Chapter 6

Mrs. Prescott turned her attention to Xavier Steel, ignoring Mrs. Rodriguez and her son. “I knew I’d find you here, Mr. Steel. We came to get you.”

Andre laughed mockingly. “Good. I’m sure he also stole something from the estate. Shouldn’t he be in handcuffs?”

Mrs. Prescott faced Andre, her eyes flashing with irritation. “That’s enough, sir. You don’t know what you’re—”

Xavier Steel interrupted her, his voice calm but firm. “That’s okay. What’s the issue?”

Mrs. Prescott turned to him, her expression softening. “There is someone you need to see. I was asked to come fetch you from the estate.”

Neither Mrs. Rodriguez nor Andre understood what was happening. Mrs. Prescott looked at Xavier Steel’s face and noticed it was bruised, with some blood spotting. “You’re injured, Mr. Steel. Should I—”

“I’m fine. Let’s get out of here,” Xavier cut in.

Mrs. Rodriguez snapped, “Good. Get the hell out of here and out of my daughter’s life for good. Don’t you dare step an inch here again!”

Andre added, pointing his finger in Xavier’s face, “I’m not going to call the cops for what you did to me, just because we were once family, you loser!”

Mrs. Prescott couldn’t hold it any longer. “You don’t know what you’re saying—”

Xavier interrupted her again and turned to face Andre. “This is the last time you’ll talk to me in such a manner.” With that, he turned away and walked to the black SUV parked outside. Two men standing nearby opened the door for him. Mrs. Rodriguez and Andre stood there, bewildered.

Inside the car, Mrs. Prescott looked at Xavier, her voice tinged with concern. “You’re a mess, sir. Why did you allow them to treat you that way? I thought you and Mrs. Miranda—”

Xavier said firmly, “We are divorced.”

Mrs. Prescott’s eyes widened. “What? Divorced? I thought she loved you.”

Xavier’s voice was bitter. “Now it’s obvious she and her family were only after my money.”

Mrs. Prescott’s tone grew more insistent. “That doesn’t mean you should let them treat you like trash, sir! You are still the owner of the house in the estate and—”

Xavier cut her off. “They don’t need to find out. That’s the only thing I have left. Now, can you tell me where we’re going?”

“Someone important needs to see you. I’m sure you received a call,” Mrs. Prescott replied.

Xavier nodded. “That mysterious call…”

“Yes,” Mrs. Prescott confirmed.

“I was waiting for the location,” Xavier said.

“No, I insisted on coming to get you myself instead.”

Xavier Steel asked, “So what’s this all about?”

Mrs. Prescott replied, “Just hold on, Mr. Steel. You’ll find out soon, but we need to get you cleaned up first.”

Xavier said, “Do you think I look like someone that cares? Let’s just get there.”

Mrs. Prescott nodded. “Okay, Mr. Steel.”

Xavier turned his attention to the window. He’d had enough humiliation from Miranda and her family, and he was filled with so much pain and resentment.

Not too long after, they arrived at a huge mansion. Xavier felt a bit off. He turned to Mrs. Prescott. “What are we doing here?”

“We'll know in due time, Mr. Steel,” Mrs. Prescott replied.

One of the bodyguards opened the door for them, and they stepped out of the black-tinted SUV. Xavier stood outside, looking at the imposing building before him.

It had been a long time since he had entered such a grand place. Everything had changed since he had sacrificed it all, including his life, for his ex-wife, Miranda. Suddenly, someone stepped out of the building and rushed towards them.

“You must be Mr. Steel,” she said hurriedly. “My boss has been waiting for you. Please follow me.”

Xavier sighed and walked inside, his bruised face from the punch he got from Andre when they both exchanged blows.

The mansion was enormous, but that was the least of his concerns. He needed to know what was going on. The housekeeper directed him to sit in the living room.

“Please have a seat here, Mr. Steel. I can get you some ice for your face if you don’t—”

“Thank you, but that’s not necessary,” Xavier cut her off firmly. “Tell your boss I’m here.”

The housekeeper nodded with a smile and left. Xavier didn’t sit down; instead, he stood looking around the house. There were no frames, nothing personal—just furniture, making it feel almost empty, like it was newly bought.

As his back was turned against the grand staircase, he heard a woman's voice from behind as she descended.

“Mr. Xavier Steel…”

Xavier turned around to face the voice. It was a fair lady with dark red hair and red lipstick. She was strikingly beautiful, with piercing green eyes and a confident, almost regal demeanor. Her fitted black dress accentuated her tall, slender frame, and she moved with an air of authority.

“I’ve heard a lot about the Steels from my father, and I can tell you definitely do not look like one.”

Xavier was confused. “Who are you? How do you know me, and what do you want?”

She didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she finished descending the stairs and approached Xavier. “I’m here to give you what is rightfully yours.”

Xavier furrowed his brows in confusion. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

The mysterious lady said, “Look around you, Xavier. Take a good look. Everything you see here, it’s all yours.”

Xavier's confusion deepened. “What the hell are you saying? How do you even know me?”

The mysterious lady smiled. “I’ve kept tabs on you since the very day you married that blood-sucking venom and her family. I’m here to make sure you regain every penny and make them pay.”

“Wait a minute... who are you?” Xavier demanded.

The mysterious lady extended her hand for a handshake. “I am Catalina Ruiz.”

Xavier hesitated for a moment before shaking her hand. “Xavier Steel.”

Catalina Ruiz said, “We have a common goal: revenge, and a common enemy.”

“A common enemy?” Xavier echoed.

“Devin Foster,” Catalina replied.

The name definitely sounded familiar to Xavier. It wasn’t a mistake or a coincidence.

He nodded slowly and repeated, “Devin Foster?”

Catalina said, “Yes. The current business partner and fiancé of your ex-wife. The one she dumped you for.”

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