." Mr. Jones trie
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Chapter 10
Xavier turned to Miranda, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Surprised? You shouldn't be," he said. Before Miranda could respond, Mrs. Rodriguez, who was also present in the boardroom, stood up and shouted, "Who the hell let you in here? You think you can steal some fancy clothes and walk in here like you own this place?"Xavier scoffed. "You still don't get it, do you? First off, you have no business here."Mrs. Rodriguez slammed her hands on the table, rising to her feet. "This is my daughter's company!"Without missing a beat, Xavier signaled his security. "Take her out."Mrs. Rodriguez's face contorted in shock. "You wouldn't dare!"Xavier's voice was cold. "Too late." Two of his men grabbed Miranda's mother and dragged her out of the boardroom, ignoring her frantic protests. "Put me down! Let me go!" she screamed as they hauled her all the way out of the company. Outside, the media captured the scene, curious about the commotion inside.Miranda stood up, her face pale with anger
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