Chapter 5

Andre laid on the floor, eyes wide open, in disbelief. Xavier's bold act of striking him left him in shock. He had dared to strike him, a sight that seemed like a surreal dream to Andre. His hands covered his face as laid on the floor confused.

However, Andre, refusing to accept humiliation, glared at Xavier and shouted, "How dare you?!"

Xavier stood firm with his chest rising and falling heavily. His gaze was intense, his eyes were burning with a piercing fire and an unspoken gaze as he looked at Andrew straight in his eyes.

Unwavering, Andre rose to his feet, ready to retaliate. As he approached Xavier, intent on fighting back, Xavier swiftly threw a punch at Andre which sent him flying meters away, crashing back to the ground.

Mrs. Rodriguez, witnessing her son's abrupt fall, gasped in shock. She exclaimed, "No... no... Andre!!!"

She was about to rush to his aid, but the fierce stare in Xavier's eyes made her freeze in her tracks, paralyzed by fear.

Mrs. Rodriguez, frozen in fear, witnessed a side of Xavier she had never seen before. He, who had always shown respect in her presence, now seemed possessed by a different force.

She stood still, unsure if she was safe or if she would be his next target, tossed away like a ball. In a moment of panic, she screamed for help, "Help!!! Help!!!" Turning to Xavier, she exclaimed, "You're a monster! Monster!"

Meanwhile, Andre was battered and bruised on the floor. His shoulder was already showing signs of injury, and his face was swollen with blood almost spilling from his mouth.

Now scared for his life, he yelled, "You're... You're a monster! I'll fucking tell Miranda the hell you did to me!!"

The mention of Miranda's name seemed to jolt Xavier back to reality. He took a deep breath, calming down as if he had snapped out of a trance. Suddenly, the force that had consumed him just moments ago disappeared.

Xavier looked around, taking in the outcome of his outburst. His gaze fell on Andre lying on the floor, bloodstains on his shirt, face swollen.

He was seemingly shocked at what had happened. He stared at his own hands, questioning his own actions.

"Help!!! Security!!!" Mrs. Rodriguez, not relenting, continued to scream for help, drawing the attention of two security personnel who rushed to the scene.

They hurriedly approached her, looking worried as they asked, "Are you okay, ma'am?"

Mrs. Rodriguez, pretending to cry, shouted at them, "Where the hell have you been? We were almost killed right here!!!"

Xavier remained stunned, his gaze shifting between Mrs. Rodriguez and Andre, who lay on the floor, visibly battered.

He was unable to fathom that he had been the one responsible for the violence. He kept on looking at his hands, he was never a violent person, he didn't know where the force came from.

Mrs. Rodriguez, maintaining her act, kept yelling at the security, demanding action. "What are you waiting for, you fools?!

She pointed at Xavier and commanded, "Take him down!!!"

The head of security, recognizing Mrs. Rodriguez, quickly bowed down to greet her. "Oh... Mrs. Rodriguez?" Eager to stay on her good side, he apologized, "We're so sorry, ma'am."

He knew the importance of staying on her good side, given his son's desire to secure a job in Miranda's company, so he thought it was a good chance to do her a favor.

He continued, "We'll take care of it immediately."

Xavier, still trying to explain himself, stammered, "I... I... I didn't know what came o..."

Mrs. Rodriguez cut him off sharply, accusing him, "After you tried to kill us, huh? You're a monster, and people like you should rot in jail!! Just take a look at what you did to my son!! How am I sure you haven't even been beating my daughter?!!"

Xavier, feeling genuinely remorseful, insisted, "No, no... I would never do such a thing!"

Mrs. Rodriguez, fueled by her desire to sever ties with Xavier completely, continued to yell and accuse him. She claimed, "You pushed me right here, and when my son tried to save me, you tried to kill him!"

It was a fabricated version of events, twisted to suit her agenda of painting Xavier as the aggressor.

Xavier stammered as he tried to defend himself, "I... I..."

Mrs. Rodriguez seized the opportunity to further vilify him, shouting, "What?!! You forgot to say you're also a thief!!!"

"That necklace honestly belonged to my mother! I would never steal from my wife!" Xavier insisted.

Mrs. Rodriguez corrected him instantly with disdain, "Oh, your ex-wife! Get this fucking straight!!"

Xavier gulped hard, he still wants used to Miranda now being his ex-wife.

Mrs. Rodriguez continued her performance, adding, "You've been stealing from my daughter your whole life by living under her shadows!!"

Meanwhile, Andre, sitting on the floor and coughing up little blood.

"Now you've almost killed my son!" Mrs Rodriguez said as she continued with her fake cry.

Xavier, frustrated by the manipulation and accusations, spoke up, "He also tried to hit me. I just defended myself."

Mrs. Rodriguez, dismissing his defense, played her final card, warning, "Imagine what Miranda would do when she finds out the man she was married to did this to her brother!!!"

Xavier felt a deep sense of regret; he should have controlled himself instead of resorting to violence against Miranda's brother.

Mrs. Rodriguez, taking charge, commanded the head of security, "You want to lose your jobs, huh?"

The security personnel quickly apologized. Following her orders, they rushed towards Xavier to grab him.

Mrs. Rodriguez yelled, "Take him away!!! Make sure he never steps his foot here. He is a monster!!!"

As the security personnel were about to grab Xavier, a sudden commanding voice interrupted them.

"Hold it!"

It was the voice of a woman. All eyes turned towards the direction of the woman approaching. As she drew closer, the security personnel instantly recognized her.

"Mrs. Prescott," they stood at attention, bowing in respect.

She was the owner of the estate, and her presence commanded a certain level of authority.

Mrs. Prescott didn't spare anyone a glance as she walked straight to Xavier and greeted him calmly.

"Good day, Xavier Steel…..."

Mrs. Rodriguez, looking confused, mumbled, "What the hell is going on here?"

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